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We’ve all gotten so used to simply turning on a stove or starting up an electric kettle whenever we need to boil water, but what happens when there isn’t any power or the gas is out? Not to worry. There are plenty of other ways you can heat up water so it’s safe to use and drink, and there are even a few simple ways you can purify water if you aren’t able to boil it.
Here are 10 different ways you can boil water when there’s no electricity or gas available.
BBQ Grill
Use the charcoal to bring a pot of water to a boil. Chances are you’ve got a grill in your backyard or somewhere in your garage, but if you don’t, you can pick one up from the store or borrow one from a neighbor. Stack a pile of coals in the center of the grill and light it up. Once all of the coals are burning, place a pot or kettle full of water on top of the grate. Close the lid of the grill if you can and wait for the water to start boiling. Once it’s bubbling away, use an oven mitt or a thick glove to remove the container from the grill.[1] X Research source
- If you have propane grill that still has some juice left, you can use the gas to heat up a pot or kettle of water.
Fire pit
Start a small campfire you can use to boil your water. Head out into your backyard and dig a small, shallow hole. Build a “tipi” with thicker branches and then place smaller branches and leaves in the center. Light the fire in the center and wait until there’s a nice bed of coals. Then, place a pot or metal kettle of water on the coals until the water starts to boil.[2] X Research source
- Practice good fire safety and keep a bucket of water nearby in case you need to quickly extinguish the fire.
Tea candles
Place the candles in a baking tray and set a pan of water on top. Tea candles, also known as tea lights, are small candles in a thin metal cup. They’re great to have for lighting if your power goes out and you can also use them to boil water in a pinch. Place about 10-15 tea candles in a baking tray and set the tray on top of your oven. Light the candles and place a frying pan full of water on top of the tray so there’s about 1–2 inches (2.5–5.1 cm) between the flame and the pan. Once the water starts boiling, you can remove the pan.[3] X Research source
- It can take about 10 minutes or so for the water to start boiling.
- Use a wide frying pan so the heat is more evenly distributed and the water will boil more quickly.
Set a pot or kettle right on the coals to boil your water. If you have a fireplace in your home, you’re in luck! You can easily use it to boil water without any gas or electricity. Simply start up a fire and wait until there’s a nice bed of coals. Then, fill a pot or a metal kettle with water and set it in the coals. Once the water starts boiling, use an oven mitt to remove it so you don’t burn your hands.[4] X Research source
- Keep in mind the coals may singe or darken whatever pot or kettle you use, so you may want to go with one you don’t really mind getting dirty or burnt.
Wood stove
Place a pot or kettle on top to heat your water. If you have a wood stove, sometimes known as a wood-burning stove, fill it up with firewood and start up a fire. Allow the fire to burn and heat up the stove so it’s nice and toasty. Fill a pot or a metal kettle with water and place it on top of the stove. Once the water starts to boil (it may take a little while), put on an oven mitt and remove the container from the top of the stove.[5] X Research source
- Some fireplaces have a wood stove connected to them to funnel heat and warm a room. If you have that type of setup, you can start up a fire in your fireplace and place a pot or kettle on your wood stove!
Rocket stove
Add your wood fuel and place a container with water on top. A rocket stove is a small, metal stove with a J-shaped tube that uses a small amount of wood to produce a lot of heat. If you have one, you can use it to boil your water pretty easily. Simply add wood into the fuel chamber, light it up, and then place a pot or a kettle of water on the cooking surface on top of the stove. Once the water starts to boil, you can remove the container and you’re all set.[6] X Research source
- You can find rocket stoves at your local sporting goods and outdoor store. You can also order them online.
Camp stove
If you have a small camp stove, use it to boil a pot of water. Camp stoves use fuel such as butane or propane and can be really useful for cooking and boiling water if you lose power. Turn on the camp stove and place a pot or metal kettle of water on top until it starts boiling. Then, remove the container and turn off the stove if you’re finished using it.[7] X Research source
- You can find camp stoves at your local sporting goods and outdoor store. You can also order them online. They’re handy to have, so you may want to keep one in your garage just in case you need it!
Solar cooker
If it’s bright and sunny, you can use this to boil your water. Solar cookers can be shaped like a dome or a tube and they use reflective material to reflect the sun’s rays into the center to heat up and cook food. You can also use them to boil water. Place the solar cooker in direct sunlight and place a pot filled with water in the center. Cover the pot with a lid and wait for the water to start boiling. Then, carefully remove the pot while wearing an oven mitt so you don’t burn your hands.[8] X Research source
It won’t boil your water, but a few drops can sanitize it. If you just need to make water safe to drink, add 5 drops of a tincture that’s 2% iodine to a quart or liter of water. If the water is super cloudy, add 10 drops. Stir the water well and let it stand for 30 minutes after you add the drops so the iodine has a chance to fully sanitize it.[9] X Research source
- This is also a great option if your only source of water is from a river, stream, or even snow.
Add a small amount of unscented household bleach to sanitize water. While it should only be used as a last resort, if you need to make water safe to drink, you can use bleach as long as you dilute it correctly. Never use scented or bleach that has added cleaners. Check the label to make sure it contains 6% or 8.25% of sodium hypochlorite (NaClO). For 1 quart or liter of water, use a dropper to add 2 drops of 6% or 8.25% bleach. Stir the water and let it stand for 30 minutes before you use it.[10] X Research source
- If the smell of chlorine is too strong after 30 minutes, wait a few hours and it should get a little better.
- Never drink unsanitary water. It could make you really sick if there are bacteria and germs in it.[12] X Trustworthy Source World Health Organization Health information and news provided by the World Health Organization Go to source⧼thumbs_response⧽
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