


Learned borrowing from Latin animus (the mind, in a great variety of meanings: the rational soul in man, intellect, consciousness, will, intention, courage, spirit, sensibility, feeling, passion, pride, vehemence, wrath, etc., the breath, life, soul), from Proto-Italic *anamos, from Proto-Indo-European *h₂enh₁mos, from *h₂enh₁- (to breathe). Closely related to Latin anima, which is a feminine form. Doublet of anima.


  • IPA(key): /ˈæ.nɪ.məs/
  • Rhymes: -ænɪməs
  • Homophone: animous


animus (usually uncountable, plural animuses)

  1. The basic impulses and instincts which govern one's actions.
  2. A feeling of enmity, animosity or ill will.
    • 2005, Christian Science Monitor, April 22
      The current row arose swiftly, sparked both by historical animus and jockeying over future power and place in Asia - and it surprised many observers in the depth of antipathy on both sides.
  3. (Jungian psychology) The masculine aspect of the feminine psyche or personality.


Further reading

  • animus in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913.
  • animus in The Century Dictionary, The Century Co., New York, 1911





  1. conditional of animi



From Proto-Italic *anamos, from Proto-Indo-European *h₂enh₁mos, a nominal derivative of *h₂enh₁- (breathe). Cognate with Ancient Greek ἄνεμος (ánemos, wind, breeze), Old Armenian հողմ (hołm, wind), Old Frisian omma (breath), English onde (breath) (dialectal), Norwegian ånde (breath), and possibly Sanskrit अनिल (ánila, air, wind); compare also Tocharian B āñme (self; soul) and Old Armenian անձն (anjn, person).


  • (Classical) IPA(key): /ˈ, [ˈa.nɪ.mʊs]
  • (Ecclesiastical) IPA(key): /ˈ, [ˈaː.ni.mus]
  • (file)


animus m (genitive animī); second declension

  1. mind, soul, life force
    Tibi bene ex animo volo.
    I wish you well from my soul.
    • Seneca
      Animus se ipse alit.
      The mind nourishes itself.
  2. courage, will
    Proclamasset neque votum sibi neque animum desse confodiendi eum.
    He had announced that he lacked neither the determination nor the courage [or will] to kill him.


Second-declension noun.

Case Singular Plural
Nominative animus animī
Genitive animī animōrum
Dative animō animīs
Accusative animum animōs
Ablative animō animīs
Vocative anime animī


Derived terms



  • animus in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • animus in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • animus in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire Illustré Latin-Français, Hachette
  • Carl Meissner; Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book, London: Macmillan and Co.
    • to attract universal attention: omnium animos or mentes in se convertere
    • to turn one's eyes (ears, attention) towards an object: oculos (aures, animum) advertere ad aliquid
    • a man loses his senses, becomes unconscious: animus relinquit aliquem
    • Fortune makes men shortsighted, infatuates them: fortuna caecos homines efficit, animos occaecat
    • to become estranged, alienated from some one: voluntatemor animum alicuius a se abalienare, aliquem a se abalienare or alienare
    • gratitude: gratus (opp. ingratus) animus
    • to reconcile two people; to be a mediator: reconciliare alicuius animum or simply aliquem alicui
    • to be reconciled; to make up a quarrel: sibi aliquem, alicuius animum reconciliare or reconciliari alicui
    • to hold aloof from all amusement: animum a voluptate sevocare
    • for one's own diversion; to satisfy a whim: voluptatis or animi causa (B. G. 5. 12)
    • to recruit oneself, seek relaxation: animum relaxare, reficere, recreare or simply se reficere, se recreare, refici, recreari (ex aliqua re)
    • to indulge oneself: animum or simply se remittere
    • to turn one's attention to a thing: animum attendere ad aliquid
    • an idea strikes me: haec cogitatio subit animum
    • to draw away some one's attention from a thing: alicuius animum ab aliqua re abducere
    • to direct one's attention..: cogitationem, animum in aliquid intendere (Acad. 4. 46)
    • if I am not mistaken: nisi (animus) me fallit
    • according to my strong conviction: ex animi mei sententia (vid. sect. XI. 2)
    • to persuade oneself to..: animum inducere c. Inf. (not in animum inducere)
    • to cultivate the mind: animum, ingenium excolere (not colere)
    • mental culture: animi, ingenii cultus (not cultura)
    • to apply oneself to the study of philosophy: animum appellere or se applicare ad philosophiam
    • to bring forward a proof of the immortality of the soul: argumentum afferre, quo animos immortales esse demonstratur
    • to make an impression on one's audience: animos audientium permovere, inflammare
    • to rivet the attention of..: animos tenere
    • to become a writer, embrace a literary career: animum ad scribendum appellere, applicare
    • humour; disposition: animi affectio or habitus (De Inv. 2. 5)
    • to try to divine a person's disposition: animos tentare (Cluent. 63. 176)
    • to make a person change his intention: animum alicuius or simply aliquem flectere
    • the emotions, feelings: animi motus, commotio, permotio
    • to touch a person's heart, move him: alicuius animum commovere
    • to make an impression on a person's mind: alicuius animum pellere
    • what sort of humour are you in: quid tibi animi est?
    • to put a man in a pleasurable frame of mind: animum alicuius ad laetitiam excitare
    • I have become callous to all pain: animus meus ad dolorem obduruit (Fam. 2. 16. 1)
    • anxiety gnaws at the heart and incapacitates it: aegritudo exest animum planeque conficit (Tusc. 3. 13. 27)
    • to be brave, courageous: bonum animum habere
    • to take courage: animus alicui accedit, crescit
    • to take courage: animum capere, colligere
    • to take courage again: animum recipere (Liv. 2. 50)
    • to succeed in encouraging a person: animum facere, addere alicui
    • to strengthen, confirm a person's courage: animum alicuius confirmare
    • to increase a person's courage: animum alicui augere (B. G. 7. 70)
    • to re-inspire courage: animum alicuius redintegrare
    • their spirits are broken: animus frangitur, affligitur, percellitur, debilitatur
    • to fire with courage: animos militum accendere
    • their courage is ebbing: animi cadunt
    • to lose courage; to despair: animum demittere
    • to encourage a person: erigere alicuius animum or aliquem
    • to inspire the spiritless and prostrate with new vigour: excitare animum iacentem et afflictum (opp. frangere animum)
    • to disconcert a person: animum alicuius de statu, de gradu demovere (more strongly depellere, deturbare)
    • to hover between hope and fear: inter spem metumque suspensum animi esse
    • to be in suspense, waiting for a thing: exspectatione alicuius rei pendēre (animi) (Leg. Agr. 2. 25. 66)
    • (ambiguous) to love deeply: aliquem ex animo or ex animi sententia amare (Q. Fr. 1. 1. 5)
    • enthusiasm: ardor, inflammatio animi, incitatio mentis, mentis vis incitatior
    • to damp, chill enthusiasm: ardorem animi restinguere
    • his enthusiasm has abated, cooled down: ardor animi resēdit, consedit
    • my mind forebodes misfortune: animus praesāgit malum
    • to cool one's anger: animum explere
    • to prevent some one from growing angry, appease his anger: animum alicuius ab iracundia revocare
    • to abandon oneself to vice: animum vitiis dedere
    • to have self-control; to restrain oneself, master one's inclinations: animum regere, coercere, cohibere
    • to have self-control; to restrain oneself, master one's inclinations: animum vincere (Marcell. 3. 8)
    • unrestrained, unbridled lust: indomitae animi cupiditates
    • to eradicate passion from the mind: animi perturbationes exstirpare
    • to hurt some one's feelings: offendere aliquem, alicuius animum
    • to feel hurt by something: offendi aliqua re (animus offenditur)
    • a guilty conscience: animus male sibi conscius
    • on principle: ratione; animi quodam iudicio
    • character: natura et mores; vita moresque; indoles animi ingeniique; or simply ingenium, indoles, natura, mores
    • inconsistency; changeability: mobilitas et levitas animi
    • to fill the souls of one's audience with devotion: audientium animos religione perfundere (Liv. 10. 388)
    • to have power over the people by trading on their religious scruples: religione obstrictos habere multitudinis animos (Liv. 6. 1. 10)
    • I swear on my conscience: ex animi mei sententia iuro
    • an independent spirit: a partibus rei publicae animus liber (Sall. Cat. 4. 2)
    • to encourage, embolden the soldiery: animos militum confirmare (B. G. 5. 49)
    • (ambiguous) to picture a thing to oneself; to imagine: oculis, ante oculos (animo) proponere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to be well-disposed towards..: benevolo animo esse in aliquem
    • (ambiguous) to look favourably upon; to support: propenso animo, studio esse or propensa voluntate esse in aliquem (opp. averso animo esse ab aliquo)
    • (ambiguous) to indulge oneself: animo or simply sibi indulgere
    • (ambiguous) to be magnanimous, broad-minded: magno animo esse
    • (ambiguous) (1) to be attentive; (2) to keep one's presence of mind: animo adesse
    • (ambiguous) to obscure the mental vision: mentis quasi luminibus officere (vid. sect. XIII. 6) or animo caliginem offundere
    • (ambiguous) to form an idea of a thing, imagine, conceive: animo, cogitatione aliquid fingere (or simply fingere, but without sibi), informare
    • (ambiguous) to form an idea of a thing, imagine, conceive: animo concipere aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to form a conception of a thing beforehand: animo, cogitatione aliquid praecipere (Off 1. 23. 81)
    • (ambiguous) to grasp a thing mentally: animo, mente, cogitatione aliquid comprehendere, complecti
    • (ambiguous) a vague notion presents itself to my mind: aliquid animo meo obversatur (cf. sect. III, s. v. oculi)
    • (ambiguous) innate ideas: notiones animo (menti) insitae, innatae
    • (ambiguous) to form a conception, notion of a thing: notionem or rationem alicuius rei in animo informare or animo concipere
    • (ambiguous) to have formed an ideal notion of a thing: comprehensam quandam animo speciem (alicuius rei) habere
    • (ambiguous) to conceive an ideal: singularem quandam perfectionis imaginem animo concipere
    • (ambiguous) to be imbibing false opinions: opiniones falsas animo imbibere
    • (ambiguous) to get a mistaken notion into the mind: errorem animo imbibere
    • (ambiguous) to relieve a man of his scruple: scrupulum ex animo alicuius evellere (Rosc. Am. 2. 6)
    • (ambiguous) to think over, consider a thing: secum (cum animo) reputare aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to think over, consider a thing: considerare in, cum animo, secum aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to think over, consider a thing: agitare (in) mente or (in) animo aliquid
    • (ambiguous) I am resolved; it is my intention: in animo habeo or mihi est in animo c. Inf.
    • (ambiguous) to think of a person with a grateful sense of his goodness: nomen alicuius grato animo prosequi
    • (ambiguous) the memory of this will never fade from my mind: numquam ex animo meo memoria illius rei discedet
    • (ambiguous) a thing escapes, vanishes from the memory: aliquid excidit e memoria, effluit, excidit ex animo
    • (ambiguous) a thing is deeply impressed on the mind: aliquid in animo haeret, penitus insedit or infixum est
    • (ambiguous) to impress a thing on one's memory, mind: aliquid animo mentique penitus mandare (Catil. 1. 11. 27)
    • (ambiguous) to be humorously inclined: animo prompto esse ad iocandum
    • (ambiguous) to weary, bore the reader: languorem, molestiam legentium animis afferre
    • (ambiguous) to be so disposed: ita animo affectum esse
    • (ambiguous) to excite emotion: motus excitare in animo (opp. sedare, exstinguere)
    • (ambiguous) grief has struck deep into his soul: dolor infixus animo haeret (Phil. 2. 26)
    • (ambiguous) to enjoy peace of mind: quieto, tranquillo, securo animo esse
    • (ambiguous) to be very uneasy; to fret: (animo) angi (Brut. 27)
    • (ambiguous) to be brave, courageous: bono animo esse
    • (ambiguous) to be brave by nature: animo forti esse
    • (ambiguous) to show a brisk and cheerful spirit: alacri et erecto animo esse
    • (ambiguous) to lose courage; to despair: animo cadere, deficere
    • (ambiguous) to be cast down, discouraged, in despair: animo esse humili, demisso (more strongly animo esse fracto, perculso et abiecto) (Att. 3. 2)
    • (ambiguous) to possess presence of mind: praesenti animo uti (vid. sect. VI. 8, note uti...)
    • (ambiguous) to endure a thing with (the greatest) sang-froid: aequo (aequissimo) animo ferre aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to be resigned to a thing: (animo) paratum esse ad aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to lose one's composure; to be disconcerted: perturbari (animo)
    • (ambiguous) to be quite unconcerned: animo adesse (Sull. 11. 33)
    • (ambiguous) to conceive a hope: spem concipere animo
    • (ambiguous) to be waiting in suspense for..: suspenso animo exspectare aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to stifle, repress all humane sentiments in one's mind: omnem humanitatem ex animo exstirpare (Amic. 13. 48)
    • (ambiguous) to love deeply: aliquem ex animo or ex animi sententia amare (Q. Fr. 1. 1. 5)
    • (ambiguous) to banish love from one's mind: amorem ex animo eicere
    • (ambiguous) to banish all feeling of prejudice from the mind: suspicionem ex animo delere
    • (ambiguous) he is in a suspicious mood: suspicio insidet in animo ejus
    • (ambiguous) my mind forebodes misfortune: animo praesagio malum
    • (ambiguous) something is contrary to my moral sense, goes against my principles: aliquid abhorret a meis moribus (opp. insitum [atque innatum] est animo or in animo alicuius)
    • (ambiguous) to be inconsistent, changeable: animo mobili esse (Fam. 5. 2. 10)
    • (ambiguous) to banish devout sentiment from the minds of others: religionem ex animis extrahere (N. D. 1. 43. 121)
    • (ambiguous) belief in God is part of every one's nature: omnibus innatum est et in animo quasi insculptum esse deum
    • (ambiguous) Nature has implanted in all men the idea of a God: natura in omnium animis notionem dei impressit (N. D. 1. 16. 43)
    • (ambiguous) to devote oneself body and soul to the good of the state: totum et animo et corpore in salutem rei publicae se conferre
    • (ambiguous) to consider oneself already victor: victoriam praecipere (animo) (Liv. 10. 26)
  • animus in Ramminger, Johann (accessed 16 July 2016) Neulateinische Wortliste: Ein Wörterbuch des Lateinischen von Petrarca bis 1700, pre-publication website, 2005-2016



Borrowed from Latin animus (the soul, thoughts, intellect, ideas, will, thoughts, courage, etc.; the breath, life), closely related to anima (air, breath, spirit, life force). From Proto-Italic *anamos, from Proto-Indo-European *h₂enh₁mos, from *h₂enh₁- (to breathe). Doublet of ânimo.


animus m (uncountable)

  1. (Jungian psychology) animus (the masculine aspect of the feminine psyche or personality)
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