Rehydration Drink, 15-10 to 15-18
CHILD-to-child activity, 24-17 to 24-22
children’s puppet show, 24-28 to 24-29
songs about, 1-27, 15-15
spoons for measuring, 15-16, 24-20
story from Indonesia, 24-24 to 24-27
to boil or not to boil, 15-4
two stories about teaching methods, 1-26 to 1-28
(Also see Dehydration)
Religion and family planning, 23-7
Respiratory problems
chest and lung wounds, 11-13
‘diagnosis game’, 14-11 to 14-12
how germs invade the respiratory system, 11-30
how to read WTND chart about cough, 21-4
mouth-to-mouth breathing, teaching aid, 11-13
role play about pneumonia using WTND, 20-8
thumping the lungs, teaching aid, 11-8
Road to Health chart
flannel-board teaching model, 11-4, 22-15 to
technique for copying, 12-16
used in nutrition survey, 25-9
(Also see Under-fives clinic)
Rohde, John, 15-12, 24-24, 25-30
Role playing. Chapter 14
about common cold, 27-3 to 27-4
about family planning, 23-9
about fever, 5-3 to 5-6
about liver disease, 5-14 to 5-16
about misuse of medicines, 18-4
about scabies, 14-7
about teaching methods, 1-17 to 1-23
about typhoid fever, 14-9 to 14-10
about working with a health committee, 10-5
as evaluation method, 9-21
CHILD-to-child activity on children with special
problems, 24-14 to 24-16
to learn about using record forms, 21-13 to 21-15
to motivate community action, 14-13 to 14-14
to practice attending the sick, 8-3
to practice comparative diagnosis,
14-11 to 14-12, 17-8, 21-3, 21-13 to 21-15
to practice using WTND, 20 8 to 20-11
Sand timer, homemade, 16-8
boiling water, 15-3 to 15-4
how flies spread germs, 7-11
inspection of food and market, 15-9
latrine building (example of task analysis),
5-7 to 5-9
role play to motivate community action, 14-13
to 14-14
story about blood worms, 13-6
Scabies, 13-11, 14-7 to 14-8
Scales, homemade, for weighing babies, 16-1 to 16-2
Schistosomiasis, story from Nigeria, 13-6
Scientific method (See Problem solving)
and bilirubin, 5-16
used in home remedies, 7-7, 7-10
(Also see Diarrhea)
Shock, test for, 16-9
Sickle cell anemia, 7-6
Silkscreen copier, 16-12 to 16-14
Skits (See Role playing and Theater)
Slides, 6-5, 12-18, 13-11 to 13-13
Smoking, 7-5
role play, 14-14
teaching about, 11 -6
Social change, Chapter 26
A Call for Courage and Caution, Back-1
dealing with obstacles, 25-26
teaching that resists or encourages change, 1-12
to 1-28
Why this Book is so Political, Front-7 to Front-12
women’s leadership in, 22-20, 26-28, 27-19 to
Sociodrama (social drama), Chapter 27
(Also see Role playing. Theater)
Soft spot, baby’s, 7-8, 24-18 to 24-19, 24-30
Songs used in health work, 1-27, 13-9, 15-15, 24-12,
Special drink (See Rehydration drink)
method of birth control, 23-4, 23-9 to 23-10
of instruments and bandage material, 16-10
Stethoscopes, homemade, 16-6
Stool, nutrition teaching aid, 25-42
(Also see Shit)
Storage of grains, 11-1, 25-24, 25-26 to 25-27,
27-27 to 27-30
Story telling, Chapter 13
list of stories included in this book, 13-14
String-board, 11-19 Supervision (See Advisers)
Support (See Follow-up)
Surgery, 11-10, 16-10, Back-13
Surveys, 6-6 to 6-10
appropriate and inappropriate questions, 3-13,
6-9, 25-23
CHILD-to-child activity on diarrhea, 24-17,
CHILD-to-child activity on seeing and hearing,
24-12 to 24-13
of nutrition needs, 25-7 to 25-23
on the spot, 7-13
to determine training priorities, 3-13 to 3-17
Suturing (sewing) a wound, 11-10, 16-10
Task analysis, 5-7 to 5-9
Teas, herbal, 7-6, 13-2, 18-7