177 (number)

177 (one hundred [and] seventy-seven) is the natural number following 176 and preceding 178.

176 177 178
Cardinalone hundred seventy-seven
(one hundred seventy-seventh)
Factorization3 × 59
Divisors1, 3, 59, 177
Greek numeralΡΟΖ´
Roman numeralCLXXVII

In mathematics

It is a Leyland number since 177 = 27 + 72.[1]

It is a 60-gonal number,[2] and an arithmetic number,[3] since the mean of its divisors (1, 3, 59 and 177) is equal to 60, an integer.

177 is a Leonardo number, part of a sequence of numbers closely related to the Fibonacci numbers.[4] In graph enumeration, there are 177 undirected graphs (not necessarily connected) that have seven edges and no isolated vertices,[5] and 177 rooted trees with ten nodes and height at most three.[6] There are 177 ways of re-connecting the (labeled) vertices of a regular octagon into a star polygon that does not use any of the octagon edges.[7]

In other fields

177 is the second highest score for a flight of three darts, below the highest score of 180.[8]

See also


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