This article was written by Angel Eyedealism and by wikiHow staff writer, Janice Tieperman. Angel Eyedealism is an Astrologer and Performance Artist based in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. With nearly three decades of astrology experience, Angel specializes in relocation astrology and astrocartography. Eyedealism has been featured in numerous media outlets such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Refinery29, NBC, MTV, Showtime, and Bravo. Angel aims to help others through a straightforward, kind, and humorous astrological lens, utilizing her entertainment and singing skills for performance art astrology readings.
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Do the Archer (Sagittarius) and the Virgin (Virgo) have enough in common to enjoy a romantic relationship? They can definitely make it work once they know what to expect! In this article, we’ll be covering every last angle of a Sag-Virgo pairing, from sexual compatibility to shared values. With these new insights, you can decide if this pairing is the cards for you or someone else in your life.
This article is based on an interview with our astrologer and performance artist, Angel Eyedealism. Check out the full interview here.
Sagittarius and Virgo: At a Glance
1This fire-earth duo can make things work if they have similar priorities. Sagittarius is one of the most free-spirited and adventurous signs in the entire zodiac. Meanwhile, Virgo is one of the most careful and cautious. Although these signs often approach life in very unique ways, they can overcome their differences by having consistent, similar goals.
2Sagittarius and Virgo are mutable signs, which makes them less compatible. Every sign has a specific modality related to their position in the zodiac—cardinal, fixed, and mutable. Typically, signs of the same modality (cardinal-cardinal, fixed-fixed, mutable-mutable) aren’t considered super compatible. This applies to Virgo and Sagittarius, which are both mutable signs.[3] X Research source
- Mutable signs fall at the end of a season, and are associated with flexibility and transition.[4] X Research source Unfortunately, too much flexibility can leave a relationship unbalanced (like a mutable-mutable pairing).
Sexual Compatibility
1It doesn’t take long for sparks to fly with these two. Virgo and Sagittarius very much fall in the “opposites attract” category. Even if they don’t have a lot in common, these signs often have natural, undeniable chemistry when they first start talking. Depending on the couple, the relationship could get physical pretty quickly.
2Sag and Virgo often have different goals in the bedroom. Fiery Sagittarius is all about turning up the heat, and likes to experiment during each lovemaking session. Rooted Virgo prefers to approach sex at a slower, steadier pace, and may have different expectations when it comes to intimacy.
- Compatibility Tip: Set some ground rules and boundaries before things get intimate. For instance, you could set a safeword before trying anything really new and adventurous in bed.
Trust and Emotional Compatibility
1Trust doesn’t come easy in a Sagittarius-Virgo relationship. Virgo and Sag have to work hard to create a solid, trusting foundation in their relationship. As mutable signs, both Virgo and Sagittarius are ruled by a sense of transition and change, which can make it tricky to plant long-lasting, trusting roots together.
- Compatibility Tip: Give each other the benefit of the doubt, whenever possible. A restless, irritable Sag might just be craving some alone time. Meanwhile, a stressed, cranky Virgo might have a little too much on their plate for the week.
2Sagittarius and Virgo don’t process or express emotions in the same way. Sagittarius tends to be pretty open about how they’re feeling—what you see is what you get. Virgo, on the other hand, isn’t quite so direct, and may have some trouble expressing their emotions.
- Compatibility Tip: Create a safe space during tense or charged situations where both partners can openly express their thoughts and feelings.
Shared Values Compatibility
These mutable signs both value intellect in their own unique ways. Both signs appreciate the merits of a clear, authentic conversation. Virgo likes talking about things with focus, and taking a deeper dive into the topic at hand. Meanwhile, Sagittarius prefers having an open-minded and flexible discussion.
Communication and Intellectual Compatibility
Their unique perspectives make for rich, rewarding conversations. Yes, Sagittarius and Virgo see the world from very different points of view. But that’s what makes their conversations so interesting! Both signs build off each other well when they communicate, as long as they’re willing to respect and listen to each other’s positions.
Sagittarius and Virgo: Biggest Problems
1Sag isn’t big on commitment, while Virgo wants something serious. These signs go on a date and sparks start to fly—but what’s next? Sagittarius is one of the least-committal signs of the zodiac, and may just be looking for something casual. Virgo, on the other hand, loves thinking ahead and may have more long-term expectations for the relationship.
- Compatibility Tip: Sit down together and discuss how your relationship is going, and where you think the future is headed. Decide if you’re just looking for something casual, or if you’d rather commit to something more permanent.
2Virgo loves stability, while Sagittarius likes to jump from place to place. Sag has a real need for freedom and space, and doesn’t like to be tied down. Meanwhile, availability is really important to Virgos. Ultimately, both signs need to find a healthy way to communicate and meet in the middle so both their needs can be met.
- Surprise Sagittarius with a weekend trip to their favorite park, lake, or campground.
- Each week, dedicate several evenings or afternoons as “quality time” with Virgo. At this point, Sagittarius and Virgo can talk openly and honestly about how the relationship is going. Plus, Virgo will appreciate the special one-on-one time.
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