


meg- + van


  • IPA(key): [ˈmɛɡvɒn]
  • (file)
  • Hyphenation: meg‧van



  1. (intransitive) to exist, to be accessible (e.g. a copy of a book)
    Synonyms: elérhető, hozzáférhető, kapható, rendelkezésre áll
  2. (intransitive) to be at hand, to have (the thing had is in the nominative case)
    Synonyms: nála van, a birtokában van
    Megvan a kocsi?You got the car?
    1. (intransitive) to be found (something one has been looking for)
      Synonyms: előkerült, megkerült, megtaláltam
    2. (intransitive) to have gotten/caught someone, gotcha
      Synonym: elkaptalak
  3. (intransitive) to be ready, to be done (with something: -val/-vel)
    Synonyms: készen van vele, kész van vele, elkészült vele, túl van rajta
  4. (intransitive) to be over with something -val/-vel
    Synonyms: lezajlik, megtörténik, végbemegy
  5. (intransitive) to have reached something, to have succeeded in achieving something (e.g. passing an exam)
    Synonym: sikerült neki
  6. (intransitive) to be (doing) okay, all right, not too bad (in terms of health)
    Synonyms: vagyogat, szo-szo
  7. (intransitive) to get along, get on (well) with someone (-val/-vel)
    Synonym: kijön vele
  8. (intransitive) to be at least as much/many and perhaps more (as a result of a division in mathematics or estimating the age of someone or something)
  9. (intransitive) to manage, do without (the thing not really lacked: nélkül)
    Synonyms: elvan, elboldogul


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