Have you ever wished to appear more intelligent to the people around you? Have no fear—we've got your back. Read on for plenty of tips, tricks, and suggestions that'll help you easily appear intelligent in any scenario.


Buff up your lexicon.

  1. It's common knowledge that intelligent people tend to use longer words. However, when someone intentionally warps their speech into a bunch of--ahem--sesquipedalian, loquacious verbiage--it looks silly, and is obviously fake.
    • Intelligent people use longer words because they're more precise and efficient, and they help explain things in a way that's more easily understood (if you can get a handle on the vocabulary, at least).
    • Avoid slang terms. Using slang terms generally doesn't improve your image, and it may make some people less likely to see you in an intelligent light.

Refrain from using sentence fillers.


Dress the part.

  1. Your best option is a 'smart-casual' wardrobe. You will need several blazers (preferably tweed), various shirts/blouses and smart-looking trousers. Maintaining your appearance will help create the illusion that you're an intelligent and precise person.
    • While a neat haircut isn't quite indicative of intellect, it shows that you want to look smart but low-maintenance (i.e. not wanting to style your hair every morning, but still caring about your appearance).

Look for abridged explanations and summaries.

  1. Want to carry on a conversation with your well-read friends? If you don't have much patience for the classics, read CliffNotes or watch a film adaptation so you at least know what they're about. Familiarise yourself with famous authors and popular philosophies. Get abbreviated, crash-course lessons on a couple different topics of your choice.
    • Search on the Internet. Mildly interested in psychology? Try the book Psych101--it's a small book that'll familiarize you with the basic theories and theorists, and you can pick it up and read little bits at your leisure.
    • Many quick explanations of higher-level topics can be found on video-streaming websites, such as Youtube. You could begin by searching for "Quick Philosophical Topics" and perusing what shows up!
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Avoid swearing and use of other types of 'vulgar' language.

  1. The primary reason to swear is to use shock tactics. Using language that society has deemed inappropriate is supposed to add meaning to your statements. Intelligent people have better ways to make their point than bad language, and they tend to look down upon profanity.
    • Rather than use foul language, try to explain your emotions using more efficient terminology. In addition to avoiding profanity, you'll impress your friends with your newfound vocabulary.
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  • Don't try to one-up or argue with people who actually know what they're talking about. You will be shot down, humiliated and pegged in that person's mind as irritating.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 28 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 119,104 times.
214 votes - 76%
Co-authors: 28
Updated: June 7, 2022
Views: 119,104
Categories: Youth Culture