Are you a little confused when an employer asks what makes you unique during an interview? While the question may seem like a curveball, we're here to help you knock this question out of the park and leave a great impression. Keep reading and we'll cover what an interviewer means when they ask you how you're unique and walk you through how to give the best answer.

Things You Should Know

  • Interviewers ask “What makes you unique?” to learn about the skills and traits that make you stand out from the other job candidates.
  • Respond with specific examples of relevant skills and personality traits, like staying organized, public speaking, or getting along easily with others.
  • Avoid answering with generic phrases or talking about quirks unrelated to the position.
Section 1 of 4:

Why do employers ask “What makes you unique?”

  1. 1
    Employers want to know how you’ll add value to their business. An employer might be curious about the unique perspective you bring to the company. They’re eager to learn why you want to be a part of the team and what significant ways you can leave an impact.[1]
  2. 2
    Employers want to know what sets you apart from other candidates. There are probably multiple people who applied for the position that have similar qualifications as you. The interviewer is wondering about how your background and experience make you the best pick for the job.[2]
    • An interviewer may even word the question, “What makes you stand out from other candidates?” or, “Tell us what makes you unique from the other candidates we’re interviewing.”
  3. 3
    The interviewer is wondering about soft skills not on your resume. Soft skills focus on your personality, like your attitude and how you communicate with others. Since these aren’t usually skills you list on a resume, the interviewer is giving you an opportunity to showcase the other strengths you have.[3]
  4. 4
    An employer may want to know what you value about yourself. Some interviewers are curious about how you present and talk about yourself positively. They want you to give you a chance to talk about what aspects you’re most proud of and how you’re working to keep improving.[4]
  5. Advertisement
Section 2 of 4:

Tips for Answering “What Makes You Unique?”

  1. 1
    Bring up an area of expertise relating to the position. Take some time to read through the job description and research the company you’re interviewing with.[5] Once you have a good understanding of what the employer is looking for, brainstorm all the skills you have that are the most relevant to the job you’re interviewing for.[6]
    • For example, one of your skills may be connecting with a customer and upselling products if you have a background in sales.
  2. 2
    Highlight your positive personality traits. Make a list of all of the personality traits you love about yourself, such as being friendly, collaborative, focused, or attentive. Then think about how your personality traits align with the position and how they’ll help you succeed.[7]
    • For example, if one of your traits is “collaborative,” you could talk about how openly you’re able to communicate and that you’re attentive to feedback that other people give you.
    • If you’re having a tough time thinking of ways you stand out, ask a friend or colleague what they think is unique about you.
  3. 3
    Mention a specific example of how you used the relevant skill. Look back to a time when a past employer praised you or when you accomplished something you were really proud of. Summarize the situation and think about what skills or traits you demonstrated to help you through it. That way, the employer can get a better idea of how you’d work through a similar issue for their business.[8]
    • Give a brief summary of what happened rather than going deep into the details. You don’t need to get into too many personal details.
    • Try to stay away from vague, generic answers like “I’m a hard worker” or “I’m a good listener” since they’re non-specific and overused in interviews.
  4. 4
    Say how your skills can benefit the company. Rather than bringing it up and moving on, clarify how you’ll use that skill or trait in the new position. The interviewer will appreciate that you’ve thought ahead about what you have to offer for the company. It also shows that you have goals and new ideas to bring to the table so you’re a more desirable candidate.[9]
    • For example, you could say how you’re eager to make connections with customers so they keep coming back for business.
  5. 5
    Be confident about the skills you talk about. The interviewer is giving you an opportunity to brag about yourself a little bit, so don’t be afraid to talk yourself up and be confident about what you’ve accomplished. Use a firm voice and be straightforward when you talk about what makes you unique so the employer trusts your abilities even more.[10]
    • Be truthful when you’re talking about what makes you unique since you don’t want to get caught in a lie or over-promise anything.
    • There is no right answer to the question "What makes you unique?" and it's not a trick question. Just be authentic with your response and you'll be sure to leave a good impression.
    • You don’t have to talk negatively about others to make yourself feel more confident.
  6. 6
    Avoid mentioning personality quirks unrelated to the position. Even though you may want to mention a unique collection or hobby you have, that doesn’t give the interviewer a hint at why you’d be a good fit for the position. The interviewer is looking for the accomplishments and traits that give you an edge over the other applicants, so keep your conversation professional.[11]
  7. Advertisement
Section 3 of 4:

Sample Answers to “What Makes You Unique?”

  1. 1
    I’m able to get along with different people and personalities really easily. When I worked in customer service, I could empathize with customer needs and foster connections with my coworkers all at the same time. I know this job involves a lot of collaboration, and I’ve been able to find solutions in the past that work well for everyone involved.
  2. 2
    I have a real knack for keeping projects organized since it helps me stay on top of what I need to do. After my last employer saw how hard I worked to ship our products on time, they assigned me as project manager for our next line. I’ll bring that drive and organization to this company so we can succeed too.
  3. 3
    One thing that makes me unique is my intense curiosity for the world around me. I get so excited from learning new things that I can incorporate into my designs. This past year, I took a deep dive into how colors affect people’s moods, and it’s really helped me learn how to connect with an audience as a graphic designer.
  4. 4
    I like to do computer programming in my free time, so I apply that type of logical thinking to all my other work. In past marketing campaigns, I always checked the analytics to test out what was working and could logically figure out the next steps to take to improve. It could be a really useful mindset when I help structure ad campaigns for your company.
  5. 5
    One thing that makes me stand out is my love for public speaking. I was part of the debate team in college, so I know how to clearly present important talking points. Since interpersonal communication and customer reachout is a big part of this position, I can bring my strong oration skills to the table.
  6. Advertisement
Section 4 of 4:

How do you answer “What makes you unique?” in a casual social setting?

  1. Give a fun answer about an experience, hobby, or personality quirk. If you’re at a party or social event, or if you’re on a date, you might get asked this question as a simple icebreaker. It’s okay to give an answer that's a little more personal so the other person gets a view into your life. Just be sure to return the favor and ask the other person what’s unique about them too. Some things you could say include:[12]
    • “I play guitar in a local band.”
    • “I write and shoot short films in my free time.”
    • “I lived in another country for a few years in college.”

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How you become unique?
    Rachel Clissold
    Rachel Clissold
    Certified Life Coach
    Rachel Clissold is a Life Coach and Consultant in Sydney, Australia. With over six years of coaching experience and over 17 years of corporate training, Rachel specializes in helping business leaders move through internal roadblocks, gain more freedom and clarity, and optimize their company’s efficiency and productivity. Rachel uses a wide range of techniques including coaching, intuitive guidance, neuro-linguistic programming, and holistic biohacking to help clients overcome fear, break through limitations, and bring their epic visions to life. Rachel is an acclaimed Reiki Master Practitioner, Qualified practitioner in NLP, EFT, Hypnosis & Past Life Regression. She has created events with up to 500 people around Australia, United Kingdom, Bali, and Costa Rica.
    Rachel Clissold
    Certified Life Coach
    Expert Answer
    Really follow your intuition and do what feels right to you. By being true to yourself, you'll be unique. Additionally, speak up and don't be afraid to speak your mind.

About This Article

Hunter Rising
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Hunter Rising. Hunter Rising is a wikiHow Staff Writer based in Los Angeles. He has more than three years of experience writing for and working with wikiHow. Hunter holds a BFA in Entertainment Design from the University of Wisconsin - Stout and a Minor in English Writing. This article has been viewed 7,507 times.
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Co-authors: 6
Updated: October 25, 2022
Views: 7,507
Categories: Interview Skills