Want to play online with your friends on your 3DS? In order to do that, you both need to exchange friend codes. Grab your system now and follow these steps.


  1. 1
    Turn on your Nintendo 3DS.
  2. 2
    Press the little orange smiley face icon at the very top of the menu. It's called your Friend List.
  3. 3
    Once it's activated, press Register Friend (located at the top of the touch screen).
  4. 4
    From here, there are two options for adding friends. If your friend's 3DS is within range (as in within a few feet), use Local. If your friend's 3DS is far away from your current location, use Internet. Note that if you use the Internet option, both of you must be connected to Wi-Fi when you are adding each other.
    • If you pressed Local, tell your friend to also select Local on their 3DS. If it has been done correctly, you should see your friend's Mii on the bottom screen. Tap the friend card to add them.
    • If you pressed Internet, you must ask your friend what their friend code is. It is located on the top screen of their own card (the first friend card).
  5. 5
    Once you have their friend code, enter it into the number pad. Then enter a temporary name of your friend. Your friend should do the same.
  6. 6
    Once the Mii of your friend shows up, you're done!
  7. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    How can I easily give others my friend code?
    Community Answer
    I'd recommend any social media that has a direct messaging system. Those work for me.
  • Question
    My son can't get his Friend Code for his Nintendo 3DS. What can he do?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Turn on/open the Nintendo 3DS, then tap the orange face at the top of the touchscreen. Switch over to the card with the Personal Mii (the Mii of the 3DS owner) and look at the top screen. At the bottom of the card you will see a 12-digit number. That is your Friend Code.
  • Question
    My Nintendo's friend address is replaced by question marks. How do I get rid of those?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If a Mii's name is replaced by '???', this means it's a blocked user. To unblock, go into Mii maker. Click on the list of controls, then enter Blocked User Settings. From here you can either block or unblock people on your friend list.


  • Note that if you used the Internet option, both parties must enter in friend codes. Otherwise, your friend will end up being listed as a provisionally registered friend.

Things You'll Need

  • Nintendo 3DS
  • Friend code(s)
  • Internet connection (for the Internet option)

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 15 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 108,262 times.
20 votes - 75%
Co-authors: 15
Updated: June 3, 2021
Views: 108,262
Categories: Nintendo 3DS