262 (number)

262 (two hundred [and] sixty-two) is a natural number preceded by the number 261 and followed by 263. It has the prime factorization 2·131.

261 262 263
Cardinaltwo hundred sixty-two
(two hundred sixty-second)
Factorization2 × 131
Divisors1, 2, 131, 262
Greek numeralΣΞΒ´
Roman numeralCCLXII

Mathematical properties

There are four divisors of this number, the divisors being 1, 2, 131, and 262 itself, which makes it a semiprime.

It is the sixth meandric number,[1] and the ninth open meandric number.[2]

As it cannot be divided into the sum of the proper divisors of any number, it is the 17th untouchable number.[3]

As it eventually reaches 1 when replaced by the sum of the square of each digit, it is the 40th 10-happy number.[4]

As 262 is 262 backwards, it is a palindromic number.[5]


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