The field of zoology is focused on observing and understanding a number of different things about animals in and outside of their natural habitat. If you have a love for animals and enjoy learning about them, then a career in zoology might be a perfect fit for you. However, before committing to a career in this field, you should take the time to understand what credentials are required to become a zoologist, how you can build your skills as a zoologist, and what the job entails.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Earning the Proper Credentials

  1. 1
    Choose the right program. In order to become a zoologist, you will definitely have to earn a bachelor’s degree in a field related to zoology. Some universities will offer undergraduate degrees specifically in zoology or wildlife biology, but you could also major in biology, environmental science, or another closely related field.[1]
    • When looking at different university programs, be sure to consider several different aspects of each university you are considering. You want to find a university that offers the program that you are interested in, but it should also be a good fit in terms of location, resource availability, and overall “personality” of the school.
    • Don’t forget to look into financial aid as well. You can consider loans as a way to finance your education, but don’t forget to look for grants and scholarships as well. Ask the university’s financial aid office about what opportunities are available, and also ask the department head about scholarships specifically for students of your major.
    • For example, attending a large, well-known university may look good on a resume, and may have more to offer in terms of educational opportunities and resources, but it may also be more difficult to get to know professors and access to those resources may be limited. On the other hand, a small university may not have the same prestige or resources, but may offer you a chance to really make a name for yourself by forging relationships with professors and other academic staff.
  2. 2
    Earn a bachelor’s degree. During your studies, you will likely need to take classes in biology, chemistry, math and physics in order to help you understand animal biology. You might also take courses in plant and animal science. Many programs will allow you to choose courses that suit your specific interest once you have completed a core curriculum.[2]
    • You may be able to choose between completing a bachelor of arts or a bachelor of science. If you don’t plan to go further in your education, then you can choose whichever course of studies is more interesting to you. However, if you think you’d like to pursue graduate studies or do research, a bachelor of science may be more valuable because these programs tend to focus more on math and science.
    • It is important to keep your grades up during your studies. You may find yourself getting involved in extracurricular activities both related and unrelated to zoology, which is great. However, if you fail to keep your grades up you may be put on academic probation, or you may be unable to graduate.
    • If you are struggling to understand a specific topic, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Your first step should be to visit the professor during their office hours to discuss the matter. They may be willing to help you directly, they might also refer you to a university tutoring center, or to a private tutor directly.
  3. 3
    Get involved in internships and research. Look for opportunities that are in line with what you’d ultimately like to do with your career. For example, if you think that you are mostly interested in research, look for any opportunity you can to get involved with that. If your university has a graduate program in zoology or biology, ask to see if there are ways that an undergraduate student can help out.[3]
    • If, on the other hand, you are more interested in being a zookeeper, then you might visit the local zoo or wildlife ranch to see if there are any ways that you can get involved.
    • Getting a job can be difficult in any industry if you have no experience. You may not see the value of spending your spare time helping someone else, but it will give you hands-on experience that can help you find a job later on.
    • Try to stay involved with activities related to expanding your skills outside of formal education as much as you can throughout your education. By doing this, you will have an impressive CV by the time you graduate.
  4. 4
    Earn a master’s degree. Though you may be able to find a job with just a bachelor’s degree, you will be much more competitive if you earn your master’s degree as well. If you enjoyed your experience at your undergraduate university you can look to see if the university offers a master’s degree program. On the other hand, attending a different university for your master’s degree offers an opportunity to forge new relationships and learn from professors and mentors who might have a different perspective.
    • A master’s degree is likely to be sufficient for any applied research job.[4]
    • In many cases, you can fund your graduate studies through research assistantships. Be sure to look into the different opportunities your university offers.
  5. 5
    Consider earning your Ph.D. If you want to teach in a university or are primarily interested in conducting independent research, then earning a Ph.D. is likely the best option. Additionally, if you are interested in specializing in a specific area (e.g. aquatics, ecology, or marine biology), completing a Ph.D. will give you the chance to do so.[5]
    • Look for Ph.D. programs that focus on the area that you are interested in. For example, if you are specifically interested in marine biology, then look for universities who are home to professors specializing in that area of research. Your Ph.D. advisor should have interests that are in line with your own.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Building Your Skills

  1. 1
    Choose a specialty. If you are interested in a specific area of zoology (e.g. birds, marine life, urban wildlife, etc.), then do your best to make that apparent as early as possible. This can be helpful in getting you a job related to that specific area.[6]
    • For example, if you are interested specifically in urban foxes, then take every opportunity to demonstrate that interest. If you have to write a paper in your undergraduate about a topic of your choice, make sure it is about urban foxes. If you complete a master’s degree, focus your thesis on a specific hypothesis related to urban foxes. If you complete a Ph.D., make urban foxes the topic of your dissertation. Doing so will show potential employers what is important to you, and show that you have experience on the topic.
  2. 2
    Get involved in research. This is particularly useful if you are interested specifically in a research career. Even if you’re looking for a more applied career, involving yourself in research is still a good idea when looking for ways to gain experience. Having experience in research will help you understand how research is conducted in this field and how you can interpret findings when you are reading the literature in the future.[7]
    • If you are still in university, make sure you are constantly asking for opportunities to get involved. Many professors are happy to pass along some of the work to a responsible student.
    • If you are unable to find opportunities within the university, don’t give up. Look for opportunities at a zoo, wildlife refuge, conservation society, or even a government agency.
  3. 3
    Volunteer. There is no such thing as doing too much volunteer work, as long as it isn’t affecting your studies or your well-being. Look for opportunities to get involved with anything that is wildlife-related. Shovel manure at the zoo if that’s the only opportunity you can find, pick up trash at a local conservation site. It may seem insignificant, but volunteer experience is a major plus for many potential employers.[8]
    • If you are having a hard time finding advertisements for volunteer opportunities, don’t be afraid to take the initiative. For example, a local wildlife refuge may not have a volunteer program set up for a number of reasons, but if you show up and respectably ask how you can help, they are unlikely to turn you away.
  4. 4
    Stay up to date with the latest research findings. Zoology is a very research-oriented field, and you will need to stay current on new findings and trends. This involves staying up to date with the scientific literature.
    • In order to find scholarly articles you’ll have to do a bit of work. You can visit the university library to see if they have access to scientific journals related to zoology (e.g. Journal of Animal Ecology, Animal Behaviour, or Mammal Review).[9] Additionally, joining associations related to this field will typically give you access to a few journals in exchange for your membership fee (e.g. Zoological Association of America).
  5. Advertisement
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Finding a Job

  1. 1
    Be aware of the job outlook. The field of zoology is growing, but it is growing more slowly than many other fields. The projected growth is 4% between 2012-2024, which means that, while there will be more jobs becoming available, the competition for these jobs will be high. If your dream is to become a zoologist, don’t let these statistics discourage you, just know that you will need to work hard to set yourself apart.[10]
    • The median salary for a zoologist is about $60,000 per year in the US as of 2015. Be aware that this can vary significantly based on where you live and the type of work you do.
  2. 2
    Learn about potential roles you could take on. A zoologist can do any number of things. They can do research on a huge variety of topics ranging from the genetics of a specific animal all the way up to understanding the impact of a species on the environment. They can teach and write about the field. They can work in government agencies, in zoos, or at conservation sites.[11]
    • Where you work depends on what you’re interested in. If you’re interested in looking for answers about animals, then a career in research might be great for you. If you’re interested in working directly with animals, a career at a zoo or wildlife ranch might be more your style.
  3. 3
    Be prepared for traveling and spending time outdoors. This doesn’t necessarily have to be the case, but many of the most sought after jobs in the field of zoology require the zoologist to travel in order to observe a particular animal in its natural habitat. Additionally, you may need to spend significant amounts of time outside regardless of the weather. If you don’t enjoy the outdoors, you probably won’t enjoy being a zoologist.[12]
    • That said you could potentially become a zoologist and not have to travel at all; For example, by becoming a teacher or a laboratory researcher.
  4. 4
    Make sure your resume is in good shape. Without a well-written resume, you will have a tough time finding a job no matter how skilled you are. If you haven’t written a resume, you can write on one your own or you can hire a professional resume writing company. Either way, you’ll want to be sure that your resume highlights exactly why you are a great candidate.
    • If you are still in school, check to see if your university has a career services department. These departments typically offer free help with resume writing, so there is no reason not to take advantage of it.
  5. 5
    Spend time networking. When you’re just starting out, finding a job can feel like an impossible task, especially if you don’t have much experience, and you don’t have any contacts in the field. This is why you should spend time networking. If you start talking to people, you’ll likely find that most people found jobs because of someone they knew.[13]
    • If you aren’t sure where to begin, try getting in touch with a professor you had a good relationship with at school or think of anyone you have met that works in the field. Send them an email re-introducing yourself, and remind them of when you met. Let them know that you are looking for networking opportunities. They may have good suggestions for events you could attend, or they may even put you in touch with someone they know.
    • Networking can feel scary at first, but it is one of the best ways to find a job. The first time you do it will be the most nerve-wracking, but it will get easier with time and practice.
  6. 6
    Apply for jobs. Although networking may be one of the best ways to get a job, this doesn’t mean you don’t need to actually apply for different jobs. Search the internet with the job title you are seeking, and the location you are interested in. This will provide you with a list of websites where jobs are posted.
    • If you are looking for a job locally, be sure to look around town for job postings, and perhaps even in the newspaper. If there is a specific organization you’d like to work for, contact them directly to see what’s available.
    • Take your time preparing job applications. These days, the majority of job applications are submitted online, but you should still check what you’ve typed into the form diligently to avoid spelling errors. A sloppy job application will likely be disregarded without serious consideration.
  7. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    How can I prepare to become a zoologist if I am still a child?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can study and learn about as many animals as possible and do really well in your science classes. Once you are older, you can start thinking of which college you will attend to become a zoologist.
  • Question
    What subjects do I need to do if I want to become a Zoologist?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    One of the best options for subject would be a practical based animal related course (animal management, studies and/or science). Otherwise, biology or similar subjects where you will learn the basics of animal anatomy, physiology, etc
  • Question
    Can a zoologist start his own wildlife museum or a zoo?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Potentially in the long run. Once qualified as a zoologist, it's best to work in your chosen sector/speciality before starting up an independent zoo. With a lot of experience, contacts and income, it is possible to start your own wildlife museum or zoo, but will take a lot of hard work and time.


  • Before committing to a course of study, be sure to weigh the costs. A university education is a great thing, but it can be very expensive. Have a plan for how you will manage those costs over the long-term.

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Co-authors: 3
Updated: January 31, 2023
Views: 38,958
Categories: Business by Industry