Whether you are trying to reach colleagues overseas or connecting with friends and family, making international calls from Thailand to the United States can be done in a matter of minutes. By knowing the correct way to dial your number, checking out calling cards, and looking for free apps, international calls to the states can be quick and easy.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Using a Cell Phone or Landline

  1. 1
    Dial Thailand’s exit code “001.” To make an international call, you must dial your country’s specific exit code. The exit code will direct your call out of Thailand. In this case, to exit a call out of Thailand, your number will begin with “001.”[1]
    • These codes may also be referred too as International Direct Dialing or International Subscriber Dialing codes.
    • If you are making an international call from a mobile phone to another mobile phone, the exit code can often be replaced with the + (plus) sign. You will enter the + (plus) sign directly before entering the country code.[2]
    • To find out if you should use the + (plus) sign rather than Thailand’s exit code talk to your mobile provider.
    • You may acquire additional long-distance charges when making international calls from a cell phone or landline.
  2. 2
    Dial country code “1” after the exit code. Country codes are used to direct calls to the specific country you are trying to reach. The country code “1” is shared with a few other countries so make sure you are entering the correct area code when making your call.[3]
    • Your dialed number should begin with “001-1.”
  3. 3
    Enter the 3-digit area code. Each state in the U.S. has their own 3-digit area code. Make sure that you are dialing the correct code as many are similar, but can take you to completely different locations. Verify the area code before making your call.[4]
    • Always double-check the area code you are entering. Misdialing even one number can direct you to a different state. For example, if you are calling Denver, CO which has two area codes, “303” and” “720,” misdialing one number can direct you to parts of Ohio with a “330” area code or areas of Maine that use a “207” area code.
    • For example, if you are trying to reach Denver, CO your dial, so far, should read “001-1-303.”
  4. 4
    Enter the 7-digit phone number. Phone numbers in the United States are 10-digits long including the area codes. Since you have already found and entered your area code, all you need to do is type in the remaining 7 digits of the number for the person you are trying to reach.[5]
    • At this point, the phone number you’ve dialed should look something like “001-1-303-123-4567.”
  5. 5
    Press the “call” button to complete your call. Now that you have all of your numbers entered, you are ready to initiate your call by pressing the “call” or “send” button. Always make sure to double-check the numbers you’ve dialed to ensure that you have entered them correctly.
    • There are 6 main time zones in the United States, so please make sure you are choosing an appropriate time to call your friends, family, or colleagues.[6]
  6. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Using a Calling Card

  1. 1
    Find and purchase a low-rate calling card. Calling cards are prepaid cards that allow you to charge local or international phone calls to one account. You will purchase a certain amount of minutes on your card rather than getting charged by your phone company. Make sure to compare calling card rates before you make your purchase.[7]
    • Calling cards can be purchased at many local grocery stores, convenience stores, and online. Prices can vary anywhere from 0.33 THB ($0.01 USD) to 3,3317.47 THB ($100.00 USD).
    • Always review the terms and conditions for your prepaid card before purchasing and look for any additional fees for service.
    • Calling cards can be charged after your call or prepaid at the time of purchase.
    • Options such as Pinpoint allow you to choose the country you are calling; along with the number of minutes you would like to purchase.
  2. 2
    Begin your call by dialing the access number. Before making an international call, you will need to locate the access number on your prepaid calling card. You will call this number which will connect you to the calling card company.[8]
    • Follow the prompted directions, as this is how you will begin your call.
    • Most access numbers are located on the back of your calling card.
  3. 3
    Enter the PIN number on your card to connect to your account. Each calling card will be provided with its own PIN number. When prompted, enter in the PIN number located on your card. The PIN number allows you to connect to your personalized account, which will track the time you spend on international calls.[9]
    • Often your PIN number will be located under a covered area on the back of your card. This area can be exposed by gently rubbing it with a coin or your fingernail.
  4. 4
    Dial the number as if you were using a regular phone. These numbers will include the exit code, country code, area code, and the 7-digit phone number. Make sure to double-check that you have entered each of these numbers correctly, especially because you are paying for every minute of your phone call.[10]
    • Your number should look something like “access code-PIN number-001-1-303-123-4567.”
  5. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Exploring Alternative Calling Methods

  1. 1
    Use free apps for video chatting. If you are looking for ways to call the United States for free, look at apps such as WhatsApp, Skype, and Viber. You must make sure that the person you are trying to reach has the same app downloaded and is connected to a Wi-Fi network.[11]
    • For these apps to work you must be connected to Wi-Fi or use your mobile data.
    • In some cases Skype may charge a small fee for international calls.
  2. 2
    Use social media to stay in touch. Not only is social media a great way to stay up-to-date with your friends in other countries, but it also offers a way to connect for free. Sites such as Facebook have messaging apps that will allow you to message, call, and video chat for free.[12]
    • To stay connected through social media, make sure that the person you are trying to reach has an account created for the same site and has downloaded the app.
  3. 3
    Find apps that let you call landlines for a small fee. If you are looking to make voice calls to landlines, Skype is a great resource that comes in handy when traveling. These apps will charge you a small fee to make international calls to landlines, but it will be cheaper than going through your mobile phone provider.[13]
  4. Advertisement


  • Watch out for hidden fees when making international calls, especially when using your mobile carrier or calling from a landline.

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Updated: May 24, 2021
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