Let's talk about sex! Can it really strengthen your relationship? We've reached out to relationship experts to get the low-down on sex and intimacy. Read on—in this article, we'll explain how sex can strengthen your relationship and answer other common questions about frequency, health benefits, and more.

Things You Should Know

  • Sex can strengthen a relationship, but it isn't a necessary component to a strong relationship.
  • Its benefits include injecting a sense of spark into a dull relationship, as well as increasing relaxation and decreasing stress in the couple.
  • To maximize the benefits of sex in your relationship, focus on quality over quantity.
Section 1 of 5:

Does sex make a relationship stronger?

  1. 1
    It can, but it totally depends on the relationship. There's no one-size-fits-all when it comes to sex! The impact that sex has on your personal relationship depends on who you two are as people, your compatibility, what stage you're at in your relationship, and how much value you put on having sex for instance.
    • People also define sex differently—sex in a relationship isn't just penetrative sex.
  2. 2
    Sex alone can't strengthen a relationship that's not thriving. If there are major relationship issues that you need to work through, focus on those. Think of it this way—a healthy sex life comes from having a healthy emotional life. For instance, if you or your partner have problems with body image, sex might not be as great as it could be once you feel good about your body.
    • Passionate sex is possible if you have positive feelings towards each other, so work together to deal with resentment or frustration in your relationship.
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Section 2 of 5:

Ways Sex Can Improve a Relationship

  1. 1
    Sex can make you both feel sexier and more relaxed. When you have sex or orgasm, your body releases oxytocin, popularly known as the love hormone. It can make you feel less stressed, and studies have even found that it increases feelings of bonding and trust.[1]
    • Amazingly, the great feelings or afterglow of sex can last up to 2 days!
  2. 2
    It nurtures a deep bond between people who care about each other. Sex is about connection, pleasure, intimacy, and feeling good about one another. It's no surprise that these fantastic feelings keep your relationship strong. Sex helps you feel loved.
    • A recent study found a connection between sex and well-being. The idea is that sex makes you more affectionate toward each other outside of the bedroom, which leads to more sex—it's like an intimacy feedback loop![2]
  3. 3
    Sex can put the spark back into a ho-hum relationship. If you've been with your partner for a while, it's completely natural that you're not having sex as often as when you first got together. Maintenance sex—when you're not really excited about doing it, but you have sex anyway—can actually make you feel closer to your partner, which can help boost your sex drive.[3]
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Section 3 of 5:

Other Benefits of Regular Sex

  1. 1
    You feel more confident and happy after sex. Sex is a great mood booster and it also improves your self-esteem. You might notice that you enjoy an emotional high for hours or even days after sex—you stop feeling bothered or annoyed by your partner's quirks or little flaws.[4]
    • A great roll in the hay is satisfying, but it can have you desiring your partner even more. This is great for strengthening the bond you have with your partner.
  2. 2
    Having sex can relieve stress, so it's easier for you to rest. Do you feel like it's a lot easier to sleep after sex? You're not alone—sex can help you drift off to sleep easier because your body releases the hormone prolactin during orgasm. Prolactin is the hormone that promotes deep sleep.[5]
    • Better sleep might not seem like a big deal, but it brings a lot of benefits to your relationship. You can think more clearly and deal with relationship challenges more maturely.[6]
  3. 3
    You're motivated to be healthier. Sex is a workout! Fortunately, it's great for your muscle tone and it can even reduce your risk for heart disease.[7] If you're having regular sex, you might feel inspired to become more physically active in other areas of your life, so the health benefits just keep coming.
    • Sex is considered to be a moderate physical activity—similar to brisk walking or climbing 2 flights of stairs.[8]
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Section 5 of 5:

Can a relationship last without sex?


  • Sexual benefits all stem from safe, consensual sex. If sex is violent, non-consensual, or seen as a chore, it will weaken a relationship.[12]

About This Article

Jacqueline Hellyer
Co-authored by:
Licensed Psychosexual Therapist
This article was co-authored by Jacqueline Hellyer and by wikiHow staff writer, Jessica Gibson. Jacqueline Hellyer is a Licensed Psychosexual Therapist and the Founder of The Love Life Blog and The LoveLife Clinic. With over 20 years of experience, Jacqueline specializes in sex advice, sex tips, and relationship advice. In addition to being an accredited Psychosexual Therapist with the Society of Australian Sexologists (SAS), Jacqueline is also a Professional Certified Coach with the International Coach Federation (ICF). Jacqueline holds a BSc in Biochemistry and Human Sciences from The Australian National University, a Graduate Diploma in Applied Science from the University of Canberra, a BA in Languages and Literature from the University of New England (AU), an MSc in Sexual Health from The University of Sydney, and an MSc in Consciousness, Spirituality & Transpersonal Psychology from The Alef Trust. Her work and expertise have been featured in Australian Men’s Health, Cosmopolitan, Australian Women’s Health, Marie Claire, and 60 Minutes. This article has been viewed 3,555 times.
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Co-authors: 4
Updated: October 25, 2022
Views: 3,555