Your guide to choosing a trusted babysitter to care for your kids

It’s tough to be away from your kids, especially when you’re worried about who’s watching them. Grandpa tends to snooze when he’s supposed to be keeping an eye on the tykes, and your sister doesn’t quite “get” children. How do you find someone you can trust? Someone who’ll stay alert and get the kiddos to bed on time? We’ve put together 13 tips on how to find a sitter, how to make sure they’ll do the job right, and how to prepare them for your time away. So take a deep breath—we’ll get you out on the town with some peace of mind.

Things You Should Know

  • Ask your neighbors, coworkers, or place of worship for recommendations on trusted local babysitters.
  • Use an online babysitter directory like or UrbanSitter to browse a larger pool of sitters.
  • Run a background check and have an interview with any potential babysitters to make sure they’re trustworthy and are a good fit.
  • Brief your babysitter on house rules, emergency contacts, and special needs to make sure they’re as prepared as possible to watch your kids.

Hire a student.

  1. Junior high and high school students usually have workable schedules. They’re in school all day, but then are often looking for a side gig in the evening, and babysitting is a go-to hustle for many. If you have a child in school, or friends who have kids in school, ask if they know anyone trustworthy looking for a little cash. Just know that if you hire a student, they’ll also probably be doing homework while they watch your child.[3]
    • Students are typically less experienced than other babysitters and might lack certain training. Because of this, they’re typically better suited for watching older, more independent children.
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Do a background check.

  1. Look into your sitter’s history, even if they come recommended. Once you’ve established contact with a sitter, ask them if you can run their name through a background check. Most will agree to the process (and if they don’t, that’s a red flag!). Services like offer checks on criminal and motor vehicle history.
    • You can also request a background check from your local government’s criminal justice department. This process varies by jurisdiction, so contact a staffer at the criminal justice office for details.
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Ask about their medical certification and emergency training.


Conduct an interview with the sitter.

  1. Before you hire someone, ask them about themselves. Questions like “How long have you been babysitting?” or “What ages do you usually sit?” can give you a decent read on a sitter’s experience and comfort level. Don’t just stick to business, though; a casual conversation about both your interests and personal lives can tell you a lot about if a sitter is a good fit for you and your children.[6]
    • Also ask things like, “Do you smoke?” “How do you handle a crying child?” “Are you vaccinated?” “How do you like to entertain kids?”
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Do a trial run.

  1. Have your potential sitter watch your kids with you present. It’s important to know they’re capable, but it’s also important to know that they get along with your kids. A sitter who’s incompatible with your children will have a harder time sitting, and might not do as good a job as one who is. Watch especially for if their “parenting” style is similar to yours, or otherwise acceptable to you.[7]
    • Let the potential sitter play with your child, and observe how they participate. Are they enthusiastic? Do they maintain healthy boundaries? Watch to see if they’re engaged and thoughtful in how they interact with your child.

Discuss payment upfront.


Clarify emergency protocols and contacts.

  1. Acquaint your sitter with things like first-aid kits and security systems. Make sure your sitter knows where your child’s medication is kept and how to administer it, as well as who to call in an emergency (your cell, a partner’s cell, poison control, etc.). Also, review emergency exits and things like smoke detectors and fire extinguishers.[11]
    • Also review general safety rules, like your child’s allergies, how they are to be monitored when outside, and safety around running water or sharp objects.
    • Write these on a slip of paper and place it somewhere readily available, like on the fridge or counter.
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About This Article

Lauren Chan Lee, MBA
Co-authored by:
Product Leader,
This article was co-authored by Lauren Chan Lee, MBA and by wikiHow staff writer, Luke Smith, MFA. Lauren Chan Lee is Senior Director of Product Management at, the largest online marketplace for finding and managing family care. She has worked in product management for over 10 years across a variety of specialties and areas. She received her MBA from Northwestern University in 2009. This article has been viewed 3,547 times.
6 votes - 70%
Co-authors: 3
Updated: November 8, 2022
Views: 3,547
Categories: Babysitting