Road signs in Kyrgyzstan
Road signs in Kyrgyzstan are similar to the road sign system of other post-Soviet states (e.g. Kazakhstan) that ensure that transport vehicles move safely and orderly, as well as to inform the participants of traffic built-in graphic icons. These icons are governed by the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic and Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals.
Road signs in Kyrgyzstan are the same as in Russia and are based on the ГОСТ 32945-2014 and ГОСТ Р 52289-2004[1] standards (until 2019 ГОСТ 10807-78 and ГОСТ 23457-86[2]) with the exception that inscriptions on road signs are in Kyrgyz and/or Russian, in accordance with the official languages of Kyrgyzstan. The rules for the use of road signs and their technical requirements are governed by the Russian standards ГОСТ Р 52289-2019, ГОСТ Р 52290-2004 and the interstate standard ГОСТ 32945-2014.[3][4][5] Road signs in Kyrgyzstan are divided into 8 categories, as in Russia:
- Warning signs (Предупреждающие знаки);
- Priority signs (Знаки приоритета);
- Prohibitory signs (Запрещающие знаки);
- Mandatory signs (Предписывающие знаки);
- Special regulations signs (Знаки особых предписаний);
- Information signs (Информационные знаки);
- Service signs (Знаки сервиса);
- Additional signs (tables) (Знаки дополнительной информации (таблички)).
Warning signs
- 1. Warning signs
- Railway crossing with a barrier
- Railway crossing without a barrier
- Single-track railway
- Multi-track railway
- Approaching a railway crossing
- Approaching a railway crossing
- Approaching a railway crossing
- Approaching a railway crossing
- Approaching a railway crossing
- Approaching a railway crossing
- Tramway crossing
- Intersection of equivalent roads
- Roundabout
- Traffic signals
- Drawbridge
- Exit to an embankment
- Dangerous curve
- Dangerous curve
- Dangerous curves
- Dangerous curves
- Steep descent
- Steep ascent
- Slippery road
- Rough road
- Speed bump
- Gravel surface
- Dangerous roadside
- Road narrowing
- Road narrowing
- Road narrowing
- Two-way traffic
- Pedestrian crossing
- Children
- Bicycle path intersection
- Roadworks
- Cattle
- Wild animals
- Rockfall
- Crosswind
- Low-flying aircraft
- Tunnel
- Congestion
- Other hazards
- Hazard chevron
- Hazard chevron
- Hazard chevron
- Hazard chevron
- Hazard chevron
- Hazard chevron
- Hazard chevron
- Hazard chevron
Priority signs
- 2. Priority signs
- Priority road
- End of the priority road
- Minor road four-way intersection
- Minor road three-way intersection
- Minor road three-way intersection
- Minor road three-way intersection
- Minor road three-way intersection
- Minor road three-way intersection
- Minor road three-way intersection
- Give way
- Stop
- Priority of oncoming traffic
- Priority over oncoming traffic
Prohibitory signs
- 3. Prohibitory signs
- Entry prohibited
- Traffic prohibited
- No motor vehicles
- No lorries
- No motorcycles
- No tractors
- No vehicles with trailer
- No horse-drawn carts
- No cycling
- No pedestrians
- Vehicle weight limit
- Weight per axle limit
- Height limit
- Width limit
- Length limit
- Minimum distance limit
- Customs
- Danger
- Control
- No right turn
- No left turn
- No U-turn
- No overtaking
- End of overtaking restriction
- No overtaking by lorries
- End of overtaking by lorries restriction
- Maximum speed limit
- End of maximum speed limit
- No beeping
- No stopping
- No parking
- No parking on odd days of the month
- No parking on even days of the month
- End of all restrictions
- No vehicles with dangerous goods
- No vehicles with explosive and flammable loads
Mandatory signs
- 4. Mandatory signs
- Go straight
- Go right
- Go left
- Go straight or right
- Go straight or left
- Go right or left
- Detour on the right
- Detour on the left
- Detour on the right or left
- Direction of roundabout traffic
- End of a cycle path
- Footpath
- End of shared-use path
- Segregated pedestrian and cycle path
- Segregated pedestrian and cycle path
- End of segregated pedestrian and cycle path
- End of segregated pedestrian and cycle path
- Minimum speed limit
- End of minimum speed limit
- Direction of movement of vehicles with dangerous goods
- Direction of movement of vehicles with dangerous goods
- Direction of movement of vehicles with dangerous goods
Special regulation signs
- 5. Special regulation signs
- Motorway
- End of motorway
- Road for cars
- End of road for cars
- One-way road
- End of one-way road
- Exit to a one-way road
- Exit to a one-way road
- Reversible lane
- End of reversible lane
- Reversible lane
- Road with a contraflow bus lane
- Road with a contraflow cycle lane
- End of road with a contraflow bus lane
- End of road with a contraflow cycle lane
- Exit to road with a contraflow bus lane
- Exit to road with a contraflow bus lane
- Exit to road with a contraflow cycle lane
- Exit to road with a contraflow cycle lane
- Bus lane
- Cycle lane
- End of bus lane
- End of cycle lane
- Lane directions
- Lane directions
- Lane directions
- Lane directions
- Lane directions
- Lane directions
- The beginning of the lane
- The beginning of the lane
- The beginning of the lane
- The beginning of the lane
- The beginning of the lane
- End of the lane
- End of the lane
- Lane direction
- Lane direction
- Lane direction
- Number of lanes
- Bus and/or trolleybus stop location
- Tram stop location
- Parking place for passenger taxis
- Pedestrian crossing
- Pedestrian crossing
- Speed bump
- Residential area
- End of residential area
- Locality begins
- Built-up area begins
- End of locality
- End of built-up area
- Locality begins
- End of locality
- No parking zone
- End of no parking zone
- Regulated parking zone
- End of the regulated parking zone
- Maximum speed limit zone
- End of maximum speed limit zone
- Pedestrian zone
- End of pedestrian zone
Information signs
- 6. Information signs
- General speed limits
- Recommended speed
- Place for a U-turn
- The area for a U-turn
- Parking (parking space)
- Emergency stop lane
- Underground pedestrian crossing
- Above ground pedestrian crossing
- Deadlock
- Deadlock
- Deadlock
- Preliminary direction indicator
- Preliminary direction indicator
- Preliminary direction indicator
- Preliminary direction indicator
- Preliminary direction indicator
- Preliminary direction indicator
- Preliminary direction indicator
- Preliminary direction indicator
- Traffic scheme
- Direction indicator
- Direction indicator
- Direction indicator
- Direction indicator
- Direction indicator
- Direction indicator
- Direction indicator
- Name of the object
- Name of the object
- Distance indicator
- Kilometer sign
- Route number
- Route number
- Route number
- Route number
- Route number
- Route number
- Route number
- Direction of movement for trucks
- Direction of movement for trucks
- Direction of movement for trucks
- Detour scheme
- Detour direction
- Detour direction
- Detour direction
- Preliminary index of the lane change to another carriageway
- Preliminary index of the lane change to another carriageway
- Emergency exit
- Emergency exit
- Direction of movement to the emergency exit
- Direction of movement to the emergency exit
- Video control
Service signs
- 7. Service signs
- Point of medical care
- Hospital
- Gas station
- Vehicle maintenance
- Car washing
- Phone
- Food point
- Drinking water
- Hotel or motel
- Camping
- Place of rest
- Traffic police post
- Police
- Transport control point
- Reception area of a radio station transmitting traffic information
- Radio communication area with emergency services
- Pool or beach
- Toilet
- Emergency telephone number
Additional panels
- 8. Additional panels
- Distance to the object
- Distance to the object
- Distance to the object
- Distance to the object
- Coverage area
- Coverage area
- Coverage area
- Coverage area
- Coverage area
- Coverage area
- Directions of action
- Directions of action
- Directions of action
- Type of vehicle
- Type of vehicle
- Type of vehicle
- Type of vehicle
- Type of vehicle
- Type of vehicle
- Type pf vehicle
- Type of vehicle
- Type of vehicle
- Except for the type of vehicle
- Except for the type of vehicle
- Except for the type of vehicle
- Except for the type of vehicle
- Except for the type of vehicle
- Except for the type of vehicle
- Except for the type of vehicle
- Saturdays, Sundays and holidays
- Working days
- Days of the week
- Validity period
- Validity period
- Validity period
- Validity period
- Method of parking the vehicle
- Method of parking the vehicle
- Method of parking the vehicle
- Method of parking the vehicle
- Method of parking the vehicle
- Method of parking the vehicle
- Method of parking the vehicle
- Method of parking the vehicle
- Method of parking the vehicle
- Parking with an idle engine
- Paid services
- Limitation of parking duration
- Parking for parking permit holders only
- Parking of diplomatic corps vehicles only
- Place for car inspection
- Limitation of the permitted maximum mass
- Dangerous roadside
- Direction of the main road
- Traffic lane
- Blind pedestrians
- Wet coating
- Disabled people
- Except for the disabled
- Dangerous goods class
- Type of vehicle trolley
- Type of vehicle trolley
- Type of route vehicle
- Type of route vehicle
- Type of route vehicle
- Obstacle
- Obstacle
- Obstacle
- Photovideofixation
- The tow truck is working
- Environmental class of the vehicle
- Charging electric vehicles
- "Жол кыймылынын ЭРЕЖЕЛЕРИ (Кыргыз Республикасынын Өкмөтүнүн 1999-жылдын 4-августундагы N 421 токтому менен бекитилген)". (in Kyrgyz). Retrieved 2023-08-08.
- "Жол кыймылынын ЭРЕЖЕЛЕРИ (Кыргыз Республикасынын Өкмөтүнүн 1999-жылдын 4-августундагы N 421 токтому менен бекитилген)". Retrieved 2023-08-08.
- "ГОСТ Р 52289-2004 Технические средства организации дорожного движения. Правила применения дорожных знаков, разметки, светофоров, дорожных ограждений и направляющих устройств" (PDF). (in Russian).
- "Скачать ГОСТ Р 52290-2004 Технические средства организации дорожного движения. Знаки дорожные. Общие технические требования". (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-03-25.
- "ГОСТ 32945-2014 Дороги автомобильные общего пользования. Знаки дорожные. Технические требования" (PDF). (in Russian).