Changing an adult’s disposable diaper is a routine activity for many people. You might need to help someone with a diaper change who is able to stand on their own, but who cannot change their own diaper due to physical or cognitive limitations. This can be a daunting task if you’ve never done it before, but it’s easier than it might seem. Make sure you have everything you need before you get started and you will be well on your way to a completed diaper change!

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Removing the Old Diaper

  1. 1
    Choose a private location to do the diaper change. Take the person into a private bathroom or a bathroom stall before you begin a standing diaper change. This will ensure that you can close the door and protect the person’s privacy.
    • If you are out in public, use a disabled stall. This will provide more space for the diaper change and there should be a sturdy support bar attached to the wall that the person can hold onto.
  2. 2
    Wear disposable gloves to protect your hands from urine and feces. Put on a new pair of disposable gloves before you begin. Make sure that the gloves are made from a material that will provide a strong barrier during the diaper change, such as vinyl or latex. This will help to protect your skin from the urine and feces.[1]
    • If you are working in a healthcare environment, then make sure to don any other required protective items prior to entering the person’s room. In some cases, you may also need to put on a gown and mask to protect yourself and prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Always put on the gown first, mask next, and then gloves last.[2]
  3. 3
    Ask the person to stand up and hold onto something for support. Have the person stand with their feet about shoulder-width apart in a bathroom stall or in their home bathroom. Ask them to hold onto the wall or a bar that is attached to the wall for support.[3]
    • Make sure to ask the person if they feel okay standing. Even if they normally stand up for diaper changes, it is a good idea to ask them if they feel stable before you begin.
  4. 4
    Smooth out a clean adult disposable diaper. Open up a new diaper and unfold it. If you are in a bathroom, place the clean diaper onto the edge of the sink or on the lid of the closed toilet until you are ready for it. If you don’t have anywhere to set it, then you can also tuck it under your arm until you are ready to use it.[4]
    • Make sure that you have the correct size diaper and all of your supplies within arm’s reach before you begin.

    Tip: If any of the person’s clothes are wet or soiled, then you will need to change these as well. Check their clothing for signs of wetness before you begin the diaper change.

  5. 5
    Remove the old diaper from the wearer's body. Gently pull down the person’s pants, shorts, or skirt to their knees or ankles, or lift their skirt or dress up around their waist and have them hold onto it if that seems easier. Then, grasp the adhesive tape tabs on either side of the front panel and pull to undo them. Then, pull the diaper away from the person’s body and fold it inwards to cover the soiled portion. Use the tabs to reseal the soiled diaper and throw it into a garbage can immediately.
    • Check to see if the diaper contains feces before you pull it down. If feces is present, then use the diaper to collect as much of it in the diaper as you can.
    • Make sure to communicate with the person as you pull down their pants and remove the old diaper. Tell them what you are doing before you do it.
    • If the diaper is a pull-up style, then you can either pull it down around the person’s ankles or tear the sides to rip it off. The diaper should tear easily along the side seams. However, you will need to remove the person’s pants completely to help them into a new pull-up style diaper.
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Cleaning and Protecting the Skin

  1. 1
    Wipe the person from front to back with a wet wipe. Place an open wipe in your gloved hand and press it against the person’s groin (vagina or penis). For women, wipe over the vagina and in between the labia going from front to back. For men, wipe downwards from the tip of the penis and wipe the area around the penis and scrotum. If the man is uncircumcised, then gently roll back the foreskin before you start wiping the head of the penis. Then, return the foreskin back over the head of the penis.
    • Pay special attention to creases and folds of the person’s skin since these are more prone to infection and skin breakdown if they are left soiled.
    • If the diaper was only soiled with urine, 1 or 2 wipes should be enough to cleanse the area. However, if the diaper was soiled with feces, you may need to use 4 or more wipes to get the person completely clean.
    • If wipes are not sufficient to get the person clean, wet a washcloth under warm (not hot) running water, and then wring out the excess so that the cloth is just damp. Wipe the person’s groin, perineum, and buttocks with the washcloth going from front to back.[5]

    Tip: Cleansing the person is a good opportunity to check for sores, redness, or other signs of skin breakdown. It’s important to spot and treat skin breakdown early to help prevent bed sores and infections.[6]

  2. 2
    Allow the person’s groin to dry or dry it with a towel. If you only used wet wipes to cleanse the person’s private area, then it should air dry within about 30 seconds. However, if you used a wet washcloth to cleanse the person, then you will need to pat their groin, perineum, and buttocks dry with a clean towel. Make sure to dry in between any creases and folds of the person’s skin.
    • Do not rub the person’s private area with a towel as this can be irritating. Just pat them gently with the towel until their skin is dry.
  3. 3
    Apply a barrier cream or ointment to protect the person’s skin. After cleansing and letting the person’s skin dry, protect their skin with an emollient cream or ointment. You can use petroleum jelly, lotion, or a diaper rash cream on the area. Apply the ointment or cream to the areas around the person’s privates and on the visible areas of their buttocks. Do not apply it internally, such as in the rectum or vagina.
    • If you are changing a woman’s diaper, then do not apply the cream inside of her vagina or labia. Only apply it around the outside of her vagina, such as in the folds between her legs.
    • For men, apply the ointment in between his legs and groin and under the testicles.
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Putting on a New Diaper

  1. 1
    Slide a tab-closure diaper in between the person’s legs. Once the person is clean and dry, grab the fresh, unfolded diaper you set aside earlier. Slide the diaper in between their legs with the front of the diaper in front of them and the back of the diaper behind them.[7]
    • Make sure the diaper is oriented the right way so that the inside is facing towards the person’s body.
    • If the person is able, have them close their legs slightly when you put it in between their legs. This will help to keep it in place while you adjust it.
    • If the diaper is a pull-up style, then you will simply need to have the person step into the new diaper and pull it up around their body like you would pull up a pair of underwear. Make sure that the diaper is oriented correctly before you ask the person to step into it.
  2. 2
    Pull the back of the diaper up over the person’s buttocks. Take the back of the diaper and bring it up and over the person’s buttocks so that they are completely covered. Hold the back of the diaper in place with 1 hand.[8]
    • You may also ask the person to reach back and hold the back of the diaper in place while you adjust the front of it, or keep the diaper in place by leaning your hip against it slightly.
  3. 3
    Bring the front of the diaper up to cover the person’s groin. Reach in front of the person with your other hand and grasp the front of the diaper. Pull it up and smooth it out over the front of the person’s body.[9]
    • Ask the person to place a hand over the front of the diaper to keep it up while you secure the tabs.
  4. 4
    Secure the tabs on the sides of the diaper. Open up the tab on 1 side of the back of the diaper and pull it across the front panel of the diaper. Secure it near the front of the person’s body. Then, do the same for the tab on the other side so that the diaper is snugly attached.[10]
    • Some adult disposable diapers have more than 1 tab on each side, so you might need to secure 2 tabs per side.
  5. 5
    Re-dress the person. After the person is in the new diaper, grasp the waistband of their pants or skirt and pull it back up. Alternatively, smooth down their dress or skirt if you moved it up and out of the way. Make sure that the clothes are positioned on the person so that they cover the diaper completely. You may also need to adjust their shirt to ensure that the diaper is covered.

    Tip: Ask the person if the diaper feels comfortable before they exit the bathroom. This way you can make any needed adjustments, such as tightening or loosening the diaper around their waist.

  6. 6
    Help the person wash their hands and then wash your hands. Show the person to the sink after you are all finished. Turn the water on for them and help them wash their hands if they are unable to do so themselves. Dry their hands off with a clean, dry towel. Then, wash your hands. Use cool or warm running water and soap to wash your hands. Lather the soap between your hands for 20 seconds, and then rinse it thoroughly. Dry your hands with a clean, dry towel.[11]
    • If you need a timer to help you wash your hands for the right amount of time, hum the happy birthday song 2 times.

Things You'll Need

  • Disposable adult diaper
  • Garbage can
  • Wet wipes
  • Washcloth (optional)
  • Ointment or diaper cream
  • Clean, dry towel
  • Hand soap
  • Rubber Gloves

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Updated: March 5, 2023
Views: 69,250