Being observant serves a lot of purposes in life. It can keep you safe on the job, make you a better artist or photographer, and help you to pick up on little details that other people don’t notice. You don’t have to be as gifted as Sherlock Holmes to improve your powers of observation, though! Check out this handy list of simple tips you can try out to practice observing the world around you more closely.


Walk slowly and look around in all directions

  1. This is a great way to start paying more attention to your surroundings. Try to get out of the mindset of just trying to get from point A to point B. Instead of walking as fast as possible to get where you’re going, make a conscious effort to slow down your walking speed and take in everything around you.[1]
    • Whether you’re walking somewhere or sitting down outdoors, make an effort to look from side to side, behind you, and above you regularly. Take notice of what’s all around you instead of only looking at what’s in front of you.
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Take pictures of your surroundings.

  1. Looking at things through a lens gives you a whole new perspective. Instead of just going from one place to another, take a camera with you or keep your phone out with the camera ready to snap a shot. Look for interesting buildings, objects, or scenes along your path and take pictures of them as you go![2]
    • For example, maybe you notice a flowery bush or an old building with unique architectural features that you wouldn’t otherwise pay attention to.
    • If you choose to use your phone camera, make sure not to spend all your time staring at your phone. Sometimes phone cameras can't quite capture what our eyes can!

Explore new places.

  1. This gets you out of your regular haunts, where you aren't as observant. Take a new route to work or go to a new part of town on the weekend, for example. That way, you’re not just on autopilot and doing the same old things without really taking in your surroundings.[3]
    • If you take a new route to work, you’re going to notice much more than if you go down the same street you’ve been down hundreds of times and know like the back of your hand.
    • You can also expose yourself to new environments by trying a new activity. For example, sign up for a rock climbing class or take an art class.
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Pay more attention to others.


Ask yourself questions.

  1. This helps you draw conclusions based on what you observe. Ask yourself things like: “How is this person really feeling?” “What is the difference between what he is saying and what he is really feeling?” and “How many people in this room are in a good mood?” Keep your mind busy and keep prodding yourself to discover what's really happening in a situation.[6]
    • At first, switching to this inquisitive mode of thinking can be a little bit distracting. Don’t ask yourself so many questions that you’re not living in the moment.
    • If you aren’t sure where to start with this technique, simply ask yourself “Why?” For example, “Why is this person here in this park right now?” Then, make educated guesses based on their behavior.
    • As you practice this more, you'll learn how to keep questioning a situation while paying complete attention.

Use all of your senses to observe.

  1. Engaging all your senses is the ultimate way to be fully observant. Use all 5 senses when you're in a conversation with someone, when you're observing others, or when you’re taking in your surroundings. Notice sounds, smells, textures, and tastes of things around you, as appropriate.[7]
    • Look around to observe and scan your surroundings and people's behavior wherever you are.
    • Listen to pay attention to different sounds around you distinguish voices from background noise.
    • Use your sense of touch to infer the moods of people. For example, if someone shakes hands with you and you find the person's hands sweaty, the person may be nervous.
    • Use your nose to detect any smell that is out of the ordinary, like a sudden aroma of gas or smoke in the area.
    • Pay attention to your taste buds to notice all the different flavours of a meal you’re eating or of a beverage you’re drinking.
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Train your mind with observational games.

  1. Puzzles and games help you notice things more quickly. For example, play “Where's Waldo?” put together a jigsaw puzzle, or play Memory, the matching card game. Or, try a “spot the differences” identical picture game.[9]
    • Putting in just 15 minutes a day into a mental game or puzzle is a great exercise for your brain and your observational powers.
    • You can also play an easy observational game by doing this: grab a pen and paper and quickly write down everything you can think of about the room or space you’re in without looking around.
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Meditate daily.

  1. Meditating helps build awareness of your mind and body. Sit down for 10-15 minutes every morning and/or evening, make sure you're comfortable in a quiet room, and listen to the breath rising and falling out of your body. Focus on relaxing one body part at a time until you find yourself in a state of real relaxation, and are able to notice all of the little things around you while keeping your eyes closed.[10]
    • As you meditate, you let distractions out of your brain and become more aware of your surroundings and your own state of being.

Do a scavenger hunt.

  1. These are a great wait to be on the lookout for things throughout your day. Pick an object or something else to look for and take a picture of it or make a note of it every time you see it throughout the day. When you’re all done, consider why each of those things is there or how they got there.[11]
    • Your scavenger hunt could be looking for something as mundane as fire hydrants or as unique as art by a certain graffiti artist, for example.
    • You can also look for certain activities or scenes throughout the day, such as people playing sports or drinking coffee.
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  • Question
    How can I sharpen my mind?
    Sandra Possing
    Sandra Possing
    Life Coach
    Sandra Possing is a life coach, speaker, and entrepreneur based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Sandra specializes in one-on-one coaching with a focus on mindset and leadership transformation. Sandra received her coaching training from The Coaches Training Institute and has seven years of life coaching experience. She holds a BA in Anthropology from the University of California, Los Angeles.
    Sandra Possing
    Life Coach
    Expert Answer

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    Any type of meditation, whether it be guided or on your own, can help you become more aware of what's happening in your brain in real time. You can also try keeping a thought log, which can help you engage with and note your negative or unhelpful thought patterns.

About This Article

Sandra Possing
Co-authored by:
Life Coach
This article was co-authored by Sandra Possing. Sandra Possing is a life coach, speaker, and entrepreneur based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Sandra specializes in one-on-one coaching with a focus on mindset and leadership transformation. Sandra received her coaching training from The Coaches Training Institute and has seven years of life coaching experience. She holds a BA in Anthropology from the University of California, Los Angeles. This article has been viewed 225,624 times.
23 votes - 95%
Co-authors: 34
Updated: September 11, 2021
Views: 225,624
Article SummaryX

To be observant, start by listening to what your body is telling you since your instincts are typically right. Additionally, pay more attention to others than yourself as you begin to move your focus outward. For example, be a good and patient listener by looking at a person and observing how they feel, and noticing body language and what that might say about a person’s mood. As you practice your observational skills, make sure to put distractions, like your phone, away so you can truly engage with your surroundings. To learn how to use puzzles to become more observant, keep reading!

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