You’ve received an invitation to a wedding and now you need to start planning what you are going to wear. You want to look good, but not overdressed. You want to match their theme without mocking it. You want to be comfortable both physically and in your level of formality. Look for directions and clues in the invitation, avoid the big wedding attire faux pas and dress appropriately for the venue and the season.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Matching the Theme or Setting

  1. 1
    Read the invitation carefully. Often times the invitation will give you direct information regarding what to wear and the level of formality. The style or decoration of the invitation is also a clue. Is it colorful and fun or formal and sleek?[1]
    • They may mention hints about comfortable footwear by telling you if the ceremony will be on a beach or a lawn.
    • Many people are also using websites to give more information about the ceremony. Look for a website on the invitation, then visit the site for directives.
  2. 2
    Commit to the theme. Whatever the theme is, if you decide to attend the wedding, you are also agreeing to playing along with the theme. This is their day and you are a part of it. Follow any specific directions given by the bride and groom, whether that is dressing up like a Star Trek character, or sporting a Hawaiian shirt.[2]
  3. 3
    Respect cultural and religious dress codes. If a cultural element is involved in the wedding theme, you can wear something in homage to the culture, but be sure that it does not come off as mocking the culture by going too far.[3]
    • Indian formal attire is a sari. You may not have one and don’t usually wear them, but you can match the brilliant colors of saris by wearing jewel tones. You could also accessorize with Indian jewelry.
    • Scottish wedding parties may be wearing kilts. You could choose a plaid tie to show your support without going all the way with your own kilt.
    • Keep it conservative and respect any religious traditions. If you are going to a Catholic mass, also consider the fact that you will be expected to stand for a good portion of the ceremony as well as possibly kneel. Wear conservative clothes and shoes comfortable to move and stand in.
  4. 4
    Consider the venue. If you are not given any instructions on what to wear, you can still dress to the expectations of the venue. If you are not familiar with the venue, look it up online and find pictures. Dress to match the style of the people in the photos.[4]
    • If the ceremony is in a traditional church setting, you should dress more conservatively. Its a good idea to wear something that covers bare arms and isn’t too risqué.[5]
  5. 5
    Ask questions of the wedding party. The bride and groom are likely busy planning, prepping and stressing over the wedding. It is best to avoid asking them questions about attire for the wedding. Instead, reach out to people in the wedding party, who will have more information about the wedding.[6]
  6. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Meeting Expectations

  1. 1
    Don’t wear white. One of the first rules of weddings, especially in America, is that white is a special color reserved for the bride, so the rest of us should not wear white dresses. This goes for the wedding and any other festivities surrounding it like bridal showers and rehearsal dinners. Even if your white outfit is your favorite one, leave it in the closet for these occasions.[7]
    • This goes for off-white as well. It is safest to avoid it altogether.
    • It is okay to have white accents or elements, but you should avoid solid white.[8]
  2. 2
    Don’t wear all black. While you don’t want to look like the bride in a white lace dress, you also don’t want to look like you are attending a funeral, or mourning the death of your friend’s single life. All-black dresses should not be worn at weddings, as they are reminiscent of funerals.[9]
    • A little black is fine, or even a black dress or suit paired with colored accessories or shoes. Just don’t cover yourself in black from head to toe.
  3. 3
    Don't twin with the couple. You want to have a similar style, but you should not twin with the bride or groom. This is their wedding day, and you don't want to be mistaken for the bride or groom at someone else's wedding.[10]
    • Avoid overdressing. Clothes that have too much of a resemblance to the couple could be confusing and awkward. This includes sequined dresses or lots of lace.
    • You can have a little glitz in your accessories.
  4. 4
    Step your outfit up to formal. Show respect for the occasion with your outfit. No matter how casual the wedding is, it’s better to avoid really casual clothing choices. This includes denim, t-shirts, sweats, tight leggings, and cargo shorts.[11]
    • It is better to overdress than underdress for the occasion.
  5. 5
    Roll up your sleeves. Short sleeve dress shirts are frowned upon for men. It may be hot, but men, if you are going to wear a dress shirt, make it a long-sleeved dress shirt. If you get too hot, rolling the sleeves up is perfectly acceptable.[12]
  6. 6
    Take off your hat. This is especially important for men. Definitely don’t wear caps or beanies, and other hats should be avoided as well. Wearing hats indoors is generally poor etiquette, and even outdoor weddings should be hat-free zones.[13]
    • On the other hand, there are exemptions to this rule for headwear relevant to religious traditions like the Jewish kippah, or Indian scarves.
  7. 7
    Choose the right shoes. Wear nice dress shoes which match your outfit. A low heel for women or nice leather dress shoes for men are ideal. Nice sandals for women or loafers for men can pass at a summer wedding. Flip-flops and tennis shoes should be avoided.[14]
  8. 8
    Dress your children in formal attire that is still comfortable. While you want your kids to look good, you also don't want them to get fussy. Many of these same rules apply to children, but you also need to keep their comfort in mind.[15]
    • It’s okay to put them in shorts when it’s hot. You can class up the outfit with some suspenders.
    • Choose sandals over heels for a young girl.
    • Bring play clothes for them to change into after the ceremony.
  9. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Dressing for the Season

  1. 1
    Choose deep colors and heavy materials for winter weddings. This is your chance to wear deep jewel tones and dark suits. Go for a heavy material like velvet, tweed or wool that will keep you warm in the cold weather.[16]
    • A pant suit is acceptable for women at a winter wedding who want to stay warm. Longer dresses can also keep you covered and cozy.
    • Women can wear tights with a shorter dress, but pair them with close-toed heels. Don’t wear boots to a wedding.
    • Men can layer a sweater or cardigan between their jacket and their shirt and tie.
  2. 2
    Prepare for unpredictable fall weather. It can be difficult to plan for a fall wedding, since the weather is changing. You may need to wait until you get close to the date of the wedding to decide what to wear. Have a couple of options planned out and choose one the week of the wedding. Muted colors, layers and mixing and matching are a good plan for fall.[17]
    • Women may or may not want to wear tights depending on the temperature. Choose a dress which can be worn either way.
    • Plan on carrying a nice sweater that you can throw on if there is a chill.
    • Men can mix up textures and patterns, like a tweed jacket and a silk tie.
  3. 3
    Keep cool at a summer wedding with breathable fabric and bright colors. You want to focus on staying cool while still meeting the formal expectations of the ceremony. The trick here is choosing a fabric which lets the air in. Go for chiffon, silk, cotton and linen. Also match the sunshine with lighter and brighter colors.[18]
    • Women often wear a nice sundress, you can still wear long gowns as long as they are made of light, flowing fabrics.
    • Men may not need to wear a tie, but you should still wear a light jacket. You can take it off later and roll up your sleeves, but you should wear a jacket for the ceremony.
  4. 4
    Prepare for damp springs, while embracing the colors of the blooms. Spring showers can make dressing formally a little challenging. You don’t want to ruin your best clothes or shoes in water and mud, so wear clothes and shoes that can survive the element. Keep your fancy suede at home. Focus the color of your outfit on the flowers blooming. Go bold with colors.[19]
    • Women should avoid long gowns which will drag in the mud.
    • Men and women can experiment with bold colors and pastels as opposed to black and white.
    • Men can wear colored shirts under their suit coats and even play around with fun patterned socks.
  5. Advertisement

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  • Question
    What do you wear to an Indonesian wedding?
    Rosmanita Riswari
    Rosmanita Riswari
    Indonesian Translator
    Rosmanita is an Indonesian Translator and Project Manager with over 10 years of experience in the field. She is a native Indonesian speaker, and lives locally in Indonesia.
    Rosmanita Riswari
    Indonesian Translator
    Expert Answer

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    Batik clothing is widely acceptable in any formal occasion in Indonesia, including weddings. However, you can wear any formal clothing, such as suits or dresses.
  • Question
    What colors are you not supposed to wear to a wedding?
    Megan Papageorge
    Megan Papageorge
    Certified Wedding Planner
    Megan Papageorge is a Certified Wedding Planner and Owner of Sweet Peach Planning, a wedding planning and management company based in Long Beach, California. She has completed over 200 weddings in settings such as gondolas, church halls, the side of cliffs, and vintage warehouses. Megan also co-hosts Peach & Honey, a wedding planning podcast. She is certified to plan and run weddings by the Bridal Society Educational Course. Her work has been featured in A Practical Wedding, Junebug Weddings, Ceremony Magazine, and The Bridal Society.
    Megan Papageorge
    Certified Wedding Planner
    Expert Answer

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    Avoid wearing white or other very light colors, like blush, that will look white in photographs. Also, while colors like black and red used to be taboo, they're usually fine to wear now.
  • Question
    What should I wear to a wedding as a guest?
    Megan Papageorge
    Megan Papageorge
    Certified Wedding Planner
    Megan Papageorge is a Certified Wedding Planner and Owner of Sweet Peach Planning, a wedding planning and management company based in Long Beach, California. She has completed over 200 weddings in settings such as gondolas, church halls, the side of cliffs, and vintage warehouses. Megan also co-hosts Peach & Honey, a wedding planning podcast. She is certified to plan and run weddings by the Bridal Society Educational Course. Her work has been featured in A Practical Wedding, Junebug Weddings, Ceremony Magazine, and The Bridal Society.
    Megan Papageorge
    Certified Wedding Planner
    Expert Answer

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    Look at the venue when you're deciding what to wear. For instance, if the venue is a ranch, you might go with a bohemian vibe, and if it's a very classic venue, you might wear something nicer. Make sure your outfit is practical, too. For instance, if you're wearing heels, bring a pair of flats. People are getting more creative with their ceremonies, and sometimes you may have trouble walking to or from the venue if you're in heels. It's also a good idea to bring a jacket just in case you get cold.

About This Article

Megan Papageorge
Co-authored by:
Certified Wedding Planner
This article was co-authored by Megan Papageorge. Megan Papageorge is a Certified Wedding Planner and Owner of Sweet Peach Planning, a wedding planning and management company based in Long Beach, California. She has completed over 200 weddings in settings such as gondolas, church halls, the side of cliffs, and vintage warehouses. Megan also co-hosts Peach & Honey, a wedding planning podcast. She is certified to plan and run weddings by the Bridal Society Educational Course. Her work has been featured in A Practical Wedding, Junebug Weddings, Ceremony Magazine, and The Bridal Society. This article has been viewed 342,886 times.
14 votes - 93%
Co-authors: 32
Updated: January 4, 2023
Views: 342,886
Categories: Wedding Clothes
Article SummaryX

To dress for a wedding, choose your outfit based on the invite. For example, you should wear formal attire for a church service, or sandals and a light suit for a beach wedding. If the invite specifies a theme, like Star Trek, be prepared to dress in line with it. However, if the invite gives no instruction, ask someone from the wedding party for more information, but avoid asking the bride and groom as this may stress them out. Additionally, opt for thick materials and dark colors for a winter wedding to keep warm, or lighter materials such as linen or cotton in the summer. For tips on how to dress in a culturally appropriate manner at a wedding, read on!

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