The religion of ancient Rome is called in Latin "Cultus Deorum". The means roughly "care of the Gods". ("Cultus" is related to the English words "cult", "culture" and "cultivate".) People who follow the reconstruction of this religion often call themselves "Cultores" ("cool-TOR-ace"), or "Cultor" in the singular. This guide assumes that you are familiar with how to be a Recon pagan.


  1. 1
    Read a well-written, recent introduction to the cultus deorum, such as An Introduction to Roman Religion by John Scheid or Dictionary of Roman Religion by Lesley Adkins and Roy A. Adkins.
  2. 2
    Make a lararium for your home.
  3. 3
    Make a Roman calendar and learn how to use it to follow the Roman holidays.
  4. 4
    Read Cicero's "On Duties", especially book 3. It is not long, and in it Cicero tells some ideas about living an ethical life. These ideas were later incorporated into Christian thinking!
  5. 5
    Learn about the "Numa Tradition". This was considered by the ancients themselves as the purest, most reverent form of the cultus deorum. This tradition forbade blood sacrifice. Roman authors that tell us about the Numa tradition include Pliny the Elder, Festus, Cicero, and Plutarch.
  6. 6
    Spend a few minutes at your lararium each day. Even if you don't perform any rituals there, it will remind you that the gods are always present in your world.
  7. 7
    Learn the basics of Roman ritual. One of the most important ancient writers for ritual is Cato the Elder in de Agri Cultura.
  8. 8
    Put photos of your ancestors on your lararium.
  9. 9
    Find Cultus Deorum groups and activities in your area.
  10. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Can a Christian celebrate pagan holidays without being a heretic?
    Hippie YaYa
    Hippie YaYa
    Community Answer
    Yes. It's what is in your heart that matters, not the form of praise.


  • Forget everything you learned about Romans through watching movies. Hollywood makes entertainments, not documentaries.
  • Never do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. "Orgies" of any sort are not part of the cultus deorum, for example. Avoid anyone who insists they are.


  1. An Introduction to Roman Religion, John Scheid. (2003).
  2. Religions of Rome, Mary Beard, John North & Simon Price. (1998).
  3. Simple rituals for starters (website)

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Updated: January 23, 2023
Views: 36,829