Alternative forms
- Arabic (Eastern) numerals: ٧
- Arabic (Western) numerals: 7
- Assamese numerals: ৭
- Balinese numerals: ᭗
- Bengali numerals: ৭
- Chakma numerals: 𑄽
- Cham numerals: ꩗
- Chinese numerals: 柒 , 七
- Devanagari numerals: ७
- Egyptian numerals: please add, if you can
- Ethiopic numerals: ፯
- Gothic numerals: 𐌶
- Greek numerals: Ζ΄
- Gujarati numerals: ૭
- Gurmukhi numerals: ੭
- Hebrew numerals: ז
- Javanese numerals: ꧗
- Kannada numerals: ೭
- Kayah Li numerals: ꤇
- Khmer numerals: ៧
- Khudawadi numerals: 𑋷
- Lao numerals: ໗
- Lepcha numerals: ᱇
- Limbu numerals: ᥍
- Malayalam numerals: ൭
- Meitei numerals: ꯷
- Mongolian numerals: ᠗
- Myanmar numerals: ၇
- N'Ko numerals: ߇
- Ol Chiki numerals: ᱗
- Old Persian numerals: 𐏒𐏒𐏒𐏑
- Oriya numerals: ୭
- Osmanya numerals: 𐒧
- Persian numerals: ۷
- Roman numerals: VII
- Saurashtra numerals: ꣗
- Sharada numerals: 𑇗
- Sinhalese numerals: ෭ , (archaic) 𑇧
- Sundanese numerals: ᮷
- Takri numerals: 𑛇
- Tamil numerals: ௭
- Telugu numerals: ౭
- Thai numerals: ๗
- Tibetan numerals: ༧
- Tirhuta numerals: 𑓗
- Warang Citi numerals: 𑣧
- Greek numerals: ζʹ
- (phoneme) IPA(key): /ʔ/
See also
- (Latin-script letters) A a (Á á), B b, Ch ch, Chʼ chʼ, E e (É é), H h, I i (Í í), K k, Kʼ kʼ, Kw kw, Kwʼ kwʼ, Ḵ ḵ, Ḵʼ ḵʼ, Ḵw ḵw, Ḵwʼ ḵwʼ, L l, Lʼ lʼ, Lh lh, M m, Mʼ mʼ, N n, Nʼ nʼ, P p, Pʼ pʼ, S s, Sh sh, T t, Tʼ tʼ, Tlʼ tlʼ, Ts ts, Tsʼ tsʼ, U u (Ú ú), W w, Wʼ wʼ, X x, Xw xw, X̱ x̱, X̱w x̱w, Y y, Yʼ yʼ, 7
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