
See also: Appendix:Variations of "ma"




  1. occurring in Dutch surnames of Frisian origin, ma is probably a shortened form of the old Frisian genitive plural -monna, 'the men's'. After this suffix had fallen into disuse in the Frisian language, it came to be considered as a suffix to form family names.


Etymology 1

From Proto-Finnic *-ma. Cognate with Finnish -ma.


-ma (da-infinitive -ta)

  1. Forms verbs from nouns.
Derived terms
<a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:Estonian_words_suffixed_with_-ma' title='Category:Estonian words suffixed with -ma'>Estonian words suffixed with -ma</a>

Etymology 2

From Proto-Finnic *-ma. Cognate with Finnish -ma.



  1. The suffix of the ma-infinitive, which is the lemma form of a verb.


Etymology 1

From Proto-Finnic *-ma, from Proto-Uralic *-ma.


-ma (front vowel harmony variant -mä)

  1. Forms action/result nouns from verbs.
    elää (to live) + -maelämä (life)
    kuolla (to die) + -makuolema (death)
    osua (to hit) + -maosuma (hit)
    sattua (to take place) + -masattuma (chance)
    tapahtua (to happen) + -matapahtuma (event)
Inflection of -ma (Kotus type 10/koira, no gradation)
nominative -ma -mat
genitive -man -mien
partitive -maa -mia
illative -maan -miin
singular plural
nominative -ma -mat
accusative nom. -ma -mat
gen. -man
genitive -man -mien
partitive -maa -mia
inessive -massa -missa
elative -masta -mista
illative -maan -miin
adessive -malla -milla
ablative -malta -milta
allative -malle -mille
essive -mana -mina
translative -maksi -miksi
instructive -min
abessive -matta -mitta
comitative -mineen
Derived terms
<a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:Finnish_words_suffixed_with_-ma' title='Category:Finnish words suffixed with -ma'>Finnish words suffixed with -ma</a>

Etymology 2

From Proto-Finnic *-ma, from Proto-Uralic *-ma.


-ma (front vowel harmony variant -mä)

  1. The suffix of the agent participle.
    ajaa (to drive) + -maajama (driven by)
    miehen ajama autocar driven by the man
Inflection of -ma (Kotus type 10/koira, no gradation)
nominative -ma -mat
genitive -man -mien
partitive -maa -mia
illative -maan -miin
singular plural
nominative -ma -mat
accusative nom. -ma -mat
gen. -man
genitive -man -mien
partitive -maa -mia
inessive -massa -missa
elative -masta -mista
illative -maan -miin
adessive -malla -milla
ablative -malta -milta
allative -malle -mille
essive -mana -mina
translative -maksi -miksi
instructive -min
abessive -matta -mitta
comitative -mine



Created during the Hungarian language reform which took place in the 18th–19th centuries.. The neologists formed new words with it after artificially deducing it from words ending in -ma/-me. [1]


  • IPA(key): [mɒ]



  1. (noun suffix, rare) Added to a word to form a noun.
    játszik (to play)játszma (game, match)

Usage notes

  • (noun suffix) No longer productive. Harmonic variants:
    -ma is added to back vowel words
    -me is added to front vowel words


Inflection (stem in long/high vowel, back harmony)
singular plural
nominative -ma -mák
accusative -mát -mákat
dative -mának -máknak
instrumental -mával -mákkal
causal-final -máért -mákért
translative -mává -mákká
terminative -máig -mákig
essive-formal -maként -mákként
essive-modal -mául -mákul
inessive -mában -mákban
superessive -mán -mákon
adessive -mánál -máknál
illative -mába -mákba
sublative -mára -mákra
allative -mához -mákhoz
elative -mából -mákból
delative -máról -mákról
ablative -mától -máktól
Possessive forms of -ma
possessor single possession multiple possessions
1st person sing. -mám -máim
2nd person sing. -mád -máid
3rd person sing. -mája -mái
1st person plural -mánk -máink
2nd person plural -mátok -máitok
3rd person plural -májuk -máik

Derived terms

<a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:Hungarian_nouns_suffixed_with_-ma' title='Category:Hungarian nouns suffixed with -ma'>Hungarian nouns suffixed with -ma</a>

See also

  • Appendix:Hungarian suffixes


  1. Zaicz, Gábor. Etimológiai szótár: Magyar szavak és toldalékok eredete (’Dictionary of Etymology: The origin of Hungarian words and affixes’). Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2006, →ISBN


Alternative forms



  1. Added to adjectives (sometimes to nouns) to form abstract nouns, especially those referring to the state or property that corresponds to the original adjective (like, e.g., Eng. -ity).

Derived terms

<a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:Latvian_words_suffixed_with_-ma' title='Category:Latvian words suffixed with -ma'>Latvian words suffixed with -ma</a>


Alternative forms



  1. masculine and neuter vocative singular of -mant




  1. Negates meaning of the verb.
    Artık senin için ağlamayacağım.
    I won't weep for you any more.



  1. Used to form verbal nouns.
    Unutulmayı hiç sevmem.
    I really don't like to be forgotten.

Usage notes

  • Used when the verb's last vowel is a back vowel.

See also




  1. causative suffix; to cause to do (the resulting verb is a ni-class verb)
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