Do you like the comic Peanuts? Here's how to draw Woodstock, Snoopy's sidekick and friend.


  1. 1
    Draw an oval for his head. It should look like a thin, sideways egg. Add guidelines if you like, but they're not really necessary for a drawing this simple.
  2. 2
    Draw his eyes and hair. The hair is just a couple of squiggles around his face (don't worry about realism since he's a cartoon character) and remember, the eye is more of a dash than a dot!
  3. 3
    Draw a neck connected to a circle for his body. Add in his small wings and a tail almost like a sharp tooth jutting out.
  4. 4
    Add small rectangles for the legs. Attach long, thin ovals to them to serve as the feet.
  5. 5
    Color and outline your drawing. Make sure no excess guidelines remain. Woodstock is a brilliant sunshiny color, so use the brightest shade of yellow you have!
  6. Advertisement

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Co-authors: 5
Updated: July 1, 2021
Views: 88,374