Are you writing a letter to the archbishop? Do you have the opportunity to meet them in person? If you have the chance to communicate with an archbishop, you may be wondering how to address them correctly. Luckily, it’s easy to address an archbishop in both face-to-face interactions and in letters. In this article, we’ll explain how to greet, address, and introduce yourself with an archbishop.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Addressing an Archbishop in Person

  1. 1
    Greet an archbishop formally by saying “Your Excellency.” When you approach an Archbishop, it’s best to give them a formal salutation. Both “Your Excellency” and “Your Grace” are acceptable and highly respectful greetings.[1]
    • For example, if you wanted to show your appreciation in person, say something like, “Good Morning, Your Grace. I’d like to thank you for your work in the Catholic community. I’m very grateful for your kindness and leadership.”
  2. 2
    Greet an archbishop informally by saying “Archbishop (surname).” If you’ve spoken to a particular archbishop before, have volunteered under them, or are related to them, it may be appropriate to greet them informally. Refer to the archbishop as “Archbishop (surname).”[2]
    • For example, you might say, “Hello, Archbishop Anderson. It’s great to see you.”
  3. 3
    Say the archbishop’s title and surname when you ask how they are. Whether you greet an archbishop formally or informally, you should always include their title and surname when you ask them questions or call out to them.[3]
    • For example, it wouldn’t be appropriate to say, “Hello, archbishop. How have you been?” Instead, say something like, “Hello, Archbishop Smith. How have you been?”
  4. 4
    Say “Your Eminence,” to a cardinal who is also an archbishop. Some cardinals are also archbishops. If you want to greet a cardinal who is also an archbishop in person, it’s best to say “Your Eminence,” or “Your Lordship,” in order to show respect.[4]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Writing a Letter

  1. 1
    Write a heading at the top of the letter. At the top of the page, write “His Excellency,” and then start a new line directly underneath. On the second line, write, “The Most Reverend (full name). Write a third line that says, “Archbishop of (diocese).”[5]
    • If you’re writing to a cardinal who is also an archbishop, instead write "His Eminence, (first name) Cardinal (surname), Archbishop of (diocese)" as the heading.[6]
  2. 2
    Include a salutation underneath the heading. Skip a couple of lines and write a salutation before starting the body of the letter. Write “Your Excellency,” if the letter is of a formal nature and write “Dear Archbishop (surname),” if it’s a little more informal.[7]
    • When writing a letter to a cardinal who is also an archbishop, write "Your Eminence," "Most Eminent Cardinal," or "My Lord Cardinal," as the salutation.[8]
  3. 3
    Write “Respectfully Yours in Christ,” at the end. After you’ve finished writing the body of the letter, skip a few lines before concluding the letter. It’s most common to write “Respectfully Yours in Christ,” and then start a new line below it where you sign your full name.[9] However, you could also conclude the letter by writing, “Asking Your Excellency's blessing, I am, Yours respectfully in Christ,” just above your full name.[10]
  4. 4
    Address the envelope. Put the letter in the envelope and seal it. Then you’ll write four different things centered on the envelope before you send the letter. First, write “The Most Reverend.” Start a new line underneath this one that says only the archbishop’s full name. Below that, write “Archbishop of (diocese).” Start the address on the 4th line and make sure to include the street, city, state, and zip code.[11]
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    Where can I send a letter to if I want to maximize the chance that the Archbishop of Canterbury himself would read it rather than one of his employees?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You could telephone or email Lambeth Palace and ask how best to contact the Archbishop directly, or contact via Twitter or using the contact form on the Archbishop's website.

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Co-authors: 7
Updated: October 28, 2022
Views: 77,052
Categories: Catholicism
Article SummaryX

Addressing an acrhbishop the right way will show your respect. In person, address them as either “Your Excellency” or “Your Grace.” If the archbishop is also a cardinal, address them as "Your Eminence" instead. If you already know the archbishop, you can use their surname, such as “Archbishop Anderson.” When you’re writing a letter to an archbishop, you should address the envelope and the top of the letter using their full title. On the first line, write “His excellency.” On the second line, write, “The Most Reverend,” followed by their full name. Then, on the third line, write, “Archbishop of,” followed by their province. Open your letter with “Your excellency” instead of “Dear.” For more tips, including how to end your letter to an archbishop, read on!

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