If the situation ever calls for it, you might have to count and spell numbers in German. This is not a necessary skill, but if you want to know German, you need to know how to count all numbers in German.


  1. 1
    Learn the numbers:
    • 0 - null - noll
    • 1 - eins - eyns
    • 2 - zwei - tsvy
    • 3 - drei - dry
    • 4 - vier - fear
    • 5 - fünf - foo-nf
    • 6 - sechs - zexs
    • 7 - sieben - zeeb-ben
    • 8 - acht - akt
    • 9 - neun - noin
    • 10 - zehn - tsehn
    • 11 - elf - elf
    • 12 - zwölf - ts-volf
    • 13 - dreizehn - dry-zayne
    • 14 - vierzehn - feer-zayne
    • 15 - fünfzehn - foo-nf-zayne
    • 16 - sechzehn - zex-zayne
    • 17 - siebzehn - zeeb-zayne
    • 18 - achtzehn - akt-zayne
    • 19 - neunzehn - noin-zayne
    • 20 - zwanzig - tsvan-zig
    • 30 - dreiβig - dry-zig
    • 40 - vierzig - feer-zig
    • 50 - fünfzig - foo-nf-zig
    • 60 - sechzig - zex-zig
    • 70 - siebzig - zeeb-zig
    • 80 - achtzig - akt-zig
    • 90 - neunzig - noin-zig
    • 100 - hundert - hoon-dert
    • 200 - zweihundert - tsvy-hoon-dert
      • and so forth.
  2. 2
    Next, memorize the spelling and pronunciation.
  3. 3
    After that, you need to know how to write the "in between numbers," such as:
    • 21 - einundzwanzig - eyn-oond-tsvan-sig
    • 22 - zweiundzwanzig - tsvy-oond-tsvan-sig
    • 23 - dreiundzwanzig - dry-oond-tsvan-sig
      • and so forth.
        • Einundzwanzig directly translates into, "One and twenty". The idea is that you can do this with any of the "in between numbers" such as:
    • 36 - sechsunddreiβig - zexs-oond-dry-zig
    • 44 - vierundvierzig - feer-oond-feer-zig
    • 59 - neunundfünfzig - noin-oond-foo-nf-zig
      • and so forth.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    How can I write "1976" in German numbers?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Neunzehnhundertsechsundsiebzig (noin-tsehn-hoon-dert-zexs-oond-zeeb-zig) OR eintausendneunhundertsechsundsiebzig (eyn-tauzend-noin-hoon-dert-zexs-oond-zeeb-zig).
  • Question
    How do I write 5,949.03 in German?
    Rick McRollington
    Rick McRollington
    Community Answer
    Fünftausendneunhundertneunundvierzig komma null drei is the way you would write it in German, or 5.949,03 for short.
  • Question
    How can I write 1001 in German?
    Rick McRollington
    Rick McRollington
    Community Answer
    Tausendeins, or 1.001 for short, would be the way to write 1001 in German.



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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 15 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 73,665 times.
48 votes - 66%
Co-authors: 15
Updated: December 7, 2021
Views: 73,665
Categories: German