2014 in fish paleontology

This list of fossil fishes described in 2014 is a list of new taxa of placoderms, fossil cartilaginous fishes and bony fishess of every kind that have been described during the year 2014, as well as other significant discoveries and events related to paleontology of fishes that occurred in the year 2014. The list only includes taxa at the level of genus or species.

List of years in fish paleontology
  • 2004
  • 2005
  • 2006
  • 2007
  • 2008
  • 2009
  • 2010
  • 2011
  • 2012
  • 2013
  • 2014
  • 2015
  • 2016
  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022
  • 2023
  • 2024
In paleontology


  • An overview of adaptations for locomotion in water in fossil fishes is published by Fletcher et al. (2014).[1]
  • New fossil material of the Cambrian chordate Metaspriggina walcotti is described by Conway Morris and Caron (2014), who reinterpret M. walcotti as a primitive fish.[2]
  • A study of relationships and character distributions of early gnathostomes, including placoderms and acanthodians, is published by Brazeau and Friedman (2014).[3]
  • Cranial anatomy of the placoderm Romundina stellina is described by Dupret et al. (2014).[4]
  • A specimen of the ischnacanthiform acanthodian Nerepisacanthus denisoni is described from the Late Silurian Bertie Formation of southern Ontario, Canada by Burrow and Rudkin (2014).[5]
  • A specimen of the acanthodian Acanthodes bridgei with preserved tissues of its eye, which provides the first record of mineralized rods and cones in a fossil, is described from the Late Carboniferous Hamilton Formation in Kansas, USA by Tanaka et al. (2014).[6]
  • An analysis of the fossil record of Carcharocles megalodon, intending to establish its date of extinction, is published by Pimiento and Clements (2014).[7]
  • A study of the phylogenetic relationships of the Triassic halecomorph Archaeosemionotus connectens is published by López-Arbarello, Stockar and Bürgin (2014).[8]
  • Triassic scanilepiform neopterygian species Fukangichthys longidorsalis is revised by Xu, Gao and Finarelli (2014).[9]
  • A study of the phylogenetic interrelationships of lampridiform teleosts and of their Late Cretaceous relatives, is published by Davesne et al. (2014).[10]
  • A virtual cranial endocast of the lungfish Rhinodipterus kimberleyensis from the Late Devonian Gogo Formation of Australia is presented by Clement and Ahlberg (2014).[11]
  • A study on the histology of the humerus of Eusthenopteron is published by Sanchez, Tafforeau & Ahlberg (2014).[12]

New taxa

Newly named jawless vertebrates

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images

Dartmuthia procera[13]

Sp. nov


Märss, Afanassieva & Blom

Silurian (late Gorstian to Ludfordian)


An osteostracan related to Tremataspis, a species of Dartmuthia.


Gen. et sp. nov


Scott & Wilson

Early Devonian (Lochkovian)


An osteostracan related to Superciliaspis. The type species is Dentapelta loefflerae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Märss, Afanassieva & Blom

Silurian (late Homerian)


A tremataspidiform osteostracan of uncertain phylogenetic placement. The type species is Eldaaspis miklii.


Gen. et 2 sp. nov


Scott & Wilson

Early Devonian (Lochkovian)


An osteostracan related to Superciliaspis. Genus contains two species: G. cristata and G. minima.


Gen. et sp. nov


Märss, Afanassieva & Blom

Silurian (late Homerian)


An osteostracan of uncertain phylogenetic placement, possibly a member of Cephalaspidiformes. The type species is Meelaidaspis gennadii.


Gen. et sp. nov


Märss, Afanassieva & Blom

Late Silurian (Pridoli)


An osteostracan of uncertain phylogenetic placement, possibly a member of Cephalaspidiformes. The type species is Ohesaareaspis ponticulata.


Gen. et 2 sp. nov


Märss, Afanassieva & Blom

Late Silurian


A tremataspidiform osteostracan of uncertain phylogenetic placement. The type species is Tahulaspis ordinata; genus also contains Tahulaspis praevia.

Tremataspis perforata[13]

Sp. nov


Märss, Afanassieva & Blom

Silurian (late Homerian to late Gorstian)


An osteostracan, a species of Tremataspis''.

Newly named placoderms

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images

Antineosteus rufus[16]

Sp. nov


Vaškaninová & Kraft

Devonian (late Emsian)

 Czech Republic

A homostiid, species of Antineosteus.


Gen. et sp. nov


Young & Long

Late Middle Devonian

Aztec Siltstone

Antarctica (Victoria Land)

A phlyctaeniid arthrodire. The type species is Barwickosteus antarcticus.


Gen. et sp. nov


Young & Long

Late Middle Devonian

Aztec Siltstone

Antarctica (Victoria Land)

A phlyctaeniid arthrodire. The type species is Grifftaylor antarcticus.


Gen. et sp. nov


Long, Mark-Kurik & Young

Early Devonian


A buchanosteid arthrodire. The type species is Richardosteus barwickorum.


Gen. et sp. nov


Long, Mark-Kurik & Young

Early Devonian


A buchanosteid arthrodire. The type species is Urvaspis lithuanica.

Newly named acanthodians

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images

Obruchevacanthus [19]

Gen. et sp. nov


Botella et al.

Early Devonian


An ischnacanthiform acanthodian. The type species is Obruchevacanthus ireneae.

Newly named cartilaginous fishes

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images


Gen. et comb. nov


Martill, Del Strother & Gallien

Carboniferous (Viséan[21] to Westphalian)

 United Kingdom

A shark, possibly a relative of Listracanthus. A new genus for "Listracanthus" spinatus Bolton (1896).

Acrodus kalasinensis[22]

Sp. nov


Cuny et al.

Late Jurassic or Early Cretaceous

Phu Kradung Formation


An acrodontine hybodontid, a species of Acrodus.


Gen. et sp. nov


Guinot, Cappetta & Adnet

Early Cretaceous (Valanginian)


A palaeospinacid synechodontiform neoselachian. The type species is Antrigoulia circumplicata.


Gen. et sp. nov


Guinot, Cappetta & Adnet

Early Cretaceous (Valanginian)


A requiem shark. The type species is Archaeogaleus lengadocensis.


Gen. et sp. nov


Guinot, Cappetta & Adnet

Early Cretaceous (Valanginian)


A catshark. The type species is Cadiera camboensis.

Cantioscyllium grandis[24]

Sp. nov


Cicimurri, Ciampaglio & Runyon

Late Cretaceous

Eutaw Formation

 United States

A member of Ginglymostomatidae, a species of Cantioscyllium.

Cetorhinus huddlestoni [25]

Sp. nov



Middle Miocene

Sharktooth Hill Bonebed

 United States

A relative of the basking shark.

Chlamydoselachus landinii [26]

Sp. nov


Carrillo-Briceño, Aguilera & Rodriguez

Middle to late Miocene

Angostura Formation


A member of the family Chlamydoselachidae. Originally described as a species of Chlamydoselachus; Cappetta, Morrison & Adnet (2019) transferred it to the genus Rolfodon.[27]

Copodus lebedevi[28]

Sp. nov


Lyapin & Bagirov

Early Carboniferous (Serpukhovian)


A member of Copodontiformes, a species of Copodus.

Echinorhinus vielhus[23]

Sp. nov


Guinot, Cappetta & Adnet

Early Cretaceous (Valanginian)


A species of Echinorhinus.


Gen. et sp. nov


Lund, Grogan & Fath

Carboniferous (Serpukhovian)

Heath Formation

 United States

A member of Petalodontiformes. The type species is Fissodopsis robustus.


Gen. et sp. nov


Guinot, Cappetta & Adnet

Early Cretaceous (Valanginian)


A carpet shark of uncertain phylogenetic placement. The type species is Garrigascyllium aganticensis.

Gladioserratus dentatus[23]

Sp. nov


Guinot, Cappetta & Adnet

Early Cretaceous (Valanginian)


A cow shark, a species of Gladioserratus.


Gen. et sp. nov


Lebedev in Ivanov & Lebedev

Middle Permian


A psephodontid cochliodontiform holocephalan. The type species is Kanodus robustus.

Lonchidion cristatum[24]

Sp. nov


Cicimurri, Ciampaglio & Runyon

Late Cretaceous

Eutaw Formation

 United States

A member of Hybodontiformes, a species of Lonchidion.

Lonchidion paramilloensis[31]

Sp. nov


Johns, Albanesi & Voldman

Middle–Late Triassic (Ladinian–Carnian)

Paramillo Formation


A species of Lonchidion.


Gen. et sp. nov


Guinot, Cappetta & Adnet

Early Cretaceous (Valanginian)


A carpet shark of uncertain phylogenetic placement. The type species is Magistrauia unicaplicata.

Megachasma applegatei[32]

Sp. nov


Shimada, Welton & Long

Late Oligocene to early Miocene (late Chattian to Aquitanian)

 United States

A relative of the megamouth shark.

Meristodonoides multiplicatus[24]

Sp. nov


Cicimurri, Ciampaglio & Runyon

Late Cretaceous

Eutaw Formation

 United States

A member of Hybodontidae, a species of Meristodonoides.

Myledaphus pustulosus[33]

Sp. nov


Cook et al.

Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) and Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary

Bug Creek Anthills
Hell Creek Formation
Scollard Formation

 United States

A member of Rajiformes related to guitarfishes, a species of Myledaphus.


Gen. et sp. nov


Grogan, Lund & Fath

Carboniferous (Mississippian)

Bear Gulch Limestone

 United States

A petalodontiform chondrichthyan. The type species is Obruchevodus griffithi.


Gen. et sp. nov


Guinot, Cappetta & Adnet

Early Cretaceous (Valanginian)


An orthacodontid hexanchiform. The type species is Occitanodus sudrei.

Omanoselache halli[35]

Sp. nov

Valid [36]

Koot & Cuny in Koot et al.

Early Triassic (late Olenekian)


A hybodontiform shark of uncertain phylogenetic placement, a species of Omanoselache.

Ornatoscyllium rugasimulatum[23]

Sp. nov


Guinot, Cappetta & Adnet

Early Cretaceous (Valanginian)


A carpet shark of uncertain phylogenetic placement. Originally described as a species of Ornatoscyllium, but subsequently transferred to the genus Similiteroscyllium.[37]


Gen. et sp. nov


Pradel et al.


Fayetteville Formation

 United States

Probably a member of Falcatidae. The type species is Ozarcus mapesae.

Paracestracion pectinatus[23]

Sp. nov


Guinot, Cappetta & Adnet

Early Cretaceous (Valanginian)


Originally interpreted as a bullhead shark and a species of Paracestracion; excluded from the family Heterodontidae by Hovestadt (2018).[39]


Gen. et sp. nov


Guinot, Cappetta & Adnet

Early Cretaceous (Valanginian)


A carpet shark of uncertain phylogenetic placement. The type species is Parahemiscyllium underwoodwardi.


Gen. et sp. nov


Thies, Vespermann & Solcher

Late Triassic (Rhaetian)

 United Kingdom

A member of Synechodontiformes of uncertain phylogenetic placement. The type species is Parascylloides turnerae.

Parasquatina zitteli[41]

Sp. nov


Pollerspoeck & Beaury

Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)


An orectolobiform, a species of Parasquatina.


Gen. et sp. nov

Valid [36]

Koot & Cuny in Koot et al.

Early Triassic (Induan to Olenekian)


A synechodontiform neoselachian shark of uncertain phylogenetic placement. The type species is Polyfaciodus pandus.

Potamotrygon ucayalensis[42]

Sp. nov


Adnet, Gismondi & Antoine

Middle Eocene

Yahuarango Formation


A river stingray, a species of Potamotrygon.

Pseudorhina crocheti[23]

Sp. nov


Guinot, Cappetta & Adnet

Early Cretaceous (Valanginian)


A relative of angel sharks, a species of Pseudorhina.


Gen. et comb. nov


Cook et al.

Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) and Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary

Bug Creek Anthills
Hell Creek Formation
Lance Formation

 United States

A wobbegong, a new genus for "Squatirhina" americana Estes (1964).

Rhombopterygia zaborskii[43]

Sp. nov


Vullo & Courville

Late Cretaceous


A member of Rajiformes of uncertain phylogenetic placement,[43] a species of Rhombopterygia.


Gen. et sp. nov

Valid [36]

Koot & Cuny in Koot et al.

Early Triassic (Olenekian)


A synechodontiform neoselachian shark of uncertain phylogenetic placement. The type species is Safrodus tozeri.


Gen. et sp. nov


Cook et al.

Middle Eocene

Brian Head Formation

 United States

A dasyatoid stingray. The type species is Saltirius utahensis.

Scyliorhinus biformis[45]

Sp. nov



Oligocene (early to middle Chattian)

Sülstorf Beds


A catshark, a species of Scyliorhinus.

Scyliorhinus suelstorfensis[45]

Sp. nov



Oligocene (early to middle Chattian)

Sülstorf Beds


A catshark, a species of Scyliorhinus.

Squalicorax benguerirensis[46]

Sp. nov


Cappetta, Adnet, Akkrim & Amalik

Lower Maastrichtian

Ganntour phosphate deposit


An anacoracid shark, a species of Squalicorax.

Squalicorax microserratus[46]

Sp. nov


Cappetta, Adnet, Akkrim & Amalik

Lower Maastrichtian

Ganntour phosphate deposit


An anacoracid shark, a species of Squalicorax.

Synechodus seinstedtensis[40]

Sp. nov


Thies, Vespermann & Solcher

Late Triassic (Rhaetian)


A member of Synechodontiformes belonging to the family Palaeospinacidae, a species of Synechodus.


Gen. et sp. nov


Guinot, Cappetta & Adnet

Middle Jurassic? (Bathonian) to Early Cretaceous (Valanginian)

 United Kingdom?

A catshark. The type species is Thiesus concavus from the Early Cretaceous (Valanginian) of France; genus might also contain a second, yet unnamed species from the Middle Jurassic (Bathonian) of the United Kingdom.

Xenacanthus ragonhai[47]

Sp. nov


Pauliv et al.

Permian (Wordian to Wuchiapingian)

Rio do Rasto Formation


A xenacanthiform, a species of Xenacanthus.

Newly named bony fishes

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images

Aluterus shigensis[48]

Sp. nov


Miyajima et al.

Middle Miocene

Bessho Formation


A filefish, a species of Aluterus.

Aplodinotus santosi[49]

Sp. nov


Aguilera & Schwarzhans in Aguilera et al.

Early Miocene

Pirabas Formation


A member of Sciaenidae, a relative of the freshwater drum.


Gen. et sp. nov



Late Cretaceous (Santonian)


A member of Clupeidae belonging to the subfamily Pellonulinae and the tribe Ehiravini. The type species is Apricenaclupea ridewoodi.

Batrachoides confluentus[49]

Sp. nov


Aguilera & Schwarzhans in Aguilera et al.

Early Miocene

Pirabas Formation


A member of Batrachoididae, a species of Batrachoides.

Batrachoides gracilentus[49]

Sp. nov


Aguilera & Schwarzhans in Aguilera et al.

Early Miocene

Pirabas Formation


A member of Batrachoididae, a species of Batrachoides.


Gen. et sp. nov


Weiss, L. R. Malabarba & M. C. Malabarba


Entre-Córregos Formation


A stem-characid. The type species is Bryconetes enigmaticus.


Gen. et sp. nov


Bermúdez-Rochas & Poyato-Ariza

Late Jurassic (Tithonian) or Early Cretaceous (Berriasian)

Matute Formation


A member of Semionotiformes of uncertain phylogenetic placement. The type species is Camerichthys lunae.

Ceratodus carteri[54]

Sp. nov


Main et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian to Santonian[55])

Eutaw Formation[55] Woodbine Formation

 United States

A lungfish, a species of Ceratodus.

Ceratodus texanus[56]

Sp. nov


Parris, Grandstaff & Banks

Early Cretaceous (Aptian or Albian)

Antlers Formation
Twin Mountains Formation

 United States

A lungfish, a species of Ceratodus.

Chauliodus testa[57]

Sp. nov





A viperfish.

Cladocyclus geddesi[58]

Sp. nov


Berrell et al.

Early Cretaceous (late Albian)

Winton Formation


A cladocyclid, a species of Cladocyclus.


Gen. et comb. nov



Middle Jurassic

Stanleyville Formation, Songa Limestones

 Democratic Republic of the Congo

A member of Halecomorphi belonging to the group Ionoscopiformes and the family Ophiopsidae. The type species is "Ophiopsis" lepersonnei de Saint-Seine (1950).


Gen. et sp. nov


Taverne & Capasso

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)


A coccodontid. Genus includes new species C. megacephalus.

Dipnotuberculus bagirovi[61]

Sp. nov


Krupina & Prisyazhnaya

Devonian (Givetian)


A dipnorhynchid lungfish, a species of Dipnotuberculus.


Gen. et sp. nov


Cavin & Grǎdinaru

Early Triassic (late Olenekian)


A non-latimerioid coelacanth. The type species is Dobrogeria aegyssensis.


Gen. et comb. nov



Eocene (Ypresian)


A ponyfish; a new genus for "Pygaeus" dorsalis Agassiz (1838).


Gen. et sp. nov


Afsari et al.

Middle to Late Eocene

Pabdeh Formation


A marine hatchetfish. The type species is Eosternoptyx discoidalis.


Gen. et sp. et comb. nov


Aguilera & Schwarzhans in Aguilera et al.

Miocene (Aquitanian to Serravallian)

 Trinidad and Tobago (Trinidad)
 United States[65]

A member of Sciaenidae. The type species is Equetulus amazonensis; genus also contains E. davidandrewi (Nolf & Aguilera, 1998), "Pachypops" fitchi Schwarzhans (1993) and E. silverdalensis (Müller, 1999).[65]


Gen. et sp. nov


Murray & Wilson

Early Late Cretaceous

Akrabou Formation


An acanthomorph related to Aipichthys. The type species is Errachidia pentaspinosa.


Gen. et sp. nov



Late Cretaceous (Santonian)


A member of Clupeiformes belonging to the group Clupeoidei. The type species is Garganoclupea svetovidovi.

Gobius mustus[67]

Sp. nov



Miocene (Serravallian)

Karaman Basin


A goby, a species of Gobius.

Gobius reichenbacherae[67]

Sp. nov



Miocene (Serravallian)

Karaman Basin


A goby, a species of Gobius.

Gobius vandervoorti[67]

Sp. nov



Miocene (Serravallian)

Karaman Basin


A goby, a species of Gobius.


Gen. et sp. nov


Murray & Wilson

Early Late Cretaceous

Akrabou Formation


An acanthomorph related to Aipichthys. The type species is Homalopagus multispinosus.

Isanichthys lertboosi[68]

Sp. nov


Deesri et al.

Probably Late Jurassic

Phu Kradung Formation


A relative of gars, a species of Isanichthys.


Gen. et sp. nov


Kim et al.

Early Cretaceous

Jinju Formation

 South Korea

An ichthyodectiform. The type species is Jinjuichthys cheongi.


Gen. et comb. et sp. nov


Taverne & Capasso

Late Cretaceous (late Cenomanian)


A gladiopycnodontid pycnodontiform. A new genus for "Coccodus" lindstroemi Davis (1890); genus also contains a new species Joinvillichthys kriweti.


Gen. et sp. nov



Middle Jurassic

Stanleyville Formation, Songa Limestones

 Democratic Republic of the Congo

A teleost belonging to the group Catervarioliformes and the family Catervariolidae. The type species is Kisanganichthys casieri.

Knipowitschia suavis[67]

Sp. nov



Miocene (Serravallian)

Karaman Basin


A goby. Originally described as a species of Knipowitschia, but subsequently transferred to the genus Moldavigobius.[72]


Gen. et sp. nov


Bannikov & Zorzin

Eocene (Ypresian)


A snapper. The type species is Lessinia horrenda.

Lethrinus anatolicus[67]

Sp. nov



Miocene (Serravallian)

Karaman Basin


A member of Lethrinidae, a species of Lethrinus.

Lopholatilus ereborensis[74]

Sp. nov


Carnevale & Godfrey

Middle Miocene (Langhian)

Calvert Formation

 United States

A tilefish, a species of Lopholatilus.


Gen. et sp. nov


Murray & Wilson

Early Late Cretaceous

Akrabou Formation


An acanthomorph related to the beardfishes. The type species is Magrebichthys nelsoni.


Gen. et sp. nov



Middle Permian (Urzhumian)


A discordichthyid actinopterygian. The type species is Mamulichthys ignotus.


Gen. et sp. nov


Taverne & Capasso

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)


A gebrayelichthyid pycnodontiform. The type species is Maraldichthys verticalis.

Mascarenichthys exilis[67]

Sp. nov



Miocene (Serravallian)

Karaman Basin


A viviparous brotula, a species of Mascarenichthys.


Gen. et sp. nov


Choo et al.

Silurian (Ludfordian, ~423 mya)

Kuanti Formation


A sarcopterygian. The type species is Megamastax amblyodus.


Gen. et sp. nov



Carboniferous (Bashkirian)

 United Kingdom

A haplolepid palaeonisciform. The type species is Millerolepis eleionomae.


Gen. et comb. nov


Mayrinck, Brito & Otero

Late Cretaceous (Campanian to Maastrichtian )


A stem-otophysan; a new genus for "Chanoides" chardoni .


Gen. et sp. nov



Early Oligocene


A lampriform related to the genus Palaeocentrotus. The type species is Natgeosocus sorini.

Ogilbia brasiliensis[49]

Sp. nov


Aguilera & Schwarzhans in Aguilera et al.

Early Miocene

Pirabas Formation


A viviparous brotula, a species of Ogilbia.


Gen. et sp. nov


Laurito et al.

Early Miocene

Rio Banano Formation

 Costa Rica

A member of Scaridae. The type species is Pacuarescarus kussmauli.


Gen. et sp. nov


Taverne & Capasso

Late Cretaceous (late Cenomanian)


A gladiopycnodontid pycnodontiform. The type species is Pankowskichthys libanicus.


Gen. nov


Taverne & Capasso

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)


A coccodontid. Genus includes new species P. woodwardi.

Paraconger paraensis[49]

Sp. nov


Aguilera & Schwarzhans in Aguilera et al.

Early Miocene

Pirabas Formation


A member of Congridae, a species of Paraconger.

Parahaplolepis alexandrae[78]

Sp. nov



Carboniferous (Bashkirian)

 United Kingdom

A haplolepid palaeonisciform, a species of Parahaplolepis.

Parahaplolepis elenae[78]

Sp. nov



Carboniferous (Bashkirian)

 United Kingdom

A haplolepid palaeonisciform, a species of Parahaplolepis.

Paucaichthys elamensis[83]

Sp. nov


Přikryl & Bannikov



A pomfret, a species of Paucaichthys.


Gen. et sp. nov


Pardo, Huttenlocker & Small

Early Permian

Eskridge Formation

 United States

A lungfish. The type species is Persephonichthys chthonica.

Pirskenius radoni[85]

Sp. nov




 Czech Republic

An eleotrid, a species of Pirskenius.

Plagioscion travassosi[49]

Sp. nov


Aguilera & Schwarzhans in Aguilera et al.

Early Miocene

Pirabas Formation


A member of Sciaenidae, a species of Plagioscion.


Gen. et sp. nov


Böhme et al.

Late Middle to Late Eocene

Rhin Chua Formation


A member of Cyprinidae. The type species is Planktophaga minuta.


Gen. et sp. nov


Agnolin et al.

Early Pliocene

Monte Hermoso Formation


A temperate perch. The type species is Plesiopercichthys dimartinoi.

Pomatoschistus rueckertae[67]

Sp. nov



Miocene (Serravallian)

Karaman Basin


A goby, a species of Pomatoschistus.

Porichthys atalaianus[49]

Sp. nov


Aguilera & Schwarzhans in Aguilera et al.

Early Miocene

Pirabas Formation


A midshipman fish.

Propercarina problematica[88]

Sp. nov


Přikryl et al.



A member of Stromateoidei, a species of Propercarina.

Protohaplolepis isabellae[78]

Sp. nov



Carboniferous (Bashkirian)

 United Kingdom

A haplolepid palaeonisciform, a species of Protohaplolepis.

Protohaplolepis limnades[78]

Sp. nov



Carboniferous (Bashkirian)

 United Kingdom

A haplolepid palaeonisciform, a species of Protohaplolepis.

Protohaplolepis traquairi[78]

Sp. nov



Carboniferous (Bashkirian)

 United Kingdom

A haplolepid palaeonisciform, a species of Protohaplolepis.


Gen. et comb. et sp. nov


Aguilera & Schwarzhans in Aguilera et al.



A member of Sciaenidae. A new genus for "Larimus" henrici Nolf & Aguilera (1998); genus also contains new species Protolarimus mauryae,[49] as well as "Ophioscion" lundbergi Aguilera & Rodrigues de Aguilera (2004).[89]

Protosciaena brasiliensis[49]

Sp. nov


Aguilera & Schwarzhans in Aguilera et al.

Early Miocene

Pirabas Formation


A member of Sciaenidae, a species of Protosciaena.

Pteronisculus nielseni[90]

Sp. nov


Xu, Shen & Zhao

Middle Triassic (Anisian)

Guanling Formation


A stem-actinopteran, a species of Pteronisculus.

Pyritocephalus youngii[78]

Sp. nov



Carboniferous (Bashkirian)

 United Kingdom

A haplolepid palaeonisciform, a species of Pyritocephalus.

Pythonichthys pirabasensis[49]

Sp. nov


Aguilera & Schwarzhans in Aguilera et al.

Early Miocene

Pirabas Formation


A member of Heterenchelyidae, a species of Pythonichthys.


Gen. et sp. nov



Early Cretaceous (Albian)


A basal member of Clupeomorpha. The type species is Ranulfoichthys dorsonudum.


Gen. et sp. nov


Xu, Zhao & Coates

Middle Triassic (Anisian)


A ray-finned fish of uncertain phylogenetic placement; might be an ionoscopiform halecomorph (a relative of the bowfin)[92][93] or a member of the stem group of Ginglymodi.[94] The type species is Robustichthys luopingensis.

Rutilus robustus[95]

Sp. nov



Late Miocene to Pliocene


A member of Cyprinidae, a species of Rutilus.

Sangiorgioichthys yangjuanensis[96]

Sp. nov


Chen et al.

Middle Triassic (Anisian)

Guanling Formation


Originally described as a member of Semionotiformes and a species of Sangiorgioichthys; Xu et al. (2019) transferred this species to the group Kyphosichthyiformes and to the genus Lashanichthys.[97]

Sanopus mendax[49]

Sp. nov


Aguilera & Schwarzhans in Aguilera et al.

Early Miocene

Pirabas Formation


A member of Batrachoididae, a species of Sanopus.

Sanopus peregrinus[49]

Sp. nov


Aguilera & Schwarzhans in Aguilera et al.

Early Miocene

Pirabas Formation


A member of Batrachoididae, a species of Sanopus.

Saurichthys hoffmanni[98]

Sp. nov


Werneburg, Kogan & Sell

Middle Triassic (Anisian)

Röt Formation


A species of Saurichthys.

Saurichthys majiashanensis[99]

Sp. nov


Tintori et al.

Early Triassic (Olenekian)

Nanlinghu Formation


A species of Saurichthys.

Saurichthys minimahleri[98]

Sp. nov


Werneburg, Kogan & Sell

Middle Triassic (Anisian)

Röt Formation


A species of Saurichthys.

Scardinius ponticus[95]

Sp. nov



Miocene (late Turolian)


A member of Cyprinidae, a species of Scardinius.

Sciaenops rossettiae[49]

Sp. nov


Aguilera & Schwarzhans in Aguilera et al.

Early Miocene

Pirabas Formation


A member of Sciaenidae. Originally described as a species of Sciaenops;[49] subsequently made the type species of a separate genus Amazonasciaena by Aguilera, Schwarzhans & Béarez (2016).[89]

Scorpaena? landaui[67]

Sp. nov



Miocene (Serravallian)

Karaman Basin


A scorpionfish, possibly a species of Scorpaena.

Serranus? ariejansseni[67]

Sp. nov



Miocene (Serravallian)

Karaman Basin


A member of Serranidae, possibly a species of Serranus.

Sinamia kukurihime[100]

Sp. nov



Early Cretaceous

Kuwajima Formation


A sinamiid amiiform, a species of Sinamia.


Gen. et sp. nov


Bannikov & Bellwood

Eocene (Ypresian)


A member of Pomacentridae. The type species is Sorbinichromis francescoi.

Spicara pamphyliensis[67]

Sp. nov



Miocene (Serravallian)

Karaman Basin


A member of Centracanthidae, a species of Spicara.

Syacium predorsalis[49]

Sp. nov


Aguilera & Schwarzhans in Aguilera et al.

Early Miocene

Pirabas Formation


A member of Paralichthyidae, a species of Syacium.

Thalassophryne aequaliter[49]

Sp. nov


Aguilera & Schwarzhans in Aguilera et al.

Early Miocene

Pirabas Formation


A member of Batrachoididae, a species of Thalassophryne.

Thalassophryne pumilus[49]

Sp. nov


Aguilera & Schwarzhans in Aguilera et al.

Early Miocene

Pirabas Formation


A member of Batrachoididae, a species of Thalassophryne.

Thorogobius iucundus[67]

Sp. nov



Miocene (Langhian to Serravallian)

Karaman Basin

 Czech Republic

A goby, a species of Thorogobius.

Wallago maemohensis[102]

Sp. nov





A silurid catfish, a species of Wallago.

Xenotolithus retrolobatus[49]

Sp. nov


Aguilera & Schwarzhans in Aguilera et al.

Early Miocene

Pirabas Formation


A member of Sciaenidae, a species of Xenotolithus.


Gen. et sp. nov


Carnevale & Collette

Middle Miocene (late Badenian)

Leitha Limestone


A batrachoidid toadfish. The type species is Zappaichthys harzhauseri.


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  65. Gary L. Stringer; Jun A. Ebersole; Sandy M. Ebersole (2020). "First description of the fossil otolith-based sciaenid, Equetulus silverdalensis n. comb., in the Gulf Coastal Plain, USA, with comments on the enigmatic distribution of the species". PaleoBios. 37: ucmp_paleobios_49670.
  66. Alison M. Murray; Mark V. H. Wilson (2014). "Four new basal acanthomorph fishes from the Late Cretaceous of Morocco". Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 34 (1): 34–48. doi:10.1080/02724634.2013.791693. S2CID 83647666.
  67. Werner Schwarzhans (2014). "Otoliths from the middle Miocene (Serravallian) of the Karaman Basin, Turkey". Cainozoic Research. 14 (1): 35–69.
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