There is great diversity in the Wiccan religion which makes most practitioners open minded and accepting. The Otherkin Wiccans are a sub-religion among the Wiccan faith. Otherkin are people who, in some way, shape or form, identify as other than human. This article explains their belief and lifestyle so that you too can be an Otherkin.


  1. 1
    Prepare for some negative reactions.Do not get angry at the negativity and realize that pagans who are not Otherkin themselves are accepting at best and indifferent at worst. Also, it seems that most of the negativity comes from the Internet, not face-to-face meetings. People are a lot more aggressive to others online than in person.
    • Remember that it is your belief and you should stick to it. No amount of trash talking should make you question your belief
  2. 2
    Understand the difference between Otherkin and Therian. Otherkins feel that they are nonhuman. They believe that deep down their mind is similar to a species whose existence hasn't been proved yet. Therians believe they are connected to a species whose presence is already known of.
    • There are no secret rituals or magical spells. It is just a way of thinking and perception. Though many Otherkin do believe in magic and explain their current condition as a result of a spell cast on them a long time ago(when they were living their previous life).
    • You must deeply feel that you are not human but some other creature, this feeling should be strong enough to make you feel uncomfortable when someone calls you human.
  3. 3
    Know that Otherkin behave like rational human beings. Even if you identify yourself as an animal or a mythological creature, it does not mean that you are entirely different from the rest of mankind. A wolf therian does not bite people on sight, he merely feels more conscious about damage to the jungle and feels more deeply hurt when a wolf is harmed.
    • Being Otherkin does not change anything. You keep living your normal life. Being Otherkin just colors your perception a little.
    • Avoid making claims that you can turn into your kin's form. This is called "Physical shifts" and it's frowned upon in the Kin community because it is impossible. Making such claims can get you noted as a troll.
  4. 4
    Understand and Believe in Reincarnation. Most (but not all) Otherkin believe in the form of reincarnation. They believe that their previous life as an animal influences their current human form, which those animalistic tendencies are carried over to this life.
    • This can also be explained by Timothy Leary's eight-circuit model of consciousness, in which the first two circuits are animalistic in nature, while the third is human(it tends to categorize and label things), in Otherkin the third circuit is labeled the first two circuit as an animal within them.[1]
  5. 5
    Understand the Energy Model. Energy is a force which creates magic, which we can further shape and direct to do our bidding. We are made up of energy and that every person poses a unique “energy signature”. This signature can be changed to resonate with “elven” or “draconic” energies leading to some Otherkin identifying themselves as elves or dragons.[2]
  6. 6
    Join Otherkin Communities. Most Otherkin resources can be found online. Otherkins are fairly outgoing and participate in Wiccan gatherings. You should locate and participate in such communities,
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    How can I be a Therian, or spot one?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It is very difficult spotting Therians. Being Therian is identifying as an animal, so you may just identify and keep it to themselves. But you can show pride by wearing symbols, tails, or collars.
  • Question
    Could you elaborate on therianthropy?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Being therian is identifying as an animal, either psychologically or spiritually.
  • Question
    Does fictionkin fit into this?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    I believe it does, unless you consider that the multiverse theory behind most fictionkin identifications gets in the way of the explanation this article provides.


  • Many people, especially non-Wiccans, may ridicule your belief. But stand strong and know that you have the rest of the Wiccan community to support you.


  2. Ellwood, Taylor, “Inner Alchemy”. Immanion Press, November 2006.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 21 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 34,641 times.
2 votes - 0%
Co-authors: 21
Updated: November 11, 2022
Views: 34,641
Categories: Wicca