Glitches are bugs in a game (computer, video, app, etc.) that cause strange things to happen that are not supposed to form part of the game.These glitches can sometimes be used to your benefit. For example, perhaps you find an enemy and he runs away when he's not meant to or maybe your enemies have turned into holograms and can't attack you. Usually glitches are a nuisance or something to avoid. Sometimes though, glitches can actually help your game play or they're just fun and in this instance, you may actually want to find them––happy bug hunting!

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Identifying Glitches

  1. 1
    Notice things happening in the game that aren't supposed to be there. For example, weapon switches when you thought you were holding one type of weapon, clothing changes when you didn't request a change or an entire change of scenery or location when you weren't expecting it. Perhaps gravity doesn't seem to exist anywhere, when it ought to, or maybe your tools, weapons or objects are doing something they wouldn't normally do. To know whether this is part of the game, or a glitch, there are ways to find out:
    • Read the game synopsis accompanying the game. If it's detailed enough, this might help you.
    • Ask a friend who has already played the game. He or she might know whether what you're encountering is normal or not.
    • Go online and check out the forum for the game. See if someone else has raised the possible glitch. Or, do a search for "X glitch" on a search engine if you suspect it is a known glitch.
  2. 2
    Find out or ask about glitches in general. Check out the specific site, forums, discussion pages or other information source related to your game. There may already be discussion threads or tutorials for finding current glitches in your game.
    • YouTube will often have video tutorials of glitches in popular games.
    • Always check the date of posting of the glitch information. While glitches may remain for some time, they usually won't last more than a few months in live games, as the programmers will patch them eventually.
    • Equally, always read what can go wrong when exploiting a glitch––some glitches can destroy your game or lose items for good.
    • There are some sites dedicated to outing as many glitches in games as possible. Some of these include funny glitches that are worth a good laugh but not much more.
  3. 3
    Be careful not to abuse glitches in shared gaming. Glitching isn't appreciated in many multiplayer games as it is considered a form of cheating or modifying gameplay in an undesired way and may impact other players unfairly. Read your live game's terms and conditions before getting carried away with overusing a glitch. You may be better off reporting a glitch than using it.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Typical Glitch Zones or Actions

There are some fairly standard areas where glitches tend to occur. If you're hunting them down, here are some pointers to help you.

  1. 1
    Ledge climb. If you can get onto a climbable ledge, then keep going on it as far as you can. See if it takes you anywhere. Possibly there is a point at which the programming got sloppy and you fall or climb through into something else of interest.
  2. 2
    Try to pass through walls. In some games, walls become transparent when certain things happen, such as when moving items, interacting with players or using special actions such as teleporting or decorating. Perhaps there are particular joins or fissures in walls that create weak spots where you can pass through what is normally solid.
    • If you notice that your weapon, tool or other object that you're holding can go through a wall, then try to go through as well. It could be a sign of a way to glitch into the wall or out of the zone, level, map or area that you're currently in.
  3. 3
    Check out the big things. Rocks and other big scenery are often the best place to try to find glitches. Sometimes the game developers get lazy and don't set up barriers there.
    • If you go to a rock to try to glitch into it or out of a map, try to go to the most obscure edge of it. The most protruding edge that is obviously different from the others could be the key to getting inside it.
    • If you are new to glitching, try not to go for the hard glitches like going out of map or under map. Try to get on roofs for a while, and then move on to advanced glitches.
  4. 4
    If you find an invisible barrier, try to find a way around it. Such barriers usually lead to roofs or other places the game developers didn't want you to go.
  5. 5
    Look at a place that is otherwise unable to reach. Ask yourself, "I wonder if there is a way to get up there." Consider what your game character might be able to use to get there, such as barrels, vines, tree branches, bouncing kangaroos, whatever! Give it all a go––you never know until you've tried.
    • Most glitches happen in areas you're not meant to be playing.
  6. 6
    Play the game "incorrectly". Games testing occurs with a focus on playing the game "correctly", following a set sequence with expected outcomes. You can turn this on its head by playing it the opposite of what may have been intended, such as approaching things from a different direction or angle, trying to invert the usual things or simply pushing the boundaries when most players wouldn't bother.
    • If you're not afraid to die in the game, you can probably find quite a few strange things out!
  7. 7
    Try pausing. If you're in the middle of an action, stunt or activity, sometimes pausing might confuse or change things for you. It's worth a try. This action is more likely to be useful for older games.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Finding the Glitch Again

So, you've decided that the glitch you found once before is actually cool and you want to use it again...

  1. 1
    Try again. Go back to the exact part of the game where you encountered it last time. You may need to try several times before seeing the glitch again; pinpointing exactly what causes it may take time to refine.
    • Keep trying. Just because you don't get where you want to the first time, it doesn't mean you can't get there.
  2. 2
    Use some of the suggested places from the section above. Go and visit some of the areas of the game that are more likely to contain glitches, such as rocks and big scenery.
  3. 3
    Stay alert when playing. Don't actively look for glitches but be alert for the possibility as you enjoy your game, noticing anything that doesn't fit in with the normal gameplay.
    • Most glitches are random accidents that you stumble upon. They may be present while in regular single or multiplayer modes, depending on the game type.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    What are some of the major bugs in video games?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    The most common type is simply a game crash. In 3-D games, clipping through walls at angles is common. In 2-D games, a popular glitch is a way to enter a different layer. Graphical glitches, too, are a common and interesting bug.
  • Question
    Are glitches seen in 3-D games too?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Glitches can be found in any type of game--they are the result of coding errors.
  • Question
    What is the game in the image?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Pokémon Fire Red edition is the game used in the image examples. It is a classic game that can be bought or played via emulator.


  • Glitching is not hacking. However, glitches that enable you to obtain items that you'd normally pay hard cash for, such as coins or stars, may be considered a form of theft by those managing the game and you may get banned for abusing it.
  • A game may stop loading properly after you've exploited a glitch. Or items may stop existing or actions stop being possible after exploiting a glitch. Try the reset button before giving up. And user beware.
  • Many people hate glitchers, so be prepared for complaints. For multiplayer live games, people may report you. On XBL and PSN, glitching is against the rules and may get you banned.
  • For live games, most glitches aren't patched for a couple of months. This doesn't mean you should get used to them though, as they'll eventually go. Accepting updates to your game will often remove a glitch.

Things You'll Need

  • A video game console
  • A game to glitch on
  • A network connection for online multiplayer helps
  • A controller


About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 24 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 111,862 times.
21 votes - 61%
Co-authors: 24
Updated: March 29, 2019
Views: 111,862