Bowler hats are a classic accessory that can be worn in a variety of different ways. You can wear it cocked to 1 side, or pushed back on your head, for example. It all depends on the look you’re going for. Whenever you wear a bowler hat, be sure to follow a few simple rules of etiquette such as removing your hat while you’re indoors or touching the brim to thank someone. It’s also important that you clean it and store it properly.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Choosing the Right Look

  1. 1
    Rest the brim of the bowler cap evenly on your head for a classic look. The standard and classic way to wear a bowler hat is to place it evenly on top of your head so the sides are about 2 inches (5.1 cm) above your ears. The brim of the hat should form an even line around your entire head.[1]
    • If the bowler hat is resting on your ears, then it’s too big for you.
  2. 2
    Cock your hat to 1 side for a nonchalant look. Lean your bowler hat so it’s cocked to 1 side of your head but won’t fall off easily. This will give you an air of uncaring and nonchalance that will make you look more confident.[2]
    • Fasten your bowler hat to your hair by clipping a hairpin to your hair and the inner lining of the hat to keep it on your head at an angle if that’s the look you’re going for.
  3. 3
    Push your bowler hat back to appear relaxed and open. Lean the bowler hat so it rests more on the back of your head. Align the brim in the front of the hat so it runs more along the crown of your head rather than your forehead. This will make you appear relaxed, friendly, and inviting.[3]
    • Wearing your bowler hat back on your head can cause it to fall off more easily if a stiff wind catches you.
  4. 4
    Tilt your hat over your eyes to make yourself seem mysterious. Push the brim in the front of the bowler hat forward so it rests along your brow. This will cause the brim to hang over your eyes and make you seem more intimidating and mysterious.[4]
    • Tilting your bowler hat forward will also cast a shadow over you eyes and provide you with more protection from the sun.
    • If you have a duster or a jacket with a collar, turning your collar up with your bowler hat tilted forward will make you seem even more mysterious.
  5. 5
    Avoid wearing a bowler hat if you have a rounded face. A bowler hat has a symmetrical shape and will bring attention to your rounded face and make your face appear fuller. Wear a hat with angles and an asymmetrical shape to contrast your rounded face.[5]
    • For example, fedoras and long sock hats will make your face seem longer and more angular, rather than full and round.

    Tip: If you have a rounded face and really want or need to wear a bowler hat, push the hat further back so it’s high on your hairline to make your face seem longer.

  6. 6
    Do not bend or shape the brim or the crown of a bowler hat. The brim of a bowler hat is meant to be rigid, even, and straight. Bending or warping the brim will make the hat appear damaged and cheap.[6]
    • Once the brim of a bowler hat has been warped, it can’t be easily reset to it’s original condition.
    • If the brim of your bowler hat is damaged, take it to a haberdashery to have it professionally repaired.
  7. 7
    Wear a dark wool coat with a bowler cap in winter. Wearing clothes that complement your bowler hat will make you look better when you wear it. In cold weather conditions, pair your bowler hat with a dark wool coat for a classic look.[7]
    • In warmer weather, a dark blazer complements a bowler hat very nicely.
  8. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Following Proper Hat Etiquette

  1. 1
    Remove your hat when you enter a building and during a meal. Proper etiquette dictates that all caps, hats, and head covers should be removed when you’re indoors. You also need to remove your hat whenever you’re having a meal, regardless of your location, as a sign of respect.[8]
    • If you’re in a pub or a casual lunch-time cafe, you can get away with wearing a hat.
  2. 2
    Touch the brim of your bowler hat to greet someone. If you see someone you recognize on the street or you walk past them in a hallway, touching the brim of your hat is an appropriate way to silently acknowledge and greet them. A gentle tap with your thumb and index finger lets them know that you see them.
    • Use this greeting when you’re on the go and can’t stop to chat.
  3. 3
    Raise your bowler hat for a more dignified greeting. Grip your hat by the crown above the brim and raise it 1–2 inches (2.5–5.1 cm) above your head whenever you encounter someone you want to show respect, such as your boss or a lady. This shows that you respectfully acknowledge their presence and is a more dignified recognition than a simple touch to the brim of your hat.[9]
    • If you’re walking past someone who is heading in the opposite direction, pause to let them pass as you raise your hat.

    Tip: Don’t linger for too long or you may make the person uncomfortable. A simple, quick raising of your hat will suffice.

  4. 4
    Place your bowler hat over your heart during the national anthem. As a sign of reverence and respect, remove your bowler hat whenever you hear your national anthem playing. Hold it over your heart with your right hand until the song is finished playing.[10]
    • If you’re talking to someone or walking whenever you hear the anthem start to play, stop, remove your hat, and wait until the song has finished playing before you continue.
  5. 5
    Tip your bowler hat to convey your gratitude. Grab your hat by the crown, raise it off of your head, and tip it forward whenever you want to say thanks to someone or show them your appreciation. This silent acknowledgment is a classy way to signify that you appreciate something that someone does for you.[11]
    • For example, you could thank someone who lets you go ahead of them while you’re driving by tipping your hat.
    • Thanking your bartender at the pub when they give you a beer by tipping your hat is proper.
  6. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Cleaning and Maintaining a Bowler Hat

  1. 1
    Use a hat brush to remove dirt from your hat. Brush your bowler hat gently with a hat brush to remove any dust or dirt that may be on the surface. Start at the front of the hat and work your way all around it so you don’t miss any spots. Brush in the same direction so the material looks smooth and consistent.[12]
    • You can find a hat brush at a local haberdashery or online.
  2. 2
    Run a lint roller over your hat to remove dust and hair. Dust and hair that you can’t easily brush off can be removed with a lint roller. Use a fresh sheet and gently run the roller over the surface of the hat to pick up any material you don’t want on it.[13]
    • If you don’t have a lint roller, use the sticky side of some scotch tape to remove lint and hair.
  3. 3
    Wipe the brim of your bowler hat with a clean cloth. The brim of your hat needs a little extra attention because it’s the place that is most likely to pick up dirt and dust. Use a clean, dry cloth and gently brush around the brim to wipe off dirt particles.[14]
    • Brush in 1 direction so the material has a consistent appearance.

    Tip: If you have a difficult patch of dirt, dampen the cloth and use it to wipe the hat.

  4. 4
    Hang your hat up in a cool location. Storing your bowler hat in a cool location will keep heat from warping it or shrinking the headband. Hang it up on the peg of a hat stand or on a hook in a closet or hallway to keep it from being crushed or squished while it’s in storage.[15]
    • A cool closet or a hallway out of direct sunlight are great places to hang your bowler hat.
  5. Advertisement

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Co-authors: 2
Updated: November 25, 2019
Views: 16,845
Categories: Hats