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With so many different types of soap out there, it’d be nice to have one that can be more than just one thing. You’re in luck! The Zote soap bar can do it all – not only is it well known for its primary use as a laundry detergent, but for a number of other, surprising uses. Its low price and many applications make it a popular item to have around the house. If you want a nifty cleaning product that can also soften your clothes, clear your acne, and repel dirt and bugs, keep reading to learn about all the problems this humble soap can solve!
Laundry Detergent
Zote is an economical alternative to regular detergents. Grate a bar of pink or white Zote soap with a cheese grater, or grind it in a food processor. Mix it with a box of Borax (a laundry booster) and a box of baking soda to make your own detergent powder![1] X Research source Use 1 tablespoon (14.3 grams) for a light load and 2 tablespoons (28.6 grams) for a larger load of laundry.
- The iconic pink Zote soap has more gentle ingredients (less citronella oil), so it’s better for those with sensitive skin and to use on colored clothing. The white Zote soap has more whitening power and a stronger citronella scent. Choose the color that works better![2] X Research source
- If you’re not interested in making your own detergent, Zote also has laundry flakes that can be directly added to the washer.
- If you’re handwashing your clothes, dissolve roughly 1 tablespoon (14.3 grams) of homemade detergent or the flakes in warm water. Once dissolved, soak the clothing in the water, rubbing out any stains with your fingers. Rinse and dry clothes as normal.
Stain Remover
The Zote soap bar can be rubbed on stains to remove them. To do so, wet the bar and scrub the stain until it’s completely covered. Then, let the article of clothing sit for 10 minutes to give the stain time to lift. Afterward, you can toss the clothes in the washer with a regular load of laundry.[3] X Research source This method is helpful for particularly tough stains!
Fabric Softener
The citronella and tallow in Zote soften fabrics. Cut a small, golf-ball-sized chunk from a bar of pink or white Zote soap. Place the chunk inside a sock (or tie a sock to the chunk) and toss it in the washer near the end of a wash cycle. The sock will allow the soap to evenly distribute over all the clothes, making them soft to the touch![4] X Research source
Brush Cleaner
The high-fat content in Zote cleans brushes without drying them out. This works great for both paint brushes and make-up brushes! Cut a pink Zote bar into small chunks and set them in a pot. Fill the pot with water until it’s slightly above the soap. Allow it to boil, then wait until the soap becomes soft enough to squish into a paste. Pour out the excess liquid, mixing the resulting paste with 1 tablespoon (14.3 grams) of safflower oil. Smush the paste into a plastic or metal container. Swirl your dirty brushes on the soap and rinse with water to rid them of grime![5] X Research source
- (Optional) Add two or three drops of essential oil to the paste to mimic other brush cleaners and leave a nice scent behind!
- Instead of pouring it out, save the excess liquid from the paste in a squirt or pump bottle to use as a counter or dish cleaner.
Insect Repellant
Zote contains citronella, which naturally repels insects. The scent of the citronella oil is especially strong right after tearing open one of the bars. Setting a recently opened bar by your bed, or carrying a small chunk of it while you’re outdoors, does a good job keeping bugs at bay![6] X Research source
Dirt Repellant
Using Zote soap on your nails before gardening keeps dirt out! Before you head outside, gently rub your nails over a Zote bar. The soap will coat your nails, creating a barrier that will not only repel dirt, but also bugs![7] X Research source Plus, it smells a lot better than dirt.
Stove and Dish Cleaner
Boil shreds of a Zote bar in water to create a handy degreaser. While it’s not going to get the absolutely toughest stains out like a regular dish soap, it’s great for everyday washing. Either wet a sponge on a bar of Zote, or dissolved Zote flakes in warm water to make a liquid dish soap. Boil grated Zote soap in hot water. Add a cup of vinegar and add stove burners or dishes with heavy grease. Let it sit off heat for three minutes and rinse.[8] X Research source
Catfish Bait
A mix of bacon, garlic, and Zote soap makes an effective bait. Melt shavings from a Zote bar in warm water. Then, mix them with a couple cloves of roasted garlic and bacon grease. Pour them into a mold and refrigerate until solid. The resulting cubes stick to hooks and are absolutely tantalizing for catfish.[9] X Research source Try them out on your next fishing trip!
Leaky Pipe Repair
Cut a Zote bar into small pieces to make a temporary patch for leaks. Boil the pieces in water, pouring out the excess liquid and mashing the softened pieces together into a paste. Spread this paste over cracks in pipes and let dry to stop leakage![10] X Research source However, this isn’t a permanent solution – it’ll just buy you a little time in case you can’t immediately start fixing it properly.
Take advantage of the strong scent from Zote to eliminate odors. Place a chunk of Zote soap in those sweaty gym shoes you’ve shoved under the dresser. It’s also nice to leave some pieces of soap inside closets or at the bottom of hampers to keep them from stinking up the room too much.[11] X Research source
Shaving Cream
The light foam Zote leaves behind makes a great shaving primer. Wet and run the soap bar gently over the place you’re shaving. It’ll leave behind a lather that’ll make your razer glide easily across the skin.[12] X Research source
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