
The 620s decade ran from January 1, 620, to December 31, 629.

Millennium: 1st millennium
  • Births
  • Deaths
  • Establishments
  • Disestablishments



By place

Byzantine Empire
  • The Angles under King Edwin of Northumbria invade Rheged ("Old North") in Northern England, and expel King Llywarch Hen. He flees to Powys, and becomes a famous bard. Edwin's armies fight against Gododdin and Strathclyde.
  • The town of Cholula is founded in central Mexico (later said to be the oldest continuously occupied town in all of North America).

By topic



By place

Byzantine Empire
  • King Sisebut dies after a 9-year reign and is succeeded by his son Reccared II (just a child).[3] Reccared is placed on the throne by the Visigothic nobility, but dies after two months. Suintila, his half-uncle and regent, becomes king of the Visigothic Kingdom.
  • Emperor Gaozu delegates control of his military and civil administration in the east to his second son, Li Shimin. He concentrates on reforming coinage (→ Kaiyuan Tongbao) and taxation.
  • May 28 Battle of Hulao: Li Shimin defeats the numerically superior army of Dou Jiande near the Hulao Pass.
  • June 4 Wang Shichong, self-declared emperor, surrenders to Li Shimin at Luoyang following Dou Jiande's defeat. Gaozu spares his life, but he is later assassinated.

By topic

  • According to tradition, Muhammad, Islamic prophet, is said to have visited heaven aboard the steed/unicorn with wings or Buraq, in the Isra wal-Miraj, (the Night Journey), from Mecca to Jerusalem and then to heaven from Jerusalem's Temple Mount, then back to Mecca.
  • The Chinese establish an imperial bureau for the manufacture of porcelain. Their technology will advance further under the Tang Dynasty (approximate date).


By place

Byzantine Empire
Central America
  • March 28 Tajoom Ukʼab Kʼahkʼ becomes the ruler of the Mayan city state of Calakmul in southern Mexico and reigns until 630.

By topic

  • September 9[5] or June 17[6] The Islamic prophet Muhammad, after being warned of a plot to assassinate him, secretly leaves his home in Mecca to make the Hijrah (emigrate) to Yathrib (later renamed by him Medina), along with his companion Abu Bakr. They take refuge in the Cave of Thawr south of Mecca for three days, departing on September 13 or June 21.
  • September 20[5] or June 28[6] Muhammad does not enter Yathrib directly, but stops at its outlying environs of Quba. He establishes the Quba Mosque here, the first mosque of Islam. On July 2 (or September 24) he makes his first visit to Yathrib for Friday prayers.
  • October 4[5] or July 13 After a fourteen days' stay in Quba, Muhammad finally moves from Quba to Yathrib, and is greeted cordially by its people. Here he drafts the Constitution of Medina, an agreement between the various Muslim, Jewish, Christian and pagan tribal communities in the city, forming the basis of a multi-religious Islamic state, and begins construction of the Al-Masjid an-Nabawi Mosque. Later during the caliphate of Umar in 638, the lunar year during which the emigration to Medina occurred (Friday 16 July 622 – 4 July 623) is designated "Year One" of the new Hijri era (Anno Hegirae AH).
  • Xuanzang is fully ordained as a Buddhist monk at the age of 20.[7]


By place

Byzantine Empire
  • King Clothar II gives Austrasia to his son Dagobert I, age 20, effectively granting the kingdom semi-autonomy in repayment for the support of its nobles, most notably Pepin of Landen (Mayor of the Palace), and in recognition of calls from the Austrasians for a king of their own. Arnulf, bishop of Metz, becomes advisor to Dagobert.
  • Samo, reputedly a Frankish merchant, is elected king of the Slavs in Moravia, Slovakia and Lower Austria. A string of victories over the Avars proves his utilitas (usefulness) to his subjects, and he secures the throne to establish his own kingdom, which stretches from the upper Elbe to the Danube.[9]
  • Tuyuhun invasion of Gansu: Tang forces under Chai Shao defeat the Tuyuhun, and prevent further incursions into Gansu (China).

By topic



By place

Byzantine Empire
  • Byzantine–Sasanian War: Emperor Heraclius advances with an expeditionary force (40,000 men) along the Araxes River, destroying the fortress city of Dvin, capital of Armenia, and Nakhchivan (modern Azerbaijan). At Ganzak, Heraclius defeats the Persian army and destroys the famous fire temple at Takht-e Soleymān, an important Zoroastrian shrine.[10] He winters his army in Caucasian Albania to gather forces for the next year.[11]
  • Winter King Khosrow II withdraws most of his troops from Chalcedon (Anatolia); he assembles three armies to trap and destroy Heraclius' forces.[12] The Persians go into winter quarters nearby, but Heraclius attacks them at Tigranakert (Western Armenia), routing the forces of the generals Shahin Vahmanzadegan and Shahraplakan. The Byzantines destroy their baggage train.
  • Eorpwald succeeds his father Rædwald, as king (bretwalda) of the independent Kingdom of East Anglia (approximate date).
  • March 13 Battle of Badr: Muhammad and some 300 of his followers from Medina surprise a reinforced Meccan caravan at Badr (modern-day Saudi Arabia) returning from Syria, and defeat about 1,000 Quraysh from Mecca. After having heard that clan leader Abu Sufyan is escorting a rich trade caravan, Muhammad has the wells along its route (southwest of Medina) filled with sand in order to lure him into battle.
  • The Yiwen Leiju encyclopedia is completed during the Tang dynasty, by the Chinese calligrapher Ouyang Xun.

By topic



By place

Byzantine Empire
  • King Edwin of Northumbria marries Æthelburga of Kent. As a Christian, she brings her personal chaplain, Paulinus, and encourages her husband to convert to Christianity.
  • King Cadfan of Gwynedd dies and is buried at Llangadwaladr, where his memorial stone can still be seen. He is succeeded by his son Cadwallon (approximate date).
  • Judicaël becomes high king of Domnonée (northern Brittany).

By topic



By place

Byzantine Empire
  • Siege of Constantinople: A horde of Avars, consisting of about 80,000 men (including large contingents of Slavs, Bulgars, and other "barbarians"), attack the walls of Constantinople. A small Persian army arrives on the Bosphorus, on the Asiatic side. The Theodosian Walls are stormed with the most up-to-date siege equipment, in the form of traction trebuchets. The Avars also have mobile armoured shelters (medieval 'sows') and siege towers; the latter are covered in hides for fire protection.[15] The defense of the capital (12,000 well-trained Byzantine troops) is in the hands of Patriarch Sergius I and Bonus (magister militum).
  • July 31 The Avars and Persian allies under Shahrbaraz launch an attack along the entire length of the Theodosian Walls (about 5.7 kilometres); the main effort is concentrated against the central section, particularly the low-lying mesoteichion. After a fierce infantry battle on the walls, the Byzantine army holds off many assaults on the city. Emperor Heraclius makes arrangements for a new army under his brother Theodore to operate against the Persians in western Anatolia, while he returns to his own army in Pontus.
  • August 7 In the waters of the Golden Horn, the Persian fleet is destroyed while ferrying reinforcements. The Avars, having suffered terrible losses, running short of food and supplies, burn their siege engines. They abandon the siege and retreat to the Balkan Peninsula. The Byzantines achieve a decisive victory at Blachernae, under the protection of the Church of the Virgin Mary.
  • Byzantine–Persian War: Heraclius, his army reduced by campaigning to less than 30,000 men, is on the defensive in Pontus. Apparently he leaves a strong Byzantine garrison in Trapezus, and withdraws north-eastward along the Black Sea into Colchis, where he halts the Persians by aggressive defensive-offensive operations along the Phasis River. By attracting the Persian army under Shahin Vahmanzadegan in Anatolia, he provides Theodore with the opportunity to defeat them. By the end of the summer he threatens the communication of the Persians at Chalcedon (modern Turkey).
  • Heraclius invites the Croats, a Slavic tribe living in Galicia, Silesia, and Bohemia, to settle in Illyricum. They are given the land between the Drava River and the Adriatic Sea for ridding of Avars. The Serbs are allowed to move from their homeland north of the Carpathians to a territory east of the Croats. Heraclius asks Pope Honorius I to send missionaries to both groups.
  • Winter Heraclius makes an alliance with Tong Yabghu Qaghan, ruler (khagan) of the Western Turkic Khaganate, for a joint invasion of the Persian Empire the following spring. He promises his daughter Eudoxia Epiphania, age 15, in marriage to Tong Yabghu and sends her under escort with wondrous gifts.
  • Arioald succeeds his brother-in-law Adaloald as king of the Lombards, and afterwards Arioald goes insane. Arioald has his wife locked up in a monastery, accusing her of plotting against him with Grasulf II, duke of Friuli (northern Italy).
  • King Edwin of Northumbria defeats the West Saxons under Cynegils, who has tried to thwart the growing strength of Edwin by having him assassinated. Edwin obliges Cynegils to acknowledge Northumbria's supremacy.
  • April 19 Eanflæd, daughter of Edwin of Northumbria, is born at a royal residence by the River Derwent. She is baptised by Paulinus, bishop of York.
  • Edwin of Northumbria invades the Isle of Man and then Anglesey. King Cadwallon is defeated in battle, and is besieged on Puffin Island.[16]
  • Edinburgh (Scotland) is founded by Edwin of Northumbria (approximate date).
  • Penda becomes king of Mercia (approximate date).[17]
  • Summer King Khosrau II plans an all-out effort against Constantinople. He returns to Anatolia with two armies of unknown size, presumably more than 50,000 men each. One of these (possibly commanded by Khosrau himself) is to contain Heraclius in Pontus; another under Shahin Vahmanzadegan is defeated by Theodore.
  • July 2 Li Shimin travels to the Tang capital Chang'an to bid farewell to his younger brother Li Yuanji, who has been given command of a Chinese expedition against the Eastern Turkic Khaganate. Hearing of a plot to murder him, he and a few supporters seize the northern entrance to the emperor's palace. Li Shimin ambushes and eliminates his rival brothers Li Yuanji and Li Jiancheng, in the Xuanwu Gate Incident.
  • September 4 Emperor Gao Zu abdicates in favor of his son Li Shimin after an 8-year reign. He passes the throne to him (as Emperor Tai Zong).


By place

Byzantine Empire
  • Spring Byzantine–Sasanian War: Emperor Heraclius sweeps through southern Armenia with a 50,000-man expeditionary force, recapturing most of the Byzantine fortresses lost to the Persians ten and fifteen years earlier. The army of Shahrbaraz, still in Anatolia, is now cut off completely. Hearing from Byzantine agents (showing him letters) that King Khosrau II, dissatisfied with his failure to capture Constantinople, is planning to have him executed, he surrenders to Heraclius, refusing to join the Byzantine army against his ungrateful sovereign.
  • Third Perso-Turkic War: The Göktürks and their Khazar allies (40,000 men) approach the Caspian Gates, and capture the Persian fortress at Derbent (modern Dagestan). Heraclius marches to the upper Tigris and invades the Persian heartland, leaving the Khazars under Tong Yabghu Qaghan to continue the siege of Tblilisi.[18]
  • December 12 Battle of Nineveh: Heraclius crosses the Great Zab river and, in a feigned retreat, defeats the Persian army (12,000 men) under Rhahzadh, near the ruins of Nineveh (Iraq). Although wounded, Heraclius refuses to leave the battlefield, and in a final cavalry charge personally kills the Persian general.[19]
  • Winter Heraclius plunders the city palace of Dastgerd (Iran) and gains tremendous riches (also recovering 300 captured Byzantine flags).[20] He turns northeastward to Caucasian Albania to rest his army. Khosrau II flees to the mountains of Susiana, to rally support for the defense of the Persian capital Ctesiphon.[21][22]

By topic

  • St Peter's School, York, is founded by Paulinus.


By place

Byzantine Empire
  • Spring Byzantine–Sassanid War: Emperor Heraclius issues an ultimatum for peace to King Khosrow II, but he refuses his generous terms. The war-weary Persians revolt against Khosrow's regime at Ctesiphon, and install his son Kavadh II on the throne on February 25. He puts his father to death and begins negotiations with Heraclius. Kavadh is forced to return all the territories conquered during the war. The Persians must give up all of the trophies they have captured, including the relic of the True Cross. Evidently there is also a large financial indemnity. Having accepted a peace agreement on his own terms, Heraclius returns in triumph to Constantinople.[26]
  • Third Perso-Turkic War: The Western Göktürks, under their leader Tong Yabghu Qaghan, plunder Tbilisi (modern Georgia). The Persian defenders are executed or mutilated; Tong Yabghu appoints governors (tuduns) to manage various tribes under his overlordship.[27]
  • Battle of Cirencester: King Penda of Mercia defeats the West Saxons at Cirencester (southwest England), in what later will be Gloucestershire. After reaching an agreement, he takes control of the Severn Valley and the minor kingdom of the Hwicce.[28][29]
Central America
  • February 5 K'ak' Chan Yopaat, who had been the ruler of the Mayan city state of Copán in Honduras, dies after a 49 year reign that began in 578.
  • February 21 Chan Imix K'awiil, becomes the new ruler of the Mayan city state of Copán in Honduras, and rules until his death 67 years later in 695.

By topic

Arts and sciences
  • Indian astronomer Brahmagupta writes the Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta, an early, yet very advanced, mathematics book, including rules for computing with zero.
  • The Sharia enjoins women as well as men to obtain secular and religious educations. It forbids eating pork, domesticated donkey, and other flesh denied to Jews by Mosaic law (approximate date).
  • Muhammad's letters to world leaders explain the principles of the new monotheistic Muslim faith, as they will be contained in the Quran.
  • Marutha of Tikrit is consecrated Maphrian of the East in the Syriac Orthodox Church.


By place

Byzantine Empire
  • September Jerusalem is reconquered by the Byzantines (after 15 years of occupation), from the Persian Empire.[30]
  • September 14 Emperor Heraclius enters Constantinople in triumph. In a ceremonial parade, accompanied by the True Cross, he is welcomed by the citizens and his son Heraclius Constantine.
  • Heraclius styles himself as Basileus, Greek word for "sovereign", and takes the ancient title of "King of Kings", after his victory over Persia.
  • King Chlothar II dies after a 16-year reign, and is succeeded by his son Dagobert I. Counseled by Bishop Arnulf of Metz and Pepin of Landen (Mayor of the Palace), he moves the capital to Paris.
  • Charibert II, half-brother of Dagobert I, becomes king of Aquitaine (Southern France), and establishes his capital at Toulouse. Charibert's realm also includes Agen, Cahors, and Périgueux.
  • Battle of Fid Eoin: King Connad Cerr of Dál Riata is killed by the Dál nAraidi of the over-kingdom of Ulaid in north-eastern Ireland (approximate date).
  • April 27 Shahrbaraz usurps the throne of the Sasanian Empire from Ardashir III, but is himself deposed forty days later by nobility in favour of Borandukht. Khosrow III briefly rules Khorasan in the confusion, until he is assassinated by the governor of the province.
  • Winter Emperor Tai Zong of the Tang Dynasty launches a campaign against the Eastern Turkic Khaganate (Central Asia).
  • Emperor Jomei succeeds his great aunt, empress Suiko, and ascends to the throne of Japan.
  • The Maya military outpost of Dos Pilas (Guatemala) is founded, in order to control trade routes in the Petexbatún region. B'alaj Chan K'awiil is installed as its leader by his father, K'inich Muwaan Jol II, the ruler of Tikal.

By topic

  • Xuanzang, Chinese Buddhist monk, sets out for India from the Tang Dynasty capital Chang'an on a pilgrimage.
  • Muhammad meets Al-Khansa, Arabic poet, and converts her to Islam.

Significant people



  • Cedd, bishop of London (approximate date)


  • Ardashir III, king of the Persian Empire (d. 629)
  • Gertrude of Nivelles, Frankish abbess (d. 659)
  • Suraqah al-Bariqi, Arab poet (d. 698)


  • Al-Mukhtar, Islamic revolutionary (d. 687)[31]
  • Bavo, Frankish nobleman and saint (d. 659)
  • Mezezius, Byzantine usurper (d. 669)
  • Uqba ibn Nafi, Arab general (d. 683)
  • Xue Yuanchao, official of the Tang dynasty (d. 683)[32]







  • July 21 Gao Zong, emperor of the Tang dynasty (d. 683)
  • John Maron, Syriac monk and patriarch (d. 707)
  • Approximate date
    • Benedict Biscop, Anglo-Saxon abbot (d. 690)
    • Gertrude of Nivelles, Austrasian abbess (d. 659)





  • November 15 Malo, Welsh bishop
  • Dou Jiande, general of the Sui Dynasty (b. 573)
  • Dou Kang, general of the Sui Dynasty
  • Reccared II, king of the Visigoths
  • Sisebut, king of the Visigoths
  • Wang Shichong, general of the Sui Dynasty
  • Xiao Xian, prince of the Liang Dynasty (b. 583)
  • Zhu Can, rebel leader during the Sui Dynasty


  • April 8 Shōtoku, prince and regent of Japan (b. 574)[34]
  • Andronicus, Coptic Orthodox Patriarch of Alexandria[35]
  • Colmán mac Cobthaig, king of Connacht (Ireland)
  • John of Biclaro, Visigoth chronicler (approximate date)
  • Li Zitong, rebel leader during the Sui dynasty
  • Lin Shihong, rebel leader during the Sui dynasty
  • Liu Wuzhou, rebel leader during the Sui dynasty[36]
  • Walid ibn al-Mughirah, chief of the Banu Makhzum clan of the Quraysh tribe.


  • Jizang, Chinese Buddhist monk (b. 549)
  • Liu Heita, rebel leader during the Tang Dynasty
  • Lupus of Sens, French bishop (approximate date)
  • Pingyang, princess of the Tang Dynasty (b. 598)
  • Su Wei, high official of the Sui Dynasty (b. 542)
  • Xu Yuanlang, rebel leader during the Sui Dynasty


  • March 17 Amr ibn Hishām, Arab polytheist
  • April 24 Mellitus, Archbishop of Canterbury[37]
  • Abū Lahab, uncle of Muhammad (approximate date)
  • Du Fuwei, rebel leader during the Sui dynasty (b. 598)
  • Fu Gongshi, rebel leader during the Sui dynasty
  • Gao Kaidao, rebel leader during the Sui dynasty
  • Rædwald, king of East Anglia (approximate date)
  • Ruqayyah, daughter of Muhammad (approximate date)
  • Umayyah ibn Khalaf, clan leader of the Quraysh
  • Utbah ibn Rabi'ah, clan leader of the Quraysh



  • June 19 Soga no Umako, leader of the Soga clan
  • July 2 Li Jiancheng, prince of the Tang dynasty (b. 589)
  • July 2 Li Yuanji, prince of the Tang dynasty (b. 603)
  • Adaloald, king of the Lombards (approximate date)
  • Cearl, king of Mercia (approximate date)
  • Fatimah bint Asad, mother of Ali ibn Abi Talib (b. 555)
  • Fiachnae mac Báetáin, king of Dál nAraidi (Ireland)
  • Gaugericus, bishop of Cambrai (approximate date)
  • Sexred, king of Essex (approximate date)
  • Shahin Vahmanzadegan, Persian general (approximate date)
  • Warnachar II, Mayor of the Palace (approximate date)


  • Amatus, Benedictine abbot and hermit
  • Bonus, Byzantine general and regent
  • Cathal mac Áedo, king of Cashel (Ireland)
  • King Eorpwald of East Anglia (approximate date)
  • Feng Deyi, chancellor of the Tang dynasty (b. 568)
  • Luo Yi, official of the Sui dynasty
  • Pei Ju, official of the Tang dynasty
  • Rhahzadh, Persian general
  • Sichilde, Frankish queen
  • King Stephen I of Iberia (Georgia)
  • Zaynab bint Khuzayma, wife of Muhammad (b. 595)


  • January 22 Anastasius of Persia, monk
  • February 28 Khosrow II, king of the Persian Empire
  • April 15 Empress Suiko of Japan
  • June 3 Liang Shidu, rebel leader
  • Babai the Great, church father and theologian
  • Du Yan, chancellor of the Tang dynasty
  • Kavadh II, king of the Sasanian Empire
  • Li Dashi, Chinese official and historian (b. 570)
  • Shirin, wife of Khosrow II (approximate date)
  • Suibne Menn, High King of Ireland
  • Theodelinda, queen of the Lombards
  • Tong Yabghu Qaghan, ruler of the Göktürks



  1. Fine 1991, p. 36.
  2. Fine 1991, p. 42.
  3. Roger Collins, "Visigothic Spain 409–711", p. 76
  4. Kaegi 2003, p. 116.
  5. Shamsi, F. A. (1984). "The Date of Hijrah". Islamic Studies. 23: 189–224, 289–323.
  6. Shaikh, Fazlur Rehman (2001). Chronology of Prophetic Events. London: Ta-Ha Publishers. pp. 51–52.
  7. Howgego, Raymond John (2003). Encyclopedia of Exploration to 1800. Hordern House. p. 522. ISBN 978-1-875567-36-2.
  8. Rome at War (AD 293–696), p. 61. Michael Whitby, 2002. ISBN 1-84176-359-4
  9. Fine 1991, p. 43.
  10. Kaegi 2003, p. 127.
  11. Kaegi 2003, p. 128.
  12. Kaegi 2003, p. 129.
  13. Fryde, E.B. (1996), "Handbook of British Chronology" (Third revised ed.). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, p. 213. ISBN 0-521-56350-X
  14. Kaegi 2003, p. 131.
  15. The Walls of Constantinople AD 324–1453, p. 47. Stephen Turnbull, 2004. ISBN 978-1-84176-759-8
  16. Bede Book II, Chapter IX.
  17. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, Manuscript A (ASC A), 626
  18. Kaegi 2003, p. 144.
  19. Kaegi 2003, p. 167.
  20. Kaegi 2003, p. 173.
  21. Oman, Charles (1893), Europe, 476–918, Volume 1 (p. 211)
  22. Norwich, John Julius (1997), A Short History of Byzantium, Vintage Books, p. 93. ISBN 0-679-77269-3
  23. Watt, Muhammad at Medina, p. 36
  24. Bede Book II, Chapter XIV.
  25. "St. Columbanus". Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company (1913)
  26. Kaegi 2003, pp. 178, 189–190.
  27. Christian 1999, p. 283; Artamanov, p. 170–180.
  28. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
  29. Palmer, Alan & Veronica (1992). The Chronology of British History. London: Century Ltd. pp. 30–34. ISBN 0-7126-5616-2.
  30. Rodney Aist, "The Christian Topography of Early Islamic Jerusalem", Brepols Publishers (2009), p. 59
  31. Illustrated Dictionary of the Muslim World. Marshall Cavendish. 2010. pp. 122–123. ISBN 978-0-7614-7929-1.
  32. DeBlasi, Anthony (2002). Reform in the balance: the defense of literary culture in mid-Tang China. SUNY Press. p. 170. ISBN 978-0-7914-5436-7.
  33. Cooper, J. C. (2013). Dictionary of Christianity. Abingdon, Oxon. p. 2. ISBN 9781315074047.
  34. The New Encyclopædia Britannica: Micropædia (15th ed.). 1991. p. 765. ISBN 978-0-85229-529-8.
  35. Holtzclaw, R. Fulton (1980). The Saints Go Marching In. Keeble Press. p. 24. ISBN 9780933144002.
  36. Woo, X. L. (2008). "622&pg=PA19 Empress Wu the Great: Tang Dynasty China. Algora Publishing. p. 19. ISBN 978-0-87586-660-4.
  37. Bellenger, Dominic Aidan; Fletcher, Stella (17 February 2005). The Mitre and the Crown: A History of the Archbishops of Canterbury. History Press. p. 149. ISBN 978-0-7524-9495-1.
  38. "Boniface V | pope". Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 12 January 2021.
  39. Lynch, Michael (ed.). The Oxford companion to Scottish history. Oxford University Press. p. 5. ISBN 9780199693054.


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