If you have passion for a career in fashion, then you must start early and work your way up the corporate ladder. For most positions, this means seeking schooling, creating a portfolio, working internships and getting an entry-level job with a fashion company. There are many jobs available to those interested in fashion, including design, merchandising, management, public relations and more. Decide upon the best career path for you, and then work hard for any opportunity you can find. This article will tell you how to work for a fashion company.


  1. 1
    Develop a passion for fashion. There are many jobs in the fashion industry, but 1 thing that most fashion employees have in common is a desire to keep up with the trends and changes in the industry. Foster this love by reading fashion magazines and blogs and going to fashion shows in your area.
  2. 2
    Assess your strengths. You do not have to be a designer to work for a fashion company, so assess both your aptitudes and past experience. On a sheet of paper, list your skills and experience so you can see what fits best when you assess jobs.[1]
    • If you’re not sure what skills you possess, take a Myers Briggs or Clifton Strengths test to see where your strengths lie.
  3. 3
    Choose a career path. In order to choose your education and training path, you should decide which of the following departments in a fashion company would be best for you:[2]
    • Fashion publicity. A fashion publicist helps a brand or company to communicate its message or brand to its target audience. If you're a communications professional or just have a way with words and people, then consider going into public relations. Your expertise in turning a phrase, creating a press release, talking to reporters or organization can help you to work as a fashion show producer or event coordinator for a fashion company. Seek a bachelor's degree in public relations with a minor in a fashion design or merchandising.
    • Fashion designer.[3] If you enjoy sketching, sewing and producing your own creative designs, then you will be part of a competitive field. Much of the energy that goes into the fashion industry is provided by this creative and driven set of people. It is a good idea to attend a fashion design school, where you will learn about the industry and skills needed to make it as a designer.
    • Fashion management. If you would love to be behind the business end of fashion, then a career in fashion management is a good choice. Seek a degree in business administration or marketing with a minor in a fashion subject. Fashion companies small and large need account executives, store managers, project managers, production coordinators and human resource departments. Strive to be professional, highly motivated and ambitious.
    • Fashion retail store manager. If you have worked in apparel stores and you like the environment, then consider becoming a store manager, area manager and general manager. Many of these positions are filled based on experience and proven success, so the first step is to work in retail and go for any promotion you can apply for. Store managers can improve their chances by getting an associate's degree or bachelor's degree in business administration.
    • Fashion merchandising. This department includes a group of highly trained fashion professionals who know fashion trends, textiles and industry-specific production information. They oversee how a design is produced and successfully marketed to a target audience. Seek an associate's or bachelor's degree in fashion merchandising from an art or business school.
    • Visual merchandising. This competitive position creates the window displays and brand marketing in stores. It requires a person to possess knowledge of fashion and communicate emotions with a product. It is a good idea to seek an associate's degree or bachelor's degree in visual arts with some schooling in marketing. Volunteer to do window displays for people in order to develop an excellent portfolio.
    • Fashion photography or graphic design. Visual artists who have sought schooling in photography or graphic design can position themselves to work for fashion companies. Do research on the latest trends in fashion photography and fashion graphic design. After completing your schooling, keep a professional portfolio that emphasizes your paid or spec work with fashion companies.
    • Pick a path that sounds the most fun or interesting to you, or ask an advisor where they think you’d fit best.
  4. 4
    Apply for an internship with a fashion company. Few people break into the fashion industry without taking an internship to gain experience. Although these internships can be unpaid or low-paying, it is important to pay your dues and learn the industry from the bottom up.[4]
    • Apply for internships while you are still in school. The best way to get a head start on your career with a fashion company is to start working in the field as soon as you are able. Check to see if your school has any connections to internships at larger companies. Keep applying if you fail to get an internship right away.
    • Pay attention to the way you dress. Perhaps no other industry has the same emphasis on matching company culture through dress. Dress professionally but stylish for the interview, and then adjust your clothing to what will help you become a part of the company's image.
    • Ask questions. The best way to avoid making large mistakes is to ask before doing something for the first time. Many interns worry that they will offend fashion professionals by asking too much. Ask the question and then prove you are a fast learner.
    • Take advantage of doing the grunt work. Doing small jobs well is the best way to prove your worth. Although you might be capable of more, the aim of an internship is to prove you are a hard worker with an aptitude for the business.
  5. 5
    Seek an entry-level job. Most fashion companies have a very traditional structure starting with internships and moving up to entry-level positions. The following are some good jobs to apply for:[5]
    • Sales representative.[6] There is no better way to learn the fashion business than to work in sales. You are exposed to the company, the clients, marketing, public relations and all the lingo necessary to make it in a fashion company. Apply for a sales job with a fashion company and strive to meet your quotas and keep your customers happy.
    • Store manager. If you want to work in retail or management and you have schooling, apply directly for these positions. Successful store managers can work their way up to corporate or area manager positions.
    • Personal assistant. Many fashion executives employ personal assistants, in any of the departments listed above. You will be required to run errands, organize and work very hard. People who succeed at this exhausting job can be promoted within the company.
    • Junior visual merchandiser. If you want to break into visual merchandising, you need to start by getting this job and learning to carry out a senior visual merchandiser's designs. It is likely that you will work late nights to get the store ready for business hours. As you prove yourself, you will be given small projects to design and complete.
    • Design assistant. Before you can become a full-time designer, you may need to spend a few years as a designer assistant. You will help sketch, make and produce designs. The job may also include travel to trade shows and helping with event production.
    • Marketing assistant/junior marketer. In this position, you will be responsible for staying on top of fashion and online trends. Many junior marketing professionals are asked to work with social media and small marketing projects where you can show your creativity and consistency.
    • Assistant buyer. If you have a degree in fashion merchandising or a similar field, you can apply to aid a buyer as they make their seasonal decisions for a company. You will be able to submit reports and opinions on trends. As you prove yourself, you may be given a budget and several buying projects.
    • PR assistant. You will need to work your way up before having your own account in a fashion PR firm. Assistants help to create a PR package and keep clients happy on a day to day basis. You will work up to handling your own PR campaigns.
  6. 6
    Seek internal promotions. Many entry-level fashion jobs are very hard work for less pay than managers or executives. Show you are motivated by applying for promotions and communicating that you are dedicated to your company.
  7. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    What are some positive things I can do for a fashion company?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Contribute new ideas and points of view. You will be valued more if you have fresh things to say. Above all, don't plagiarize ideas from other people or companies. It makes you look bad and damages the fashion company's reputation.
  • Question
    Which university do I need to attend to start a fashion career?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    The specific university doesn't matter. What's important is that you have educational experience of some kind that will help you in the fashion world.

Things You'll Need

  • Fashion interest
  • Associate's/bachelor's degree
  • Internship
  • Entry-level job
  • Promotion
  • Stylish clothing
  • Portfolio

About This Article

Adina Zinn, MPA
Co-authored by:
Certified Career & Life Coach
This article was co-authored by Adina Zinn, MPA. Adina Zinn is a Certified Career & Life Coach and the Owner of Love Your Work Career and Life Coaching. With five years of experience, she specializes in using a holistic coaching approach to help people achieve their career and life goals. Adina earned a BA from The University of California, Santa Cruz and an MPA from San Francisco State University. She is also a Certified Career Coach through Career Coaches Institute and a Certified Life Coach through The International Coaching Federation. This article has been viewed 79,564 times.
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Co-authors: 14
Updated: December 9, 2022
Views: 79,564