Road signs in Belarus

Road signs in Belarus are similar to the signs used in other post-Soviet states and most European road sign systems. Like all post-Soviet states, Belarus is a signatory to the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic and the Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals.[1] Road signs ensure transport vehicles move safely and orderly, as well as, to inform both pedestrians and motorists of traffic rules. Road signs are regulated by the СТБ 1140-2013 standard.[2]

Road signs in Minsk

Road signs in Belarus are in many ways similar to road signs used in Russia, but they have many differences from the Russian counterpart ГОСТ Р 52290-2004. Here are some differences from Russian road signs:

  • Inscriptions on road signs are written in Belarusian or Russian, including the names of settlements, most often in Belarusian. The use of the Belarusian language on road signs in Belarus is more preferable according to СТБ 1140-2013. Despite this, in 2015 there was a case where road signs in Russian instead of Belarusian were installed in Mogilev.[3]
  • In Belarus, the shape of the arrow on the direction indicators is different from the Russian ones.
  • First aid and Hospital signs use a green cross instead of a red one, unlike most other post-Soviet states and European countries.[4]
  • Signs with route numbers can be on a blue, green, red and white background (signs on a white background have a route number written in red, and arrows in red), while in Russia the background on route signs is only blue and green. Like most European countries, Belarus uses the European Route signs on a green background, while Russia also uses a green background for motorway numbers, in particular the M-11 motorway between Moscow and St. Petersburg.
  • The word STOP on the Stop line sign is written in Latin script but not СТОП in Cyrillic as in Russia, despite the fact that the Cyrillic script is used in Belarus' official languages.
  • Unlike Russia, the Direction of lanes sign indicates the direction of movement for only two or three lanes. Since roads can have 4 or more lanes, two signs are installed to the right and left of the carriageway.
  • Unlike Russia, Belarus does not use the Speed bump special regulation sign, using a warning one instead. This is because this road sign was introduced in Russia in the ГОСТ Р 52290-2004 standard under the number 5.20. Despite this, a bump indication road sign in this form is found in some European countries.
  • The number of categories of road signs. While Russia has 8 categories of road signs according to ГОСТ Р 52290-2004, Belarus has 7 categories. This is due to the fact that road signs in the Soviet Union were divided into 7 categories in accordance with ГОСТ 10807-78, and this division was preserved in most post-Soviet states after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, namely the Commonwealth of Independent States countries and Ukraine (except for Armenia and Kyrgyzstan where road signs are entirely based on the Russian ГОСТ Р 52290-2004 standard with 8 categories of road signs);
  • The presence of road signs specific for Belarus but not used in Russia.

Road signs are divided into 7 categories:

# Category name Category name (in Russian) Category name (in Belarusian)
1 Warning signs Предупреждающие знаки Папераджальныя знакі
2 Priority signs Знаки приоритета Знакі прыярытэту
3 Prohibitory signs Запрещающие знаки Забараняльныя знакі
4 Mandatory signs Предписывающие знаки Прадпісальныя знакі
5 Information signs Информационно-указательные знаки Інфармацыйна-ўказальныя знакі
6 Service signs Знаки сервиса Знакі сэрвісу
7 Additional panels Знаки дополнительной информации (таблички) Знакі дадатковай інфармацыі (таблічкі)

The official typeface of Belarusian road signs is based on ГОСТ 10807-78. However, Arial can also be used on Belarusian road signs instead of ГОСТ 10807-78, as in Russia.

Warning signs

Priority signs

Prohibitory signs

Mandatory signs

Information signs

Service signs

Additional plates

See also


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