Soju is a traditional Korean spirit that is best served cold and neat (with no ice). It’s also the best selling alcohol in the world.[1] Packaged in a classic green bottle, it has a neutral flavor that is similar to American vodka. If you are in Korea, or in the company of Koreans, you should follow the traditions of the social sharing ritual when drinking soju. Not following these traditions may come across as an insult to elders and superiors. Outside of Korean company, it’s okay to not follow the traditional drinking ritual, but it is a fun experience to do anyway! Once you get the ritual down, try a couple traditional drinking games too.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Opening the Bottle

  1. 1
    Serve the soju cold and neat for the best flavor. Chill the bottle of soju in the refrigerator for a few hours if you are drinking at home. Don’t add ice to the drink because it is typically served as a small pour and taken as a shot.[2]
    • You won’t need to worry about this if you are ordering drinks in a restaurant—it will be served ice-cold and ready to drink!
  2. 2
    Swirl the bottle around to create a whirlpool inside. Hold the soju near the bottom of the bottle in one hand and vigorously swirl it in a circular motion. It should only take about 2-3 seconds of swirling to create a whirlpool effect inside the bottle.[3]
    • This act is said to date back to the old days when sediment was deposited into the bottles during production. Swirling the bottle is meant to bring the sediment to the top of the bottle.[4]
    • Some drinkers opt to shake the bottle instead of swirling.
  3. 3
    Slap the bottom of the bottle with your palm before twisting off the cap. Holding the bottle towards the bottom of the neck in one hand, use your other hand to firmly slap the end of the bottle. After a couple of firm slaps, twist off the cap.[5]
    • You may also bang the bottom of the bottle against your elbow instead of slapping it with your palm.[6]
    • Some say the purpose of this part also has to do with breaking up the sediment in the bottle.
  4. 4
    Spread your middle and index finger apart and jab the neck of the bottle. Grip the lower portion of the bottle with one hand to hold it steady, and use the webbed area between your middle finger and index finger on your other hand to sharply jab the neck of the bottle. This should be done with enough force to make a little bit of the soju splash out of the bottle.[7]
    • This portion of the bottle-opening ritual is meant to knock the sediment that was deposited during production out of the bottle so it doesn’t get drank.
    • Modern production of soju filters the alcohol, so sediment is no longer an issue. However, the tradition has remained.[8]
  5. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Pouring and Drinking Shots

  1. 1
    Have the oldest person in the group pour the first shot of soju. They will pour a shot into each group member’s glass. After everyone has received their pour, another member of the group will use both hands to pour a shot for the server.
    • This is a symbol of respect.
  2. 2
    Use both hands to hold the bottle while pouring shots. As members of the group take turns pouring rounds of shots for one another, each should always hold the bottle with both hands. This is another way of showing respect, especially when serving your elders.
    • If you are pouring the shots, do not fill your own glass. After you have filled everyone else’s glass, set the bottle down so someone can fill yours for you.
  3. 3
    Hold the shot glass with both hands while receiving the drink. This is also a symbol of respect. Raise your cup in the air and hold it towards the server to make pouring easier. Some people may choose to bow their head when receiving the pour as well.[9]
    • After the first round of drinks has been poured, older people may use one hand when receiving subsequent pours.
  4. 4
    Turn your head to avoid eye contact while you drink the first shot. Be sure to still hold the glass with both hands while you take your drink. The first round of drinks should be taken as a shot, not sipped.
    • Using both hands while drinking is a sign of respect, and turning your head away from others is to avoid flashing your teeth—which can be seen as disrespect in traditional Korean culture.
  5. 5
    Offer to fill empty glasses as needed. Per tradition, no glass should sit empty and no one should drink alone. If you notice someone’s glass is empty, ask if they would like another drink. After the first round of drinks, anyone can offer to fill glasses.
    • Remember to use both hands while pouring the drinks.[10]
    • Remember not to fill your own glass. After you have poured a round of shots, set the bottle down so another member of the group can fill yours for you. (Remember to hold your glass with both hands while they pour.)
  6. 6
    Sip or shoot the drinks taken after the first round. Traditionally, only the first round of drinks needs to be taken as a shot. After that, you can choose to either shoot or sip your drinks.
    • Many people choose to continue to take shots, just because the “rubbing alcohol” flavor of the soju doesn’t make it very pleasant for sipping.[11]
  7. 7
    Drink together to show solidarity. In the Korean tradition, no one should drink alone. If you pour another shot for someone, they should pour one for you as well. If someone offers to pour you a shot first, always accept it.
  8. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Playing Soju Drinking Games

  1. 1
    Play a simple game of “Flick the Cap” after opening a new bottle. This is one of the most popular drinking games. After you remove the cap from the soju bottle, twist the end piece of the seal that’s connected to the cap to make it more stiff. Each person then takes turns flicking the end piece with their fingers.
    • The person who flicks the end piece off of the cap wins; everyone else drinks.
  2. 2
    Play a game of Titanic if you want to pass the time. Fill a drinking glass about halfway full of beer. Carefully set the shot glass in the beer so that it floats. Go around the table taking turns pouring soju into the shot glass. The goal is to keep the shot glass floating.
    • The person who sinks the shot glass is the loser, and must drink the beer/soju mixture (called somek).
  3. 3
    Play a game of “Noonchi” if you have a group of at least 4 people. The more players you have, the better! At any point during the visit, shout out “noonchi game 1!” to start the game. Then random members take turns counting in sequential order until you get to the number that corresponds with how many people you have in your group. For instance, If you have 5 people in your group, you would count up to 5.
    • Here’s the tricky part: No one can shout the same number at the same time. For example, if more than one person shouts “2” at the same time, they all have to drink a shot together.
    • If your group is able to get through all the numbers without saying any in unison, the person who says the final number drinks a shot.
  4. Advertisement

Community Q&A
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  • Question
    What can you mix with soju?
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    One popular soju cocktail involves mixing equal parts soju, yogurt drink, and lemon-lime soda or fruit juice. It also mixes well with a variety of fruit juices, such as watermelon, pomegranate, or apple.
  • Question
    Is soju good for your health?
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    Like many alcoholic beverages, soju may have some health benefits if you drink it in moderation. For example, one study published in the journal Neurology found that 1-2 shots per day were associated with a reduced risk of stroke. However, drinking too much of it can lead to health problems, such as liver disease, high blood pressure, or digestive problems.
  • Question
    Is soju stronger than vodka?
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    While the two drinks are similar, vodka is definitely stronger. Soju has an alcohol content of about 20-24%, while vodka typically weighs in at 40%!


  • Because of the nature of the tradition—the constant pouring of rounds to keep glasses full—it is easy to consume a lot of alcohol and become very intoxicated. Drink responsibly and never drink and drive.[13]

Things You’ll Need

  • Bottle of soju
  • Beer
  • Shot glass
  • Drinking glass

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This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff. Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. This article has been viewed 265,941 times.
43 votes - 92%
Co-authors: 4
Updated: March 7, 2023
Views: 265,941
Categories: Alcohol Consumption
Article SummaryX

To drink soju, serve it cold and without ice for the best flavor. When you’re ready to serve it, swirl the bottle around for a couple of seconds, then slap the bottom of the bottle with your palm. This will redistribute the sediment at the bottom of the bottle if there is any. Once you’ve done this, twist off the cap and choose the oldest person in the room to pour shots, which is tradition in Korean culture. If you’re pouring the shots, fill everyone else’s glass, then set the bottle down so someone else may fill yours, which is considered respectful. Make sure to hold your shot glass with both hands while receiving the drink, which is also a sign of respect. When everyone has a shot, take them together. To learn how to play Soju drinking games, read on!

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