


  • IPA(key): [ˈɛtə]
  • (file)


э́то (éto) (demonstrative)

  1. nominative neuter singular of э́тот (étot): this, it, that
    Мне э́то нра́вится!Mne éto nrávitsja!I like it! or I like that!
    Э́то яйцо́све́жее, а вот э́тоту́хлое.Éto jajcó — svéžeje, a vot éto — túxloje.This egg is fresh, and this one is rotten.
    Э́тоучи́тельÉto — učítelʹThis is the teacher.
    Э́тобрат и сестра́Éto — brat i sestráThey are brother and sister.
    Э́то не молоко́, а кефи́рÉto ne molokó, a kefírThis is not milk, but kefir.
  2. accusative neuter singular of э́тот (étot): this, it, that

Usage notes

  • One of the uses of this form is to connect subject and predicate as kind of topic or subject marker. (However, as opposed to actual topic markers such as (wa) in Japanese, ‘это’ may be omitted without changing the meaning or breaking the sentence structure.) It does not get translated into English.
  • Note that all of the above examples are ellipses in which the actual verb (есть (jestʹ) — is, суть (sutʹ) — are) has been omitted, which is typical for Russian. Oftentimes, the omitted verb is replaced by an em dash.


э́то (éto)

  1. uh, er, erm, umm; used in hesitant speech
    Я, э́то, не купи́л ничего́Ja, éto, ne kupíl ničevóI, er, I haven't bought anything.


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