pavilion; kiosk | interstice; separate; between; among; space; (measure word) | ||
trad. (亭子間) | 亭子 | 間 | |
simp. (亭子间) | 亭子 | 间 |
- (dialectal) small, dark back room over a kitchen; garret
- 同志們很多是從上海亭子間來的;從亭子間到革命根據地,不但是經歷了兩種地區,而且是經歷了兩個歷史時代。 [MSC, trad.]
- Tóngzhìmen hěnduō shì cóng Shànghǎi tíngzijiān lái de; cóng tíngzijiān dào gémìng gēnjùdì, bùdàn shì jīnglì le liǎng zhǒng dìqū, érqiě shì jīnglì le liǎng ge lìshǐ shídài. [Pinyin]
- A good number of comrades have come here from the garrets of Shanghai, and in coming from those garrets to the revolutionary base areas, they have passed not only from one kind of place to another but from one historical epoch to another.
同志们很多是从上海亭子间来的;从亭子间到革命根据地,不但是经历了两种地区,而且是经历了两个历史时代。 [MSC, simp.]
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