This article was co-authored by Gerald Posner. Gerald Posner is an Author & Journalist based in Miami, Florida. With over 35 years of experience, he specializes in investigative journalism, nonfiction books, and editorials. He holds a law degree from UC College of the Law, San Francisco, and a BA in Political Science from the University of California-Berkeley. He’s the author of thirteen books, including several New York Times bestsellers, the winner of the Florida Book Award for General Nonfiction, and has been a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in History. He was also shortlisted for the Best Business Book of 2020 by the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing.
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Automobile journalists are responsible for reviewing and reporting on new cars and developments in the motor vehicle industry. They often test drive new cars, and provide opinions to consumers through magazines, newsletters, newspapers, websites and broadcast media such as television and radio. Automobile journalists are excellent writers who have a broad knowledge of cars, and excellent relationships with industry analysts. Become an automobile journalist by studying journalism and writing, and learning everything you can about the automotive industry.
1Take journalism classes. A college degree is not always a necessity, but it can help you establish a career as a writer. Even if you do not get a degree, take as many journalism and writing classes as you can.[1]
- Write for your school newspaper or magazine. Get as many publication credits as you can while you are studying. This will help you provide writing samples when you are looking for a job.
2Study automotive news. While you are preparing for your career, read everything you can about the automotive industry. Popular publications include Car & Driver, Motor Trend and Automotive News.
- Check your local newspaper. Some newspapers still have an automotive section. Read them every week. If your paper does not have an auto section, read the Detroit Free Press or the Los Angeles Times for automotive news in 2 of the largest markets.
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3Attend car shows. Major car shows take place annually in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Detroit, Chicago, New York, New Jersey as well as internationally. There may be smaller car shows in your area as well.[2]
- Talk to journalists and industry experts. Introduce yourself and talk about cars, recent automotive news, and the craft of writing about it. Car shows are a great way to network and make valuable contacts.
4Learn what you can about engineering. Some automobile journalists begin their careers as automotive engineers. Having a technical background will help you produce automotive pieces on a variety of subjects.[3]
5Follow motor sports. Race car driving is a huge part of automotive news. You will need to understand who the players are, what they are driving, and what cars have to do to run at extreme speeds.
6Prepare to freelance. Staff jobs are competitive at magazines and websites. Beginning your career as a freelancer will likely be necessary.[4]
- Submit stories and articles anywhere you can, including men's magazines and lifestyle publications. Write about what interests you in automotive news, so you can demonstrate your passion and intelligent writing.
- Write a variety of stories, including opinion pieces, reviews, interviews and features.
7Understand how the automotive industry works. Stay up to date on the calendar of car shows, launches and product testing.[5]
8Develop a thick skin. Editors will often be critical, and as a freelancer, your stories and articles may get rejected or ignored. Learn how to persevere and motivate yourself.
9Keep a flexible schedule. Most automotive journalists stay busy, and you will need to be available to travel.
10Develop your portfolio. Collect all of your published works or links to your online writing, and keep them with your resume, which should highlight your education and writing experience.
11Look for positions as a staff writer. While staff positions are hard to find, keep in touch with editors at the publications and websites you would like to work for. Ask them to advise you when positions become available.
Community Q&A
QuestionI have studied business communications, but I love bikes and cars. How could I get into these industries?Andrew NoakesCommunity AnswerEverybody can be his or her own publisher now -- set up your own blog and write about bikes and cars. Create your own Youtube channel. Make a podcast. If you can demonstrate your ability, and maybe develop a specialization that particularly interests you, you may then be able to interest editors of paying publications in your work.
QuestionWhat is the best bachelor's degree to get in order to become an automobile journalist?Community AnswerThe best option is to choose a bachelor's degree which gives you plenty of job options later, but which also might be useful in an automotive journalism career. Options include: English, media studies, journalism, history, languages, business studies, engineering, design.
QuestionI'm in tenth grade right now but it's highly likely that I will become an automotive journalist. Can you help guide me through what I should do from now?Community AnswerDo well in school and apply to colleges with strong journalism programs.
- While freelance automotive journalists can make a good living, they rarely have a guaranteed income. Flexibility and patience is required.⧼thumbs_response⧽
Expert Interview

Thanks for reading our article! If you'd like to learn more about writing as a career, check out our in-depth interview with Gerald Posner.
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