Boxing a table can be a great way to make any table look great and can be a good idea for any banquet or catered event. The only thing you will need to know is how to correctly fold and level the tablecloth. Try practicing your table boxing skills to get the technique down and make your tables look crisp, clean, and professionally set.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Positioning the Cloth

  1. 1
    Get the right size tablecloth. Using a tablecloth that is the right size is important when boxing a table. A tablecloth that can't fully cover the table won't look quite right when finished. Make sure you measure your table and use a tablecloth that fits to get the best results.
    • The tablecloth will need to cover the table and reach the floor.
    • For example, a rectangular table that is 70" wide and 180" long will need a tablecloth that is 128" wide and 238" long.[1]
  2. 2
    Place the cloth over the table. Before you can box a table, you'll need to place a tablecloth over it. You don't need to be exact just yet. Simply toss the table cloth over the table, covering the surface of the tabletop.[2]
  3. 3
    Even up the ends of the tablecloth. Once the tablecloth has been placed over the table, you can begin to level the cloth out on each end. The tablecloth should cover the table evenly, with both ends of it having the same length of cloth covering them. Make sure that the edges of the tablecloth near the floor are hanging at an equal length.
    • Both ends of the table should have an equal length of cloth.
    • The lower edges of the tablecloth should either be touching or just above the floor.
  4. 4
    Level the front side of the cloth. The front side of the tablecloth is the side that guests will most likely noticed. For this reason, it is important that you make sure the front edge is level along its length. Neither side should be higher or lower than the other. Take a few moments to make sure the front, lower edge is level with the floor.
    • The front side of the cloth should barely touch the floor.
    • An unleveled front edge can make the rest of the table boxing unleveled in turn.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Beginning to Box the Table

  1. 1
    Hold the front corner in place with your left hand. Stand on one edge of the table and use your left hand to secure the left corner of the table cloth. It's recommend that you use your pointer and middle fingers to hold the cloth in place. Holding the table cloth at this point will help prevent the cloth from shifting and will keep the angles looking clean and sharp.[3]
  2. 2
    Lift the lower right corner up. While holding the cloth in place with your left hand, reach down with your right hand and grab the lower corner of the tablecloth. Once you've got the lower right corner of the cloth in hand, you can start to bring it up and over the table top.[4]
    • It may be helpful to hold the rest of the cloth in place with your thighs by standing against the table.
    • Pull the cloth tight in order to get a good, crisp line in the fabric.
    • Keep the corner of the table in a straight line, matching the edge of the table.
  3. 3
    Bring the lower right corner up and across the table. Move the lower right corner of the tablecloth up and over the table surface. You are going to bring this corner of the cloth to the center of the table's front edge. This action will allow you to create the crisp lines and folds needed when boxing a table.[5]
    • The corner should end in the front and center of the table top.
    • Don't worry if it looks messy at this point. There is still time to fix the tablecloth.
    • Make sure the cloth was pulled tightly to ensure a clean fold.
  4. 4
    Adjust the side of the tablecloth. Before you continue to box the table, it's a good idea to make adjustments to the side of the tablecloth. If it's crooked or unleveled, it will still be this way when you are finished. Take a moment to adjust the side of the tablecloth you started on.
    • The bottom of the tablecloth should be level with the floor.
    • Try to have the bottom edge of the tablecloth touching or placed just above the floor.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Finishing the Technique

  1. 1
    Hold the top-right corner and adjust the top. Go around to the back of the table now and hold the corner you lifted up in place. From here, you can begin adjusting the cloth on the top of the table, removing wrinkles, unwanted folds, and generally making it lay as flat as possible. Keep one hand in place, holding the table cloth, to prevent the tablecloth from falling down and ruining your work.
    • Try gently waving the top section of cloth to work out folds or wrinkles.
    • Pull the cloth slightly to fix areas where the cloth bunched up.
    • Remember to keep the lower sides of the tablecloth level with the ground.
  2. 2
    Bring the side back down. Once the top of the cloth is folded and flat, you can bring the top fold back down. Take the corner you originally placed at the top-center edge of the table, lift it up, and fold it down to the right hand corner. This is the last fold you will need to do when boxing this side of the table.[6]
    • It's a good idea to hold the right corner of the tablecloth in place while you fold the top over to meet it.
    • Don't worry if the edge doesn't line up, you can still make adjustments.
  3. 3
    Make final adjustments. Now that table boxing is complete, you can make your final adjustments. You'll want to make sure that the edge of the tablecloth lines up with the edge of the table. Remove any wrinkles, bumps, or unwanted folds if you notice any. The tablecloth should lay completely flat when you have finished.[7]
  4. 4
    Do the other side of the table. Now that you have completed the fold on one side of the table, you can move on to the opposite end. Both sides should be folded in the same exact way to give the tablecloth a symmetrical and clean finished look. Follow the same steps on the opposite end of the table to box the table.[8]
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Co-authors: 9
Updated: September 5, 2022
Views: 67,282
Categories: Tableware