There is always someone who can step on stage and steal the whole show. They are such a good actor/actress that they pull you into their world and leave you on the edge of your seat. Keep reading to find out how to not just an actor or actress, but a great actor/actress and show strong emotions that will captivate your audience.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Preparing For the Role

  1. 1
    Read the entire script 2-3 times. You need to know the entire play/movies or episode well, not just your character. Actors exist to drive forward the larger theme and plot of a movie, play or TV show. If you don't understand the larger themes and ideas of the script, then your performance will seem out of place. When reading the script, ask yourself what the main theme of the work is. How does your character fit into the story?
    • Once you've got a grasp on the full story, turn to your parts and read them an extra 1-2 times. Now, focus on your character's role and lines.
  2. 2
    Ask and answer several key questions about your character. To really get into your character, you need to dive past what is on the page and start thinking about what makes your character tick. All of this might not make it to the screen/stage, but these little facts will help you fully portray the character and can lead to important discoveries about how you'll play the role. When coming up with "answers," trust your gut, or ask the director or writer for help.
    • Who am I?
    • Where am I from?
    • Why am I here?[1]
  3. 3
    Know your character's defining desire. All characters, in almost all stories, want something. This is the basis of plot. The desire can be to save the world, to get a date, or simply to grab a bite to eat. But you need to know this desire, and why your character has it, in order to accurately portray them. All of your character's actions will stem in some way from this desire. It is what drives and fuels them.
    • A character's desires can change, and you need to note when this happens. It is almost always a major scene or moment to portray.
    • As an exercise, try and pick out the desires of your favorite characters/actors. In There Will Be Blood, for example, the main character is completely driven by the need to find more oil. Every action, look, and emotion springs from this unending, passionate greed, and you can see it on Daniel Day-Lewis's face each scene.[2]
  4. 4
    Practice your lines until they become second nature. You shouldn't ever have to stop and think about what you're about to say. You should be more concerned with how you're saying it. The only way to get to this point is to practice your lines over and over again, doing your best to recite them without consulting the script. Get a friend to play the rest of the parts so that you can realistically bounce the conversation back and forth.
    • Experiment with the lines as you read. Try them multiple ways, with different inflections or emphasis, and see how it affects your character.
    • Recording yourself and watching it later can help you see small mistakes, or hear new ways to deliver the lines.
    • Focus on getting the lines down first before worrying about perfecting the lines. You want to be able to recite the words now, then make them perfect later.
  5. 5
    Talk to the director about their vision for the character. If you've already got the role, sit down with the director to see if there is any specific direction they want to go with things. Briefly let them know your ideas about the character and how you see them contributing to the themes in the project, then listen to their ideas as well. Remember that you are there to serve the project as a whole, not just yourself. You need to be able to take constructive criticism and ideas gracefully.
    • If you don't have the role yet, and are going to an audition, pick a direction for the character and stick with it. Don't try and give people what they want to hear. Instead, read the notes and prepare the lines in the way that feels natural to you.[3]
  6. 6
    Put yourself in the shoes of your character. You can not adequately represent a character unless you can get inside their head. Even though your words are scripted out, your actions and blocking aren't always written in stone. In addition, knowing your character well will help you improvise should someone forget their lines. Preparing for a role is the process of getting into your character's head, embodying them the best you can.
    • Method acting is when an actor refuses to break character on set. In between takes, they stay in the role, trying to fully inhabit the character so that they are always perfect when playing the role on camera.
    • Find the parts of the role that ring true for you. Have you felt the sorts of emotions your character is going through? Do you know a little bit about the struggle? Find ways to channel your emotions into your character's lines for the best results.
  7. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Playing Believable Characters

  1. 1
    Commit to your roles. It is not your job, as an actor, to rewrite the script so that you are "more likeable," nor is it your job to judge the writing or character and play a version of yourself instead. It is your job to portray a character that could believably inhabit the world of the movie, play, or TV show. Just like the writer, director, camera person, etc, you need to work as part of a larger, consistent group to make a great show.
    • Don't be embarrassed by something your character is doing, because it is ultimately just acting. If you hold back on a gross, violent, sexual, or emotionally difficult scene you only end up alienating the audience and coming across as "unrealistic."
    • All the best actors commit fully to their roles. Ever wonder why Tom Cruise is still an action star? It's because he never winks, jokes, or sleepwalks his way through the script. He always has high-energy and full commitment, even in bizarre or comical situations.
    • Committing to a role means doing whatever it takes to portray your character realistically, not doing what makes you, the actor, look the best.
    • Even if what your character is saying and doing doesn't make sense for what you personally would do, use your imagination until their emotions and behavior seem absolutely truthful for who that character is in their own lives.[4]
  2. 2
    Learn to react. While not everyone agrees that acting is reacting, it is still an important thing to consider when you're learning about acting. This means that you have to work on your responsiveness to any given acting situation. Really focus in on the other actor's lines, listening to them intently like you would any other person's conversation in "real life." You want to respond honestly, in the voice of your character, even if you are not the main attraction of the scene.
    • Nothing believable between two actors ever happens unless they're both present and truly working off of each other. A hallmark of a good actor is the ability to be on stage or in front of a camera but not be distracted by the audience, camera, or crew.[5]
    • Keep yourself in the moment. Don't try to start thinking ahead to the next scene, or agonizing about whether you said your lines appropriately in the previous scene.
    • For a humorous example, watch Charlie Day in the show It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Even when he is not speaking, his eyebrows, eyes, and fingers are darting around. He fully commits to his character's wild, unpredictable energy.
  3. 3
    Think about a consistent posture. It's important to remember that something as small as posture can make a big difference. Not only does it make you look more confident, it helps you further inhabit the life of the character. If your character is weak or meager, hunch your shoulders and sink away from the others. If they are heroic, stand tall with your chest and head held high.
  4. 4
    Use your pace and volume to dictate the energy of a scene. When reciting lines it's tempting to blaze through them as fast as you can. But this is a surefire way to lose the nuance of your role. Instead, let your pacing and volume mimic your character's internal state.
    • Nervous or scared characters often talk quickly, rushing the words out.
    • Angry characters will raise their voice, and may slow down their speech (to make a point) or speed it up (when overflowing with anger).
    • Happy/excited characters tend to speak with an even volume, or raise volume as the speech goes on. They talk quickly.
    • A variety of pacing and volume, depending on the scene, is a great way to show characters changing or reacting to certain events.
  5. 5
    Play with the emphasis in your lines. Think about the subtext of every line, and emphasize accordingly. Emphasis the lined is stressed. Think of it as the most important word or phrase of the sentence. It may not sound important, but emphasis can have a huge role in anything you say. "I love you" has a different connotation than "I love you," for example.
    • This is another place where famous actors can help you practice. Research an old script online for a movie you haven't seen, then pick a character and try out a couple of line readings. When you watch the movie, compare how the actor chose to deliver the lines. There is no wrong answer here, but this can help you notice the subtleties of emphasis.[6]
  6. 6
    Respect the script. Unless given permission to do so, or briefly improvising a word or two, stick to the script as much as possible. You may not be sure if there is a call-back to another line or scene, or if a director likes the exact line reading for some reason. When in doubt, always obey the script. Someone will tell you if they want you to improvise or deviate into something different.[7]
  7. 7
    Keep your blocking consistent. Blocking is where you move and stand in a scene. Once you've decided on blocking with the director, don't change it. Work on hitting the exact same blocking each take, rehearsal, or scene. This allows continuity, and helps the rest of the cast and crew plan their own jobs.
    • This is especially crucial for filmed projects, as identical blocking allows an editor to cut between different takes without the audience noticing.
  8. 8
    Ignore the camera or audience. Noticing, reacting to, or acknowledging the audience is the quickest way to fall out of character. In most cases, characters do not know that they are in a play or movie, and you shouldn't either. This comes with practice, but a good way to get ready is to simply get in front of a camera. When you notice it, or feel like you're being watched, don't react to the feeling.
    • Many experienced casts and crews won't make eye contact with you while acting, knowing that is is a natural human tendency to make eye contact back. Try and help your fellow actors by doing the same while they work and you're taking a break.
    • Be aware of things that you do when you're nervous. Avoid playing with your hair, hiding your hands in your sleeves, or shuffling your feet. Instead, deal with your nerves by taking a deep breath and drinking some water.
  9. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Honing your Craft

  1. 1
    Research human behavior through conversations and books. To play a diverse array of people, you need to know a diverse array of people. When you meet people, do your best to be quiet and listen. Ask them about their lives and stories, note how they talk and any slang they use, and let yourself be a sponge. Reading helps you see these concepts at work. Moreover, reading actually activates the same part of your brain as acting does.
    • You should also do specific research for your part. If it is based on a specific person or time period, find out as much as you can. These little facts will work their way into your performance, even if only unconsciously.[8]
    • You act from who and what you are—your humanity, your soul, your experiences. You'll be a more interesting actor the older you get, because you'll have more from your own life to draw from.[9]
  2. 2
    Watch and rewatch actors you admire. When you're watching someone act, let the scene simply wash over you the first time, watching like you would watch any other movie. Then replay the scene, paying specific attention to each actor separately. What do they do when they aren't talking? How do they deliver their lines? What is their body positioning and posture like? What movements do they use to sell their lines?
    • Would you read the same lines differently? If so, how?
    • Classic plays, like Shakespeare, are a great way to see the artistry of acting. YouTube, for example, 5 different actors delivering the same monologue from Hamlet. How do they all differ? What artistic choices is each actor making to make the character unique?[10]
  3. 3
    Go to acting classes. These classes often end in a production or performance, and are a great way to practice acting in a low-pressure environment. Take note not only of the teacher, but the other students. What can you learn from them? How would you improve their line readings, and would you make any different character choices? Make friends with your fellow actors, and talk to them from time to ask them for advice or tips on your performance.
    • You never know when a fellow actor will make it big, and could potentially help you get a role. Be kind and friendly to everyone in class-- it will pay dividends later.
  4. 4
    Take improv classes. Improvisation is the art of acting in the present, letting your character take over the action and react accordingly. Improv skills will help your characters seem natural, like they are reacting to the events on the screen in real time and not reading off a page. There are many improvisation classes in urban and semi-urban areas, and many acting classes feature a small amount of improv training.[11]
    • Improv games, like acting out suggestions from friends, acting with weird props, or acting short scenes with a friend, are great ways to practice acting anywhere.
  5. 5
    Practice "cold readings" to ace your auditions. A cold read is when you're handed a script and asked to act it out on the spot. Sometimes you get 1-2 minutes to look it over, and sometimes you need to just launch into it. While this is scary, it is also very easy to practice. Buy a book of monologues, grab passages from a book, or even pick up a dramatic newspaper story and read it out loud. You can also read it once, silently, then take 20-30 seconds to choose a direction for the piece before beginning.
    • This is also a good warm-up exercise, helping you prepare your mind and body for acting.
  6. Advertisement

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  • Question
    How can I get an agent as an actor?
    Melessa Sargent
    Melessa Sargent
    Professional Writer
    Melessa Sargent is the President of Scriptwriters Network, a non-profit organization that brings in entertainment professionals to teach the art and business of script writing for TV, features and new media. The Network serves its members by providing educational programming, developing access and opportunity through alliances with industry professionals, and furthering the cause and quality of writing in the entertainment industry. Under Melessa's leadership, SWN has won numbers awards including the Los Angeles Award from 2014 through 2021, and the Innovation & Excellence award in 2020.
    Melessa Sargent
    Professional Writer
    Expert Answer

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    I recommend researching agents in your area and finding one with a smaller practice. Big agents may not be able to represent an unknown person from the start. A smaller agent can really work closely with you and help you hone in your gift. This extra care can help you go further in the long run.
  • Question
    How can I break into the industry as an actor?
    Melessa Sargent
    Melessa Sargent
    Professional Writer
    Melessa Sargent is the President of Scriptwriters Network, a non-profit organization that brings in entertainment professionals to teach the art and business of script writing for TV, features and new media. The Network serves its members by providing educational programming, developing access and opportunity through alliances with industry professionals, and furthering the cause and quality of writing in the entertainment industry. Under Melessa's leadership, SWN has won numbers awards including the Los Angeles Award from 2014 through 2021, and the Innovation & Excellence award in 2020.
    Melessa Sargent
    Professional Writer
    Expert Answer

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    If you can get in touch with someone that's in the industry currently, do it. Try to be nice and approachable on set. If you get a role as an extra on a show, for example, talk to people on set and consider handing out your card to those you meet.
  • Question
    How do I get better at acting?
    Jim Jarrett
    Jim Jarrett
    Acting Teacher
    Jim Jarrett is an Acting Teacher and the Founder of The Meisner Technique Studio based in San Francisco, California. With over 30 years of experience, he specializes in teaching The Meisner Technique and is Sanford Meisner's last teaching protégé. Over the years, Jim has established schools in Los Angeles, California, Hawaii, and Sun Valley, Idaho. He also travels the world annually as a guest teacher at universities, performing art schools, and theater companies throughout North America, Europe, and Asia. His flagship school is located in the heart of the Presidio in San Francisco, California.
    Jim Jarrett
    Acting Teacher
    Expert Answer

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    Learn to not get distracted by the audience, the camera, or anybody else around you except the people you're performing the scene with. Audiences won't feel that a scene is truthful unless the actors are completely present and feeding off of each other's performances.


  • People may criticize you and try to bring you down when starting out, But it is easy to critique someone -- it is a lot harder to put yourself out there as an actor. Keep practicing to shut the haters up.

About This Article

Melessa Sargent
Co-authored by:
Professional Writer
This article was co-authored by Melessa Sargent. Melessa Sargent is the President of Scriptwriters Network, a non-profit organization that brings in entertainment professionals to teach the art and business of script writing for TV, features and new media. The Network serves its members by providing educational programming, developing access and opportunity through alliances with industry professionals, and furthering the cause and quality of writing in the entertainment industry. Under Melessa's leadership, SWN has won numbers awards including the Los Angeles Award from 2014 through 2021, and the Innovation & Excellence award in 2020. This article has been viewed 825,122 times.
40 votes - 95%
Co-authors: 133
Updated: November 17, 2022
Views: 825,122
Categories: Performing Arts
Article SummaryX

To be a good actor or actress, make sure you’re prepared for every role by reading the script, memorizing your lines, and understanding your character. If you need to, ask the director or writer about the motivations for your character and bring up any questions you might have about the script. When you’re acting, commit to your role completely, and utilize both body movement and emphasized language to act out a scene. For tips on finding an acting class to help you hone your skills, read on!

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