The definition of a good mother varies depending on who you ask. However, most people agree that the most important thing is to love your children and make sure they feel loved. There aren’t any set rules for how to be a mom, but there are some guidelines you can use to parent your children in a loving way.

Here are 13 ways you can be a more supportive, loving mother.


Show affection often.

  1. Dish out plenty of love in the form of hugs, kisses, and praise. Affection reminds your child that they are loved unconditionally. Plus, it’s linked to higher self-esteem, better academic performance, fewer behavioral problems, and an overall stronger relationship between you and your child.[1]
    • Make sure most of the interactions you have with your children are positive and loving. Strive to show affection daily.
    • If you have a baby, affection may simply involve holding your infant regularly or speaking reassuringly.
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Spend time with your kids one-on-one.

  1. Quality time is important for building strong relationships. If you have multiple children, make an effort to hang out with each one on their own instead of as a group. Even short windows of time can strengthen the bond between you two.[2]
    • If you're dealing with a baby or toddler, one-on-one time might include getting down on the floor and playing with them.
    • For an older child, try doing a hobby with them, like baking, hiking, or doing arts and crafts.

Show your support.

  1. Validate your child’s interests to help them feel worthy. Even if it’s not exactly what you’d choose for yourself, nurturing their interests can help boost your kid’s self esteem and make them feel confident in their own life. Their interests may come and go, so be prepared to shift gears fairly often.[3]
    • If your teenager has joined a band, give some positive feedback about the songs they write.
    • If your preteen is obsessed with space, buy them books or take them on a trip to the planetarium.
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Love your children unconditionally.


Set clear, firm rules.

  1. Communicate with your kids about what’s okay and what isn’t. Hold a family meeting to verbalize the guidelines and be sure everyone understands the consequences if they don’t comply. Then, post a cheat sheet of the rules in a common area, like on the fridge.[5]
    • Make rules clear and concise but with a positive spin, like “Everyone should walk indoors” instead of “No running in the house!”
    • Depending on the age of your children, you might have an open discussion with them to decide on fair rules and consequences together. You might start trying to do this once your child is able to work out for themselves some consequences to misbehavior.
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Follow through with consequences.

  1. You made the rules, and your children have to follow them. You don’t have to be a stickler for discipline—if someone comes home 5 minutes after curfew, you can let it slide. However, make sure you enforce the rules that you’ve set up so your kids know you mean business.[6]
    • Disciplining your children for rule-breaking doesn’t necessarily translate to being mean. Criticize the behavior rather than the child. This might sound like, “Isaiah, what should you do instead of pushing Charlie? Because you pushed, you’ll have to wait 5 more minutes before taking a turn to show how patient you can be.”
    • Make sure the consequences feel logical. For example, if your child watches too much TV and didn’t finish their homework, consider limiting their screen time.

Try to practice what you preach.


Admit when you were wrong.

  1. You’re not going to be a perfect mom, and that’s okay. When you admit your mistakes and apologize for them, you show your children that you respect them as human beings. Admitting your own wrongdoing shows your kids that there’s nothing to be ashamed of about mistakes—as long as they fess up and try to make amends.[8]
    • For instance, if you accidentally compare one kid to another, acknowledge that it was wrong by saying, “Jeff, I want to apologize to you. I compared you to your brother yesterday and I shouldn’t have. Each of you is special with your own qualities. Will you please forgive me?”

Split responsibilities with your co-parent.

  1. Good moms don't try to do it all on their own. If you're parenting with a spouse or partner, ask them to share the load with you. If you're overwhelmed, request that they take on more duties, so you can rest. You might also give them specific tasks to do so that you're not bogged down.[9]
    • This might sound like, "Sweetie, I haven't slept well in days. Do you mind putting the kids to bed tonight so I can turn in early?"
    • If you don’t have a co-parent, that’s okay. Try to lean on your support system, like a good friend or family member, for help.
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Model healthy relationships.


Take time for yourself.

  1. You shouldn’t feel guilty about taking a break every now and then. It sends a message to your kids about the importance of managing stress and caring for oneself. Plus, spending time apart helps you decompress and helps them learn to do things on their own.[11]
    • Being stressed out affects your children, so carve out time for self-care daily. This might be unwinding with a long soak and a book each evening, or enjoying a quiet cup of coffee before the kids rise every morning. Just remember to take care of you!
    • Don't be afraid to tell your children that you're taking some time to yourself. Explain self-care to them and ask them what they do for self-care. This will build a healthy habit in your children.
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Lean on your support group.

  1. Friends and family members can help out when you’re overwhelmed. If you need to, reach out to a close friend or a family member to simply chat or get out of the house. You can also join a mom group in your local community to connect with others who also have kids.[13]
    • Meet the moms of your kids’ friends at school, at church, or on the playground to make new friends.
    • It’s equally important to connect with others as a human being, not only as a mom! Hang out with friends, go on dates, and cherish your familial relationships, too.
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About This Article

Lisa Greaves Taylor, CCCE, LCCE, CD (DONA)
Co-authored by:
Certified Doula & Childbirth Educator
This article was co-authored by Lisa Greaves Taylor, CCCE, LCCE, CD (DONA) and by wikiHow staff writer, Hannah Madden. Lisa Greaves Taylor, CCCE, LCCE, CD (DONA) is a certified childbirth educator, birth doula, and founder of Birth Matters NYC. With over 10 years of experience, Lisa specializes in labor support, postpartum wellness, and education in the first few months of parenthood. She is a certified childbirth educator with both the Childbirth Education Association of Metropolitan New York (CEA/MNY) and Lamaze International. Lisa served on CEA/MNY’s board for 5 years and was named CEA’s Ellen Chuse Childbirth Educator of the Year in 2018. Lisa is also a DONA-certified labor support doula and a professional member of Evidence Based Birth. This article has been viewed 895,587 times.
32 votes - 80%
Co-authors: 136
Updated: December 3, 2022
Views: 895,587
Categories: Motherhood
Article SummaryX

To be a good mother, try to set clear, firm rules and be consistent with your consequences. For example, if your child pushes their sibling, give them the same punishment every time, like 5 minute time-out, so they know learn that breaking rules is a bad thing. Besides teaching good behavior, you can be a good mother by showing your love and support! You can ask your kids about their interests to show you care. Additionally, make sure to attend their games and performances, which will show your kids how proud you are. To learn how to split responsibilities with your partner to give yourself time to recharge, read more from our Counselor co-author!

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