to lead; to divert (water); to guide wolf to enter someone's house or room; to gain mastery of simp. and trad.
(引狼入室)引 狼 入室 Literally: “to lead a wolf to one's room”.
- to bring trouble to oneself; to expose oneself to trouble.
- 變法變得人心惶惶,怨聲載道。居然還找日本人當顧問。這不是引狼入室,請鬼來開藥方呢? [MSC, trad.]
- From: The Firmament of the Pleiades
- Biànfǎ biàndé rénxīn huánghuáng, yuànshēngzǎidào. Jūrán hái zhǎo rìběnrén dāng gùwèn. Zhè bùshì yǐnlángrùshì, qǐngguǐláikāiyàofāng ne? [Pinyin]
- The administrative reform has turned public sentiment into fright that hue and cry can be heard from every corner. Yet you went to extremes to get a Japanese to serve as your adviser? Isn't this an act of leading a wolf into your chamber, inviting a ghost to write for you a medication order?
变法变得人心惶惶,怨声载道。居然还找日本人当顾问。这不是引狼入室,请鬼来开药方呢? [MSC, simp.]
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