149 (number)

149 (one hundred [and] forty-nine) is the natural number between 148 and 150.

148 149 150
Cardinalone hundred forty-nine
(one hundred forty-ninth)
Divisors1, 149
Greek numeralΡΜΘ´
Roman numeralCXLIX

In mathematics

149 is a prime number, the first prime whose difference from the previous prime is exactly 10,[1] an emirp, and an irregular prime.[2] After 1 and 127, it is the third smallest de Polignac number, an odd number that cannot be represented as a prime plus a power of two.[3] More strongly, after 1, it is the second smallest number that is not a sum of two prime powers.[4]

It is a tribonacci number, being the sum of the three preceding terms, 24, 44, 81.[5]

There are exactly 149 integer points in a closed circular disk of radius 7,[6] and exactly 149 ways of placing six queens (the maximum possible) on a 5 × 5 chess board so that each queen attacks exactly one other.[7] The barycentric subdivision of a tetrahedron produces an abstract simplicial complex with exactly 149 simplices.[8]

See also


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