2023 in paleoichthyology

This list of fossil fish research presented in 2023 is a list of new taxa of jawless vertebrates, placoderms, acanthodians, fossil cartilaginous fishes, bony fishes, and other fishes that were described during the year, as well as other significant discoveries and events related to paleoichthyology that occurred in 2023.

List of years in paleoichthyology
In paleontology
In paleobotany
In arthropod paleontology
In paleoentomology
In paleomalacology
In reptile paleontology
In archosaur paleontology
In mammal paleontology

Jawless vertebrates

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Location Notes Images

Amaltheolepis terranovi[1]

Sp. nov


Blom et al.

Devonian (Emsian)

Shevchenkinskaya Formation

( Arkhangelsk Oblast)

A member of Thelodonti belonging to the group Thelodontiformes and the family Turiniidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Early Cretaceous


A lamprey. The type species is C. miraculum.

Dayongaspis colubra[3]

Sp. nov


Zhang et al.

Silurian (Telychian)

Xiushan Formation


A member of Galeaspida belonging to the family Dayongaspidae.


Gen. et sp. nov

Gai et al.

Devonian (Pragian)

Xiaoshan Formation


A member of Galeaspida belonging to the group Polybranchiaspidiformes and the family Duyunolepididae. The type species is F. novemura.

Jiangxialepis rongi[5]

Sp. nov

Liu et al.

Silurian (Telychian)

Tataertag Formation


A member of Galeaspida belonging to the family Shuyuidae.


Nom. et sp. nov

Shan et al.


Tataertag Formation


A member of Galeaspida belonging to the family Xiushuiaspidae; a replacement name for Xiyuaspis Liu et al. (2019). Shan et al. (2023) also named a new species X. lixiensis from the Telychian Qingshui Formation (Jiangxi, China).

Jawless vertebrate research

  • A study on the anatomy and affinities of Lasanius is published by Reeves et al. (2023), who interpret this vertebrate as a stem-cyclostome.[7]
  • Dearden et al. (2023) describe the cranial anatomy of Eriptychius americanus, provide evidence of the presence of a symmetrical set of cartilages interpreted as the preorbital neurocranium, and report that the studied cartilages filled out the head and closely supported the dermal skeleton (in that they were closer to the cranial anatomy of osteostracans and galeaspids than cyclostomes), but were not fused into a single unit around the brain (more closely resembling the cranial anatomy of cyclostomes than osteostracans, galeaspids and jawed vertebrates in that aspect).[8]


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Location Notes Images

Bothriolepis dairbhrensis[9]

Sp. nov


Dupret et al.

Devonian (Givetian)

Valentia Slate Formation



Gen. et sp. nov


Liu et al.


Tanglishu Formation


A member of the family Bothriolepididae. The type species is C. magniporus.

Dunkleosteus tuderensis[11]

Sp. nov

Lebedev in Lebedev et al.

Devonian (Famennian)

Bilovo Formation

( Tver Oblast)

Sherbonaspis talimaae[12]

Sp. nov


Plax & Lukševičs

Devonian (probably Emsian)

Lepel Beds


A member of Asterolepidoidei belonging to the family Pterichthyodidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Plax & Newman

Devonian (Emsian)


A member of the family Arctolepididae. The type species is V. profundus.

Placoderm research

  • Brazeau et al. (2023) describe a near-complete "acanthothoracid" upper jaw from the Devonian (Pragian) Yamaat Gol locality (Mongolia), and interpret this finding as indicating that the morphology and function of "acanthoracid" jaws resemble generalized "placoderm" conditions seen also in arthrodires and rhenanids.[14]
  • Redescription and a study on the affinities of Bothriolepis sinensis is published by Luo et al. (2023).[15]
  • Engelman (2023) attempts to determine body size of Dunkleosteus terrelli, recovering the body lengths of between 3.1 and 3.5 m for typical adults and ~4.1 m for the largest individuals;[16] in a subsequent study the author reevaluates the methodology and length estimates used by Ferrón, Martinez-Perez & Botella (2017),[17] and argues that length estimates for Dunkleosteus based on the mouth dimensions of extant sharks are not reliable, as arthrodires have proportionally larger mouths than sharks.[18]


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Location Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov


Burrow in Burrow, Murphy & Turner

Silurian (Přidolí)

Roberts Mountains Formation

 United States
( Nevada)

An acanthodian of uncertain affinities. The type species is F. nevadaensis.


Gen. et comb. nov


Newman et al.


Orcadian Basin

 United Kingdom

A member of Acanthodiformes belonging to the family Mesacanthidae. The type species is "Acanthodes" pusillus Agassiz (1844).

Acanthodian research

  • Burrow & Desbiens (2023) describe dental elements of Doliodus latispinosus from the Devonian York River Formation (Quebec, Canada), finding no justification for assigning the studied isolated dental elements to a species distinct from D. latispinosus from the Atholville beds (New Brunswick, Canada).[21]

Cartilaginous fishes

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Location Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov

Guinot et al.

Late Cretaceous


A batomorph elasmobranch. The type species is A. acrodonta.


Gen. et sp. nov



Carboniferous (late Viséan–early Serpukhovian)

 United States
( Alabama)

A member of Petalodontiformes belonging to the family Janassidae. The type species is C. whitei.

Corysodon multicristatus[24]

Sp. nov


Batchelor & Duffin

Early Cretaceous (Aptian)

Atherfield Clay Formation

 United Kingdom

A neoselachian shark.

Coupatezia casei[22]

Sp. nov

Guinot et al.

Late Cretaceous


A batomorph elasmobranch.


Gen. et sp. nov


Pauliv et al.

Permian (Asselian)

Campo Mourão Formation


Possibly a member of the family Symmoriidae. The type species is C. wittigi.

‘Dasyatis’ reticulata[22]

Sp. nov

Guinot et al.

Late Cretaceous


A batomorph elasmobranch.


Gen. et sp. nov


Marramà et al.

Eocene (Ypresian)

Monte Bolca Lagerstätte


A member of Myliobatiformes belonging to the new family Dasyomyliobatidae. The type species is D. thomyorkei.

Denaea patula[27]

Sp. nov

Ivanov in Ivanov, Alekseev & Nikolaeva

Carboniferous (Viséan)


A member of Symmoriiformes.


Gen. et sp. nov


Ivanov in Ivanov et al.


( Kirov Oblast
 Komi Republic
 Mari El

A member of the family Sphenacanthidae. The type species is D. radiata. Published online in 2023, but the issue date is listed as December 2022.[28]


Gen. et sp. nov


Permian (Cisuralian)

Irati Formation


A member of Holocephali. The type species is F. rioclarensis.


Gen. et comb. nov


Lebedev & Itano in Lebedev et al.


( Moscow Oblast
 Volgograd Oblast)

A member of the family Helicoprionidae. The type species is "Helicoprion" ivanovi Karpinsky (1924).

Lissodus tumidoclavus[31]

Sp. nov


Duffin, Heckert & Hancox

Early Triassic

Burgersdorp Formation

 South Africa

A member of Hybodontoidea.


Gen. et sp. nov

Wen et al.

Middle Triassic (Anisian)


A member of the family Lonchidiidae. Genus includes new species L. striata.

Maghriboselache[33] Gen. et sp. nov Klug et al. Late Devonian  Morocco A member of the family Cladoselachidae. The type species is M. mohamezanei.

Phosphatodon cretaceus[22]

Sp. nov

Guinot et al.

Late Cretaceous


A batomorph elasmobranch.

Ptychotrygon ameghinorum[34]

Sp. nov

Begat et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Mata Amarilla Formation


Ptychotrygon nazeensis[22]

Sp. nov

Guinot et al.

Late Cretaceous


A batomorph elasmobranch.

‘Rhinobatos’ popenguinensis[22]

Sp. nov

Guinot et al.

Late Cretaceous


A batomorph elasmobranch.


Gen. et sp. nov

Guinot et al.

Late Cretaceous


A batomorph elasmobranch. The type species is S. minimus.

Squatinactis multicuspidatus[27]

Sp. nov

Ivanov in Ivanov, Alekseev & Nikolaeva

Carboniferous (Viséan)


Strigilodus tollesonae[35]

Gen. et sp. nov


Hodnett et al.

Carboniferous (Viséan)

Ste. Genevieve Formation

 United States
( Kentucky)

A member of Petalodontiformes belonging to the family Janassidae. The type species is S. tollesonae.

Strophodus atlasensis[36]

Sp. nov


Stumpf et al.

Middle Jurassic (Bajocian)

Agoudim Formation


A member of Hybodontiformes belonging to the family Hybodontidae and the subfamily Acrodontinae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Itano & Duffin

Carboniferous (Viséan)

St. Louis Formation

 United States
( Indiana)

A chimaera belonging to the group Squalorajoidei. The type species is S. schachti.


Gen. et sp. nov

Guinot et al.

Late Cretaceous


A batomorph elasmobranch. The type species is T. thiami.

Cartilaginous fish research

  • Fossil material of members of the genera Pucapampella and Zamponiopteron is described from the Devonian (Eifelian) Chagrapi Formation by Zevallos-Valdivia et al. (2023), representing the first record of Paleozoic vertebrates from Peru reported to date.[38]
  • A study on the musculoskeletal anatomy of Iniopera is published by Dearden, Herrel & Pradel (2023), who interpret the anatomy of Iniopera as unsuited to durophagy, and consider it to be likely a high-performance suction-feeder.[39]
  • Fossil material of members of at least seven species belonging to the genus Ptychodus is described from the ?Cenomanian–Santonian of the Malyy Prolom area (Ryazan Oblast, Russia) by Amadori et al. (2023), who also report the northernmost occurrence of Ptychodus in Europe from the Cenomanian of Varavinsky ravine area (Moscow Oblast, Russia), and interpret the studied fossils as indicating that Late Cretaceous epicontinental seas of the Russian platform were important areas of diversification and spread of Ptychodus.[40]
  • Amadori et al. (2023) report the discovery of teeth of various species belonging to the genus Ptychodus from the Cenomanian and Turonian deposits of Ukraine, including teeth of cuspidate (P. altior) and un-cuspidate species (P. decurrens, P. latissimus, P. marginalis and P. polygyrus), and argue that the availability of diverse shelled invertebrates in epicontinental seas might have favored the diversification of Ptychodus.[41]
  • A study on the teeth of Megachasma applegatei is published by Krak & Shimada (2023), who find that the range of the morphometric variation of teeth of M. applegatei is larger than that of teeth of extant megamouth shark, with different tooth types corresponding to tooth types present in the smalltooth sand tiger.[42]
  • Shimada et al. (2023) describe tessellated calcified cartilage and placoid scale associated with a tooth set of Otodus megalodon from the Miocene strata in Japan, and interpret the morphology of the studied material as indicating that O. megalodon was generally a slow cruising shark.[43]
  • A study on the thermoregulation in Otodus megalodon is published by Griffiths et al. (2023), who argue that O. megalodon had an overall warmer body temperature compared with other coexisting shark species, and that its large body size coupled with high metabolic costs associated with having at least partial endothermy might have made it vulnerable to extinction.[44]
  • Collareta, Casati & Di Cencio (2023) describe new fossil material of Parotodus benedenii from the Valdelsa Basin (Italy), providing evidence of the survival of the species at least until the Late Pliocene, and interpret P. benedenii as a large-bodied carnivorous shark living in pelagic settings.[45]
  • Collareta et al. (2023) report the discovery of teeth of Alopias grandis from the Miocene deposits in southern Italy, possibly including the geologically youngest record of the species and extending its known geographic range.[46]
  • Villafaña et al. (2023) describe fossil material of the common thresher and the porbeagle from the Bahía Inglesa Formation (Caldera Basin, Chile), confirming the abundance of lamniform sharks in the Eastern Pacific of South America during the Neogene.[47]
  • A study on the anatomy and affinities of Protospinax annectans, based on data from both known and previously undescribed specimens from the Tithonian Altmühltal Formation (Germany), is published by Jambura et al. (2023).[48]
  • Ferrón (2023) argues that, although representatives of most squalomorph groups colonized deep waters independently during the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, bioluminescence evolved only once among sharks in a bathydemersal ancestor.[49]
  • A fossil egg case containing a well-preserved batoid (possibly stem-myliobatiform) embryo, with a unique combination of characters indicating that the embryo represents a previously unknown batoid form, is described from the Cenomanian Sannine limestone of Hjoula (Lebanon) by Capasso & Yamaguchi (2023).[50]
  • Reinecke et al. (2023) study the anatomy and affinities of whiptail stingray teeth from the Chattian of northern Germany and the Burdigalian of southern France, transferring the species Dasyatis probsti to the genus Bathytoshia.[51]
  • Pollerspöck et al. (2023) describe an assemblage of deep-sea shark fossils from the Eocene (Ypresian) Lillebælt Clay Formation (Denmark), showing highest similarities with deep-sea shark faunas of France, Austria and northern Morocco in spite of the North Sea Basin having lost direct connections to the neighbouring marine areas in the Eocene.[52]
  • Kovalchuk et al. (2023) revise the taxonomic composition of the cartilaginous fish assemblage from the Eocene (Lutetian-Bartonian) Kyiv Formation (Ukraine), interpreting the studied taxa as inhabiting shallow, warm waters and confined to the continental shelf.[53]
  • Verma (2023) describes new fossil material of elasmobranchs from the Eocene (Bartonian) Harudi Formation (India), providing evidence of replacement of earlier Eocene assemblages of elasmobranchs from western India by an assemblage dominated by members of the genera Brachycarcharias, Striatolamia, Galeocerdo and Carcharhinus, which might have been linked to the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum.[54]
  • An assemblage of shark and ray teeth, interpreted as indicative of a warm, shallow water community, is described from the Lower Miocene deposits of the Upper Marine Molasse near Ballendorf (Germany) by Höltke et al. (2023).[55]
  • A study on changes of diversity of European chondrichthyans during the Neogene is published by Villafaña et al. (2023).[56]
  • A study on the impact of the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event on elasmobranchs is published by Guinot & Condamine (2023), who find rays and durophagous species to be more affected by the extinction than sharks and nondurophagous species, and find taxa with large geographic ranges or restricted to high-latitude settings to show higher survival.[57]

Ray-finned fishes

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Location Notes Images

Amblyeleotris robusta[58]

Sp. nov


Bratishko & Schwarzhans in Bratishko, Schwarzhans & Vernyhorova



A species of Amblyeleotris.

Archaeotolithus aptychoides[59]

Sp. nov

Pindakiewicz, Hryniewicz & Kaim

Early Cretaceous (Valanginian)


Archaeus solus[60]

Sp. nov


Bannikov & Erebakan


( Krasnodar Krai)

A member of the family Carangidae.

Armigatus plinii[61]

Sp. nov


Marramà & Carnevale

Early Cretaceous (Albian)

Pietraroja Plattenkalk


A member of Clupeomorpha belonging to the group Ellimmichthyiformes and the family Armigatidae.

Arnoglossus kerichensis[58]

Sp. nov


Bratishko & Schwarzhans in Bratishko, Schwarzhans & Vernyhorova



A scaldfish.

Arnoglossus scitulus[58]

Sp. nov


Bratishko & Schwarzhans in Bratishko, Schwarzhans & Vernyhorova



A scaldfish.

Aseraggodes azovensis[58]

Sp. nov


Bratishko & Schwarzhans in Bratishko, Schwarzhans & Vernyhorova



A species of Aseraggodes.

Benthosema duanformis[62]

Sp. nov

Lin in Lin et al.


Gutingkeng Formation


A species of Benthosema.

Benthosema parafibulatum[62]

Sp. nov

Lin in Lin et al.


Gutingkeng Formation


A species of Benthosema.


Gen. et sp. nov

Murray, Nelson & Brinkman

Late Cretaceous (Campanian)

Horseshoe Canyon Formation

( Alberta)

A sturgeon. The type species is B. labyrinthicus.


Gen. et sp. nov

Schrøder et al.


Fur Formation


A stromateoiform, possibly a medusafish. The type species is B. henricii.

Callionymus bessarabianus[58]

Sp. nov


Bratishko & Schwarzhans in Bratishko, Schwarzhans & Vernyhorova



A species of Callionymus.

Callionymus kalinus[58]

Sp. nov


Bratishko & Schwarzhans in Bratishko, Schwarzhans & Vernyhorova



A species of Callionymus.

Capros crudus[58]

Sp. nov


Bratishko & Schwarzhans in Bratishko, Schwarzhans & Vernyhorova



A species of Capros.

Caranx rharbensis[65]

Sp. nov


Pliocene (Zanclean)


A species of Caranx.

Centroberyx vonderhochti[65]

Sp. nov


Pliocene (Zanclean)


A species of Centroberyx.

Cepola lombartei[65]

Sp. nov


Pliocene (Zanclean)


A species of Cepola.

Chelon jurkinensis[58]

Sp. nov


Bratishko & Schwarzhans in Bratishko, Schwarzhans & Vernyhorova



A species of Chelon.


Gen. et sp. nov


De Mayrinck et al.

Early Cretaceous (Aptian)

Barbalha Formation


A member of the family Cladocyclidae. The type species is C. araripensis.

Congiopodus? inopinatus[58]

Sp. nov


Bratishko & Schwarzhans in Bratishko, Schwarzhans & Vernyhorova



Possibly a species of Congiopodus.

Deltentosteus planus[65]

Sp. nov


Pliocene (Zanclean)


A species of Deltentosteus.

Dercetis magnificus[67]

Sp. nov

Chida, Brinkman & Murray

Late Cretaceous (Campanian)

Bearpaw Formation

( Alberta)

A member of the family Dercetidae.


Gen. et sp. nov

Xu & Ma

Middle Triassic (Anisian)


A basal member of Ginglymodi. The type species is D. ocellatus.

Diaphus maghrebensis[65]

Sp. nov


Pliocene (Zanclean)


A species of Diaphus.

Dicologlossa postpatens[58]

Sp. nov


Bratishko & Schwarzhans in Bratishko, Schwarzhans & Vernyhorova



A species of Dicologlossa.

Galaxias crassus[69]

Sp. nov


Schwarzhans et al.

Early Miocene

Bannockburn Formation

 New Zealand

A species of Galaxias.

Galaxias naviculus[69]

Sp. nov


Schwarzhans et al.

Early Miocene

Bannockburn Formation

 New Zealand

A species of Galaxias.

Galaxias nitidus[69]

Sp. nov


Schwarzhans et al.

Early Miocene

Bannockburn Formation

 New Zealand

A species of Galaxias.

Galaxias polei[69]

Sp. nov


Schwarzhans et al.

Early Miocene

Bannockburn Formation

 New Zealand

A species of Galaxias.

Galaxias tholus[69]

Sp. nov


Schwarzhans et al.

Early Miocene

Bannockburn Formation

 New Zealand

A species of Galaxias.


Gen. et 2 sp. nov


Bratishko & Schwarzhans in Bratishko, Schwarzhans & Vernyhorova



A goby belonging to the subfamily Gobiinae and to the Aphia lineage. The type species is G. globulosus; genus also includes G. depressus.


Gen. et sp. nov

Cooper et al.

Late Cretaceous (Turonian)

Akrabou Formation


A gar. The type species is G. gherisensis.


Gen. et sp. nov

Lin in Lin et al.


Gutingkeng Formation


A viviparous brotula. The type species is G. changi.

Hyrcanogobius eccentricus[58]

Sp. nov


Bratishko & Schwarzhans in Bratishko, Schwarzhans & Vernyhorova



A species of Hyrcanogobius.

Iridopristis parrisi[71]

Gen. et sp. nov


Andrews et al.


Hornerstown Formation

 United States ( New Jersey)

A stem-lineage member of Holocentridae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Deesri et al.

Early Cretaceous (Aptian)

Khok Kruat Formation


A member of the family Amiidae belonging to the subfamily Sinamiinae. The type species is K. phattharajani.

Kokenichthys kuteki[59]

Sp. nov

Pindakiewicz, Hryniewicz & Kaim

Early Cretaceous (Valanginian)



Gen et 2 sp. nov


Bakaev in Esin & Bakaev


( Komi Republic
 Perm Krai
 Samara Oblast)

An early ray-finned fish belonging to the group Palaeonisciformes and the family Palaeoniscidae. The type species is K. gubini Esin & Bakaev; genus also includes K. dozmerensis Esin & Bakaev. Published online in 2023, but the issue date is listed as December 2022.[73]


Gen. et sp. nov


Recinos et al.

Late Cretaceous (Campanian)


A bonefish. The type species is M. tojolabalensis.


Gen. et comb. et sp. nov


Bratishko & Schwarzhans in Bratishko, Schwarzhans & Vernyhorova



A member of the family Clupeidae belonging to the subfamily Alosinae. The type species is "Otolithus (Osmeridarum)" wilhelmi Djafarova (2006); genus also includes "Clupea" gomotartziensis Strashimirov (1985), as well as new species Maeotichthys salebrosus Schwarzhans & Bratishko in Schwarzhans, Bratishko & Vernyhorova (2023).[75]

Mataichthys asymmetricus[69]

Sp. nov


Schwarzhans et al.

Early Miocene

Bannockburn Formation

 New Zealand

A species of Mataichthys.

Mesogobius chersonesus[58]

Sp. nov


Bratishko & Schwarzhans in Bratishko, Schwarzhans & Vernyhorova



A species of Mesogobius.


Gen et sp. nov


Bulanov, Minikh & Golubev


( Kirov Oblast)

A member of Eurynotoidiformes. The type species is M. primus. Published online in 2023, but the issue date is listed as December 2022.[76]

Myripristis ouarredi[65]

Sp. nov


Pliocene (Zanclean)


A species of Myripristis.

Neogobius ignotus[58]

Sp. nov


Bratishko & Schwarzhans in Bratishko, Schwarzhans & Vernyhorova



A species of Neogobius.

Neogobius uncinatus[58]

Sp. nov


Bratishko & Schwarzhans in Bratishko, Schwarzhans & Vernyhorova



A species of Neogobius.

Odontobutis hayashitokuei[77]

Sp. nov

In press

Yabumoto & Zhang


Chojabaru Formation


A species of Odontobutis.

Ophidion tuseti[65]

Sp. nov


Pliocene (Zanclean)


A species of Ophidion.

Opsodentex mordax[65]

Sp. nov


Pliocene (Zanclean)


A member of the family Sparidae.


Gen. et sp. nov

Pindakiewicz, Hryniewicz & Kaim

Early Cretaceous (Valanginian)


Genus includes new species P. plicata.

Palaeogadus? belli[78]

Sp. nov


Stringer & Sloan

Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)

Arkadelphia Marl

 United States
( Arkansas)

A member of the family Merlucciidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Caballero-Viñas, Alvarado-Ortega & Cantalice Severiano


Atotonilco El Grande Formation


A member of the family Goodeidae belonging to the subfamily Goodeinae. The type species is P. guzmanae.

Palimphemus cimmerius[58]

Sp. nov


Bratishko & Schwarzhans in Bratishko, Schwarzhans & Vernyhorova



A member of the family Gadidae.

Paraclupea pietrarojae[61]

Sp. nov


Marramà & Carnevale

Early Cretaceous (Albian)

Pietraroja Plattenkalk


A member of Clupeomorpha belonging to the group Ellimmichthyiformes and the family Paraclupeidae.


Gen. et sp. et comb. nov


Bratishko & Schwarzhans in Bratishko, Schwarzhans & Vernyhorova



A member of the family Macroramphosidae. The type species is P. pumilis; genus also includes "Оtolithus (inc. sedis)" platessaeformis Pobedina (1956).

Parapristipoma bethensis[65]

Sp. nov


Pliocene (Zanclean)


A species of Parapristipoma.


Gen. et sp. nov


Hilton et al.

Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)

Hell Creek Formation

 United States
( North Dakota)

A paddlefish. The type species is P. willybemisi.


Gen. et sp. nov


Bratishko & Schwarzhans in Bratishko, Schwarzhans & Vernyhorova



A dartfish. The type species is P. alienus.


Gen. et sp. nov


Caron et al.

Carboniferous (Bashkirian)

Marsden Formation

 United Kingdom

An early ray-finned fish, possibly stem-neopterygian. The type species is P. mossae.

Pleuropholis danielae[82]

Sp. nov

Brito & Vullo

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Akrabou Formation


Pomadasys zemmourensis[65]

Sp. nov


Pliocene (Zanclean)


A species of Pomadasys.


Gen. et 3 sp. nov


Bratishko & Schwarzhans in Bratishko, Schwarzhans & Vernyhorova



A goby belonging to the subfamily Gobiinae and to the Benthophilus lineage. The type species is P. ahnelti; genus also includes P. trigonus and P. zonatus.

Protalbula pentangularis[59]

Sp. nov

Pindakiewicz, Hryniewicz & Kaim

Early Cretaceous (Valanginian)


Protoelops gracilis[59]

Sp. nov

Pindakiewicz, Hryniewicz & Kaim

Early Cretaceous (Valanginian)


Pteralbula polonica[59]

Sp. nov

Pindakiewicz, Hryniewicz & Kaim

Early Cretaceous (Valanginian)



Gen. et sp. nov


Hilton et al.

Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)

Hell Creek Formation

 United States
( North Dakota)

A paddlefish. The type species is P. inundatus.

Rhamphosus bloti[83]

Sp. nov


Calzoni et al.

Eocene (Ypresian)

Monte Bolca


A member of Syngnathiformes belonging to the group Dactylopteroidei and the family Rhamphosidae.

Rhamphosus brevirostris[83]

Sp. nov


Calzoni et al.

Eocene (Ypresian)

Monte Bolca


A member of Syngnathiformes belonging to the group Dactylopteroidei and the family Rhamphosidae.

Rhamphosus longispinatus[83]

Sp. nov


Calzoni et al.

Eocene (Ypresian)

Monte Bolca


A member of Syngnathiformes belonging to the group Dactylopteroidei and the family Rhamphosidae.

Rhamphosus tubulirostris[83]

Sp. nov


Calzoni et al.

Eocene (Ypresian)

Monte Bolca


A member of Syngnathiformes belonging to the group Dactylopteroidei and the family Rhamphosidae.

Rhynchoconger carnevalei[65]

Sp. nov


Miocene (Tortonian) and Pliocene (Zanclean)


A species of Rhynchoconger.

Saurichthys taotie[84]

Sp. nov


Fang et al.

Late Triassic (Carnian)

Xiaowa Formation


Announced in 2022; the final article version was published in 2023.

Sciades maldonadonis[85]

Sp. nov


Carrillo-Briceño et al.


La Victoria Formation


A species of Sciades.

Scomber qirimensis[58]

Sp. nov


Bratishko & Schwarzhans in Bratishko, Schwarzhans & Vernyhorova



A species of Scomber.


Gen. et sp. nov


Schwarzhans & Bratishko in Schwarzhans, Bratishko & Vernyhorova



A member of the family Gobiidae belonging to the tribe Benthophilini. The type species is S. spissus.

Spondyliosoma tingitana[65]

Sp. nov


Pliocene (Zanclean)


A species of Spondyliosoma.


Gen. et sp. nov


Schrøder & Carnevale

Eocene (Ypresian)

Fur Formation


A member of Argentiniformes. The type is species S. longigracilis.

Thorecichthys fideli[87]

Sp. nov

Than-Marchese et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Cintalapa Formation


A member of Clupeomorpha belonging to the group Ellimmichthyiformes.

Trachinus maroccanus[65]

Sp. nov


Pliocene (Zanclean)


A species of Trachinus.

Trachinus wernlii[65]

Sp. nov


Pliocene (Zanclean)


A species of Trachinus.

Trachurus insectus[65]

Sp. nov


Pliocene (Zanclean)


A species of Trachurus.

Trachurus reineckei[88]

Sp. nov


Hoedemakers in De Schutter et al.

Oligocene (Rupelian)

Boom Formation


A species of Trachurus.

Uranoscopus hoedemakersi[65]

Sp. nov


Pliocene (Zanclean)


A species of Uranoscopus.

Uranoscopus vanhinsberghi[65]

Sp. nov


Pliocene (Zanclean)


A species of Uranoscopus.


Gen. et sp. nov.

Murray et al.

Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)

Mahajanga Basin


A member of the family Chanidae. The type species is V. fahiny.


Gen et comb. nov


Bulanov, Minikh & Golubev


Poldarsa/Poldarskaya Formation

( Orenburg Oblast
 Vologda Oblast)

A member of Eurynotoidiformes. The type species is "Isadia" opokiensis Minikh & Andrushkevich (2017). Published online in 2023, but the issue date is listed as December 2022.[76]


Gen. et sp. nov


El Hossny & Cavin

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Sannine Formation


A teleost of uncertain affinities. The type species is Y. sibelleae.

Zosterisessor pontikapaionensis[58]

Sp. nov


Bratishko & Schwarzhans in Bratishko, Schwarzhans & Vernyhorova



A species of Zosterisessor.

Ray-finned fish research

  • Figueroa et al. (2023) report brain and cranial nerve soft-tissue preservation in the type specimen of Coccocephalus wildi from the Carboniferous strata in the Mountain Fourfoot Mine (Pennine Lower Coal Measures; Lancashire, United Kingdom).[91]
  • Bakaev, Johanson & LeBlanc (2023) study the dental system of Kazanichthys viatkensis, reporting the presence of morphological similarities to the dental systems of extant sparids, and interpreting K. viatkensis as a generalist durophagous feeder.[92]
  • Revision of the fossil material of Permian ray-finned fishes from the Kazankovo-Markino Formation (Kemerovo Oblast, Russia) is published by Bakaev (2023), who considers Heterolepis Sergienko (1974) to be a junior synonym of Eurynotoides Berg (1940).[93]
  • Martill (2023) describes a bony scute of a sturgeon from the Maastrichtian marine phosphatites of central Morocco, representing the first record of an acipenseriform fish from Africa reported to date.[94]
  • New information on the morphology of the scales of members of the family Pseudobeaconiidae, based on new fossil material from the Triassic Santa Clara Abajo Formation (Argentina), is presented by Giordano, Benavente & Suárez (2023).[95]
  • Putative eugnathid amiiform Sinoeugnathus kueichowensis is reinterpreted as a small-sized member of Ionoscopiformes by Feng et al. (2023), who name a new family Subortichthyidae including the genera Subortichthys, Sinoeugnathus, Allolepidotus and Eoeugnathus.[96]
  • A study on the microstructure of teeth of Late Jurassic pachycormids and caturoids from the Owadów-Brzezinki site (Poland) is published by Weryński, Błażejowski & Kędzierski (2023), who report structural differences interpreted as suggestive of different adaptations for predation and possible niche partitioning between the studied taxa.[97]
  • Systematic revision of the Late Jurassic species of Caturidae is published by López-Arbarello & Ebert (2023).[98]
  • Cooper & Maxwell (2023) describe a specimen of Pachycormus macropterus from the Toarcian Posidonia Shale (Germany) preserved with an unusually large ammonite inside its gut, interpreted as ingested immediately prior to and directly responsible for the fish's death.[99]
  • A study on the bone histology of Araripichthys castilhoi, interpreted as corroborating its placement within basal Teleostei, is published by Mayrinck et al. (2023).[100]
  • Stinnesbeck et al. (2023) report the presence of two different body shape types of specimens of Tselfatia formosa from the Turonian platy limestone deposit of Vallecillo (Mexico), intepreted as evidence of sexual dimorphism, and interpret the anatomy of its fins as indicating that T. formosa lived in a deep water environment and that its lifestyle resembled that of extant fan fishes.[101]
  • Cooper & Norton (2023) describe fossil material of an indeterminate plethodid from the Maastrichtian deposits from the Plateau des Phosphates (Morocco), representing the youngest occurrence of a plethodid reported to date.[102]
  • Redescription and a study on the affinities of Sorbinichthys elusivo is published by Taverne & Capasso (2023).[103]
  • A study on the fossil record of acanthomorphs from the MaastrichtianPaleocene strata is published by Friedman et al. (2023), who find that the majority of the principal acanthomorph groups appear in the fossil record before the end of the Paleocene.[104]
  • A study on the variety of the morphology of the first abdominal vertebral centrum in extant acanthomorphs is published by Murray & Brinkman (2023), who interpret their findings as indicating that the overall morphology of the first centrum is conservative within acanthomorph families, and that it is possible to assign many fossil acanthomorph centra to extant families, suborders or orders.[105]
  • Rust & Robinson (2023) redescribe Eothyrsites holosquamatus, and interpret this taxon as likely representing an ancestral form of gempylid.[106]
  • Ngoepe et al. (2023) reconstruct the history of arrival order and relative abundances of major fish groups from Lake Victoria, using data from the continuous fossil record from the preceding 17,000 years, and report that cichlids did not dominate the assemblage until several thousand years into its history, but they were the only major group that had the ecological versatility that allowed them to persist once the new deep and open-water habitats emerged.[107]
  • Evidence from (mostly lanternfish) otoliths from the Lindos Bay Formation (Rhodes, Greece), interpreted as indicative of an overall decline of the median size of lanternfishes in the eastern Mediterranean during MIS 19 interglacial, but also as indicative of different trends in size in individual mesopelagic species across the studied time interval, is presented by Agiadi et al. (2023).[108]

Lobe-finned fishes

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Location Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov


Elliott, Challands & Smithson


 United Kingdom

A lungfish. The type species is B. kerri.

Ceratodus shishkini[110]

Sp. nov




( Orenburg Oblast)

A lungfish. Published online in 2023, but the issue date is listed as December 2022.[110]

Eusthenodon leganihanne[111]

Sp. nov

Downs et al.

Devonian (Famennian)

Catskill Formation

 United States
( Pennsylvania)

Hyneria udlezinye[112]

Sp. nov


Gess & Ahlberg

Devonian (Famennian)

Witpoort Formation

 South Africa


Gen. et sp. nov


Johanson et al.

Devonian (Pragian)

Wood Bay Formation


A lungfish. The type species is J. tuulingi.


Gen. et sp. nov


Elliott, Challands & Smithson


 United Kingdom

A lungfish. The type species is L. clarki.

Rhizodopsis rankini[114]

Sp. nov



 United Kingdom

A member of the family Megalichthyidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Ferrante & Cavin

Middle Triassic (Anisian)

Besano Formation


A coelacanth belonging to the family Latimeriidae. The type species is R. heinzfurreri.

Ticinepomis ducanensis[116]

Sp. nov


Ferrante et al.

Middle Triassic

Prosanto Formation


A coelacanth belonging to the family Latimeriidae.

Whiteia giganteus[117] Sp. nov Brownstein Late Triassic Dockum Group  United States ( Texas) A coelacanth.

Lobe-finned fish research

  • Dupret et al. (2023) describe new fossil material of sarcopterygians from the Devonian (Givetian) Valentia Slate Formation (Republic of Ireland), including a tooth plate of a lungfish with a derived morphology otherwise only known from Late Devonian and later taxa, and a possible rhizodontid fossil material, which might indicate that a dispersal of rhizodontids from Gondwana into Euramerica happened as early as middle Givetian.[118]

General research

  • Baucon et al. (2023) describe fish-feeding traces from the Lower Cretaceous (Hauterivian–Barremian) Palombini Shale Formation (Italy), interpreted as the earliest direct evidence of bottom-living vertebrates from the deep sea.[119]
  • Trif et al. (2023) describe a diverse fish assemblage from the Priabonian strata in the Leghia-Tabără area (Romania), including the first record of Physogaleus alabamensis from Europe and the first record of Striatolamia tchelkarnurensis outside the Turgai Strait region.[120]


  1. Blom, H.; Vaškaninová, V.; Karatajūtė-Talimaa, V.; Žigaitė, Ž. (2023). "Thelodont scales from the Lower Devonian of Novaya Zemlya Archipelago, Arctic Russia". Spanish Journal of Palaeontology. 38 (1): 9–14. doi:10.7203/sjp.26231. S2CID 257676099.
  2. Huang, W. (2023). "A new species of fossil lamprey (Petromyzontida: Petromyzontiformes) from Hebei, China". Historical Biology: An International Journal of Paleobiology: 1–13. doi:10.1080/08912963.2023.2252443. S2CID 261473806.
  3. Zhang, Y.; Li, X.; Shan, X.; Lin, X.; Tan, K.; Li, Q.; Zhao, W.; Tang, L.; Zhu, M.; Gai, Z. (2023). "The first galeaspid fish (stem-Gnathostomata) from the Silurian Xiushan formation of Hunan Province, China". Historical Biology: An International Journal of Paleobiology: 1–12. doi:10.1080/08912963.2023.2225083. S2CID 259469524.
  4. Gai, Z.; Lin, X.; Shan, X.; Ferrón, H. G.; Donoghue, P. C. J. (2023). "Postcranial disparity of galeaspids and the evolution of swimming speeds in stem-gnathostomes". National Science Review. 10 (7). nwad050. doi:10.1093/nsr/nwad050. PMC 10232041. PMID 37266551.
  5. Liu, W.; Shan, X.; Lin, X.; Shen, Y.; Liu, Y.; Zhang, Z.; Gai, Z. (2023). "The first Eugaleaspiforme fish from the Silurian of the Tarim Basin reveals a close relationship between the Tarim and South China blocks at 438 mya". Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 628. 111774. Bibcode:2023PPP...62811774L. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2023.111774. S2CID 260874354.
  6. Shan, X.-R.; Lin, X.-H.; Zhang, Y.-M.; Li, X.-T.; Gai, Z.-K. (2023). "New findings of Xiyuichthys (Xiushuiaspidae, Galeaspida) from the Silurian of Jiangxi Province and Tarim Basin". Vertebrata PalAsiatica. doi:10.19615/j.cnki.2096-9899.230904.
  7. Reeves, J. C.; Wogelius, R. A.; Keating, J. N.; Sansom, R. S. (2023). "Lasanius, an exceptionally preserved Silurian jawless fish from Scotland". Palaeontology. 66 (2). e12643. Bibcode:2023Palgy..6612643R. doi:10.1111/pala.12643. S2CID 258066900.
  8. Dearden, R. P.; Lanzetti, A.; Giles, S.; Johanson, Z.; Jones, A. S.; Lautenschlager, S.; Randle, E.; Sansom, I. J. (2023). "The oldest three-dimensionally preserved vertebrate neurocranium". Nature. 621 (7980): 782–787. doi:10.1038/s41586-023-06538-y. PMC 10533405. PMID 37730987.
  9. Dupret, V.; Byrne, H. M.; Castro, N.; Hammer, Ø.; Higgs, K. T.; Long, J. A.; Niedźwiedzki, G.; Qvarnström, M.; Stössel, I.; Ahlberg, P. E. (2023). "The Bothriolepis (Placodermi, Antiarcha) material from the Valentia Slate Formation of the Iveragh Peninsula (middle Givetian, Ireland): Morphology, evolutionary and systematic considerations, phylogenetic and palaeogeographic implications". PLOS ONE. 18 (2). e0280208. Bibcode:2023PLoSO..1880208D. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0280208. PMC 9949654. PMID 36821588.
  10. Liu, S.; Pan, Z.; Zhu, M.; Jia, L.; Zhao, W. (2023). "A New Bothriolepid Antiarch from the Middle Devonian in Luquan, Yunnan, South China and Its Stratigraphic and Biogeographic Significances". Journal of Earth Science. 34 (4): 1176–1188. doi:10.1007/s12583-022-1775-1. S2CID 260813014.
  11. Lebedev, O. A.; Engelman, R. K.; Skutschas, P. P.; Johanson, Z.; Smith, M. M.; Kolchanov, V. V.; Trinajstic, K.; Linkevich, V. V. (2023). "Structure, Growth and Histology of Gnathal Elements in Dunkleosteus (Arthrodira, Placodermi), with a Description of a New Species from the Famennian (Upper Devonian) of the Tver Region (North-Western Russia)". Diversity. 15 (5). 648. doi:10.3390/d15050648.
  12. Plax, D. P.; Lukševičs, E. (2023). "A new Early Devonian antiarch placoderm from Belarus, and the phylogeny of Asterolepidoidei". Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 68 (3): 513–527. doi:10.4202/app.01075.2023. S2CID 261546695.
  13. Plax, D. P.; Newman, M. J. (2023). "Formal description of Valentinaspis profundus gen. et sp. nov., a placoderm fish and zone fossil from the Emsian of Belarus and Estonia". New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin. 94: 525–532.
  14. Brazeau, M. D.; Yuan, H.; Giles, S.; Jerve, A. L.; Zorig, E.; Ariunchimeg, Ya.; Sansom, R. S.; Atwood, R. C. (2023). "A well-preserved 'placoderm' (stem-group Gnathostomata) upper jaw from the Early Devonian of Mongolia clarifies jaw evolution". Royal Society Open Science. 10 (2). 221452. Bibcode:2023RSOS...1021452B. doi:10.1098/rsos.221452. PMC 9943883. PMID 36844806.
  15. Luo, Y.-C.; Zhu, M.; Lu, L.-W.; Pan, Z.-H. (2023). "Reappraisal of Bothriolepis sinensis Chi, 1940 from the Tiaomachien Formation, Hunan, China". Vertebrata PalAsiatica. doi:10.19615/j.cnki.2096-9899.230901.
  16. Engelman, R. K. (2023). "A Devonian Fish Tale: A New Method of Body Length Estimation Suggests Much Smaller Sizes for Dunkleosteus terrelli (Placodermi: Arthrodira)". Diversity. 15 (3). 318. doi:10.3390/d15030318.
  17. Ferrón, H. G.; Martínez-Pérez, C.; Botella, H. (2017). "Ecomorphological inferences in early vertebrates: reconstructing Dunkleosteus terrelli (Arthrodira, Placodermi) caudal fin from palaeoecological data". PeerJ. 5. e4081. doi:10.7717/peerj.4081. PMC 5723140. PMID 29230354.
  18. Engelman, R. (2023). "Giant, swimming mouths: oral dimensions of extant sharks do not accurately predict body size in Dunkleosteus terrelli (Placodermi: Arthrodira)". PeerJ. 11. e15131. doi:10.7717/peerj.15131. PMC 10100833. PMID 37065696.
  19. Burrow, C. J.; Murphy, M. A.; Turner, S. (2023). "Late Silurian to earliest Devonian vertebrate biostratigraphy of the Birch Creek II section, Roberts Mountains, Nevada, U.S.A.". PaleoBios. 40 (4): 1–32. doi:10.5070/P940454153. S2CID 259789213.
  20. Newman, M. J.; den Blaauwen, J. L.; Burrow, C. J.; Jones, R.; Davidson, R. G. (2023). "The Middle Devonian acanthodian Orcadacanthus n. gen. from the Orcadian Basin of Scotland". Palaeontologia Electronica. 26 (1). 26.1.a5. doi:10.26879/1240.
  21. Burrow, C. J.; Desbiens, S. (2023). "Teeth and tooth whorls of the stem chondrichthyan Doliodus from the Early Devonian of the Gaspé Sandstone Group, Gaspé Peninsula, Quebec, Canada". Spanish Journal of Palaeontology. 38 (1): 15–22. doi:10.7203/sjp.26372. S2CID 257995090.
  22. Guinot, G.; Hautier, L.; Sambou, B. S.; Sarr, R.; Martin, J. E. (2023). "The Upper Cretaceous elasmobranch fauna from Senegal" (PDF). Cretaceous Research. 146. 105480. Bibcode:2023CrRes.14605480G. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2023.105480. S2CID 256290517.
  23. Itano, W. M. (2023). "A new janassid (Chondrichthyes, Petalodontiformes) from the Late Mississippian of Alabama, USA". Historical Biology: An International Journal of Paleobiology: 1–10. doi:10.1080/08912963.2023.2194902. S2CID 258201137.
  24. Batchelor, T. J.; Duffin, C. J. (2023). "A new neoselachian shark from the marine Early Cretaceous of Southern England". Proceedings of the Geologists' Association. 134 (3): 276–282. Bibcode:2023PrGA..134..276B. doi:10.1016/j.pgeola.2023.03.003. S2CID 258127397.
  25. Pauliv, V. E.; Dias, E. V.; Sedor, F. A.; Weinschütz, L. C.; Ribeiro, A. M. (2023). "A new symmoriiform shark and other chondrichthyan teeth from the earliest Permian of southern Brazil". Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia. 26 (3): 227–237. doi:10.4072/rbp.2023.3.07.
  26. Marramà, G.; Villalobos-Segura, E.; Zorzin, R.; Kriwet, J.; Carnevale, G. (2023). "The evolutionary origin of the durophagous pelagic stingray ecomorph". Palaeontology. 66 (4). e12669. Bibcode:2023Palgy..6612669M. doi:10.1111/pala.12669. PMC 7614867. PMID 37533696.
  27. Ivanov, A. O.; Alekseev, A. S.; Nikolaeva, S. V. (2023). "New fishes from the Viséan–Serpukhovian boundary beds (Carboniferous) of the Verkhnyaya Kardailovka section (South Urals, Russia)". Palaeoworld. doi:10.1016/j.palwor.2023.06.009. S2CID 259605980.
  28. Ivanov, A. O.; Kovalenko, E. S.; Murashev, M. M.; Podurets, K. M. (2022). "Euselachian Sharks (Elasmobranchii, Chondrichthyes) from the Middle and Late Permian of European Russia". Paleontological Journal. 56 (11): 1372–1384. doi:10.1134/S0031030122110065. S2CID 256618403.
  29. Chahud, A. (2023). "Holocephali from the Irati Formation (Paraná Basin), Brazil: Origin, paleogeographical and paleoenvironmental considerations". Estudios Geológicos. 79 (2). e155. doi:10.3989/egeol.44987.632. S2CID 261376731.
  30. Lebedev, O. A.; Itano, W. M.; Johanson, Z.; Alekseev, A. S.; Smith, M. M.; Ivanov, A. V.; Novikov, I. V. (2023). "Tooth whorl structure, growth and function in a helicoprionid chondrichthyan Karpinskiprion (nom. nov.) (Eugeneodontiformes) with a revision of the family composition". Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. 113 (4): 337–360. doi:10.1017/S1755691022000251. S2CID 256533799.
  31. Duffin, C. J.; Heckert, A. B.; Hancox, P. J. (2023). "A new low diversity lacustrine elasmobranch fauna from the Lower Triassic Burgersdorp Formation of South Africa with descriptions of Lissodus tumidoclavus n. sp. (Chondrichthyes: Hybodontoidea)". Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie – Abhandlungen. 308 (2): 151–169. doi:10.1127/njgpa/2023/1134. S2CID 259393271.
  32. Wen, W.; Zhang, Q.; Benton, M. J.; Kriwet, J.; Hu, S.; Huang, J.; Zhou, C.; Cui, X.; Ma, Z.; Min, X. (2023). "First occurrence of hybodontid teeth in the Luoping Biota (Middle Triassic, Anisian), emphasizing recovery of the marine ecosystem after the end-Permian mass extinction". Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 617. 111471. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2023.111471. S2CID 257248890.
  33. Klug, Christian; Coates, Michael; Frey, Linda; Greif, Merle; Jobbins, Melina; Pohle, Alexander; Lagnaoui, Abdelouahed; Haouz, Wahiba Bel; Ginter, Michal (2023-03-28). "Broad snouted cladoselachian with sensory specialization at the base of modern chondrichthyans". Swiss Journal of Palaeontology. 142 (1): 2. doi:10.1186/s13358-023-00266-6. ISSN 1664-2384. PMC 10050047. PMID 37009301.
  34. Begat, A.; Kriwet, J.; Gelfo, J. N.; Gouiric Cavalli, S.; Schultz, J. A.; Martin, T. (2023). "The first southern hemisphere occurrence of the extinct Cretaceous sclerorhynchoid sawfish Ptychotrygon (Chondrichthyes, Batoidea), with a review of Ptychotrygon taxonomy". Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 42 (2). e2162411. doi:10.1080/02724634.2022.2162411. PMID 37564697. S2CID 256750575.
  35. Hodnett, J.-P. M.; Toomey, R.; Olson, R.; Tweet, J. S.; Santucci, V. L. (2023). "Janassid petalodonts (Chondrichthyes, Petalodontiformes, Janassidae) from the middle Mississippian (Viséan) Ste. Genevieve Formation, Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky, USA". Historical Biology: An International Journal of Paleobiology: 1–10. doi:10.1080/08912963.2023.2231955. S2CID 259523231.
  36. Stumpf, S.; Kettler, C.; Kindlimann, R.; Cuny, G.; Kriwet, J. (2023). "The oldest Gondwanan record of the extinct durophagous hybodontiform chondrichthyan, Strophodus from the Bajocian of Morocco". Swiss Journal of Palaeontology. 142. 5. doi:10.1186/s13358-023-00270-w.
  37. Itano, W. M.; Duffin, C. J. (2023). "An enigmatic chondrichthyan spine from the Visean of Indiana, USA that resembles a median rostral cartilage of Squaloraja (Holocephali, Chimaeriformes)". Spanish Journal of Palaeontology. 38 (1): 57–68. doi:10.7203/sjp.26305. S2CID 257793552.
  38. Zevallos-Valdivia, L.; Martínez-Pérez, C.; García-Flores, V.; Chávez-Valencia, A.; Botella, H. (2023). "First record of palaeozoic vertebrates from Peru". Spanish Journal of Palaeontology. 38 (1): 95–100. doi:10.7203/sjp.25691. S2CID 256585278.
  39. Dearden, R. P.; Herrel, A.; Pradel, A. (2023). "Evidence for high-performance suction feeding in the Pennsylvanian stem-group holocephalan Iniopera". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 120 (4). e2207854119. Bibcode:2023PNAS..12007854D. doi:10.1073/pnas.2207854119. PMC 9942859. PMID 36649436.
  40. Amadori, M.; Solonin, S. V.; Vodorezov, A. V.; Shell, R.; Niedźwiedzki, R.; Kriwet, J. (2023). "The extinct shark, Ptychodus (Elasmobranchii, Ptychodontidae) in the Upper Cretaceous of central-western Russia—The road to easternmost peri-Tethyan seas". Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 42 (2). e2162909. doi:10.1080/02724634.2022.2162909. PMC 7614918. PMID 37559798. S2CID 256756251.
  41. Amadori, M.; Kovalchuk, O.; Barkaszi, Z.; Giusberti, L.; Kindlimann, R.; Kriwet, J. (2023). "A diverse assemblage of Ptychodus species (Elasmobranchii: Ptychodontidae) from the Upper Cretaceous of Ukraine, with comments on possible diversification drivers during the Cenomanian". Cretaceous Research. 151. 105659. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2023.105659. S2CID 260049184.
  42. Krak, A. M.; Shimada, K. (2023). "The dentition of the extinct megamouth shark, Megachasma applegatei (Lamniformes: Megachasmidae), from southern California, USA, based on geometric morphometrics". PaleoBios. 40 (1): 1–10. doi:10.5070/P940160139. S2CID 256801266.
  43. Shimada, K.; Yamaoka, Y.; Kurihara, Y.; Takakuwa, Y.; Maisch, H. M.; Becker, M. A.; Eagle, R. A.; Griffiths, M. L. (2023). "Tessellated calcified cartilage and placoid scales of the Neogene megatooth shark, Otodus megalodon (Lamniformes: Otodontidae), offer new insights into its biology and the evolution of regional endothermy and gigantism in the otodontid clade". Historical Biology: An International Journal of Paleobiology: 1–15. doi:10.1080/08912963.2023.2211597. S2CID 259597157.
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