Road signs in Montenegro

Road signs in Montenegro are regulated in Pravilnik o saobraćajnoj signalizaciji.[1]

The road signs in Montenegro follow the 1968 Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals, and the former Yugoslav standard road signs, used by the successor states of SFR Yugoslavia. Since Serbia and Montenegro were one state from 1992 to 2006 after the breakup of Yugoslavia, road signs in Montenegro are mostly similar to Serbian ones, except that the inscriptions are only written in Latin script. Following Montenegro's declaration of independence in 2006, the country's own road sign standard was adopted. With the adoption of the Constitution of Montenegro in 2007, in which the newly formed Montenegrin was promoted as an "official language", all public inscriptions, including road signs, were written in Latin script.[2] Despite the equality of the Cyrillic and Latin alphabets in Montenegro, as stated in the country’s Constitution, inscriptions on road signs are written exclusively in Latin script.

The SNV typeface is used on Montenegrin road signs as well as in other former Yugoslav states, Bulgaria and Romania. In Switzerland, the SNV typeface was also used on road signs before being replaced with the ASTRA-Frutiger typeface in 2003.

Warning signs

Warning signs (Serbo-Croatian: Znakovi opasnosti) are used to warn road users of the danger that threatens them in a certain place, or part of the road, and to inform them about the nature of that danger. Warning signs are predominantly red and white in color.

Order signs

Order signs (Serbo-Croatian: Znakovi izričitih naredbi) inform road users of prohibitions, restrictions and obligations that must be adhered to. This category includes priority signs "Stop sign", "Give Way", "Yield to oncoming traffic", prohibitory and mandatory signs.

Prohibitory signs

Prohibitory signs (Serbo-Croatian: Znakovi zabrane i ograničenja) are used to prohibit certain types of manoeuvres or some types of traffic. Prohibitory signs are predominantly red and white in color.

Mandatory signs

Mandatory signs (Serbo-Croatian: Znakovi obaveze) belong to the group of explicit command signs. Mandatory signs are predominantly blue in color with white symbols.

Information signs

Information signs (Serbo-Croatian: Znakovi obavještenja) are placed in such a way that they provide traffic participants with advance notifications, notifications about realignment, notifications about turning, notifications about the direction of movement, as well as to mark the object, terrain, street or parts of the road to which they refer.

Information signs for traffic management

Information signs for traffic management (Serbo-Croatian: Znakovi obavještenja za vođenje saobraćaja) inform traffic participants about directions of movement, i.e. directions of movement along traffic lanes, to certain places.

Temporary signs

Temporary signs (Serbo-Croatian: Znakovi obavještenja za obilježavanje prepreka na putu i mjesta na kome se izvode radovi na putu) are used for marking obstacles on the road and places where road works are being carried out.

Tourist signs

Tourist signs (Serbo-Croatian: Znakovi turističke signalizacije) are intended to inform road users about tourist attractions and contents of the tourist offer within the tourist area or tourist destination.

Tourist signs indicate tourist destinations that are easily accessible to a wide range of users of tourist services, that have parking spaces and sanitary facilities, and that have organized reception and access for tourists with special needs.

Additional signs

Additional signs (Serbo-Croatian: Dopunske table) are used in addition to warning, order and information signs. Additional signs specify the meaning of the traffic sign in more detail.

See also


  1. "Pravilnik o saobraćajnoj signalizaciji". Vlada Crne Gore (in Serbian). Retrieved 2023-02-26.
  2. "U Crnoj Gori nema mesta za ćirilicu". (in Serbian). 2015-07-18. Retrieved 2023-09-18.
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