Flirting can be difficult for many people, especially when you're flirting with a stranger. If there's a girl you like, but do not see often, there are many ways you can flirt with her during the small pockets of time you have. Find ways like eye contact and a winning smile to get her attention. If you have time for small talk, make the most of it. Lastly, rely on your own personality. A lot of flirting is innate, so don't be afraid to do and say what comes naturally to you.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Getting Her Attention

  1. 1
    Make brief eye contact. Another way to get someone's attention is to make eye contact. This is particularly helpful if you see the girl somewhere like a bar or party. Brief eye contact can send the message that you have interest in this person and would like to talk.[1]
    • Try to catch the girl's eyes. Glance at her when she's looking in your direction and wait for her to look back.
    • Hold her gaze for about 4 seconds and then look away. Four seconds is long enough to establish a connection. Any shorter may be mistaken for accidental eye contact, and any longer may make things feel awkward.
  2. 2
    Smile. Flashing a winning smile at someone from across the room is a great way to get their attention. While holding the girl's eye contact, offer a quick and warm smile.[2] This will convey you're paying attention to her.[3]
  3. 3
    Raise your eyebrows. You can also try raising your eyebrows slightly while making eye contact. This is a flirtatious gesture that does not read as overtly sexual. This can show the girl you're a friendly, approachable person. She may be more likely to engage you with conversation later on if you raise your eyebrows during eye contact.[4]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Flirting in Conversation

  1. 1
    Watch for opportunities for small talk. If you successfully get the girl's attention, she may approach you to talk. However, you can also look for small talk opportunities throughout the day depending on where you see the girl. You can strike up a conversation when it's appropriate.[5]
    • Parties and large social gatherings are generally the easiest time to flirt. People are often more relaxed and uninhibited, making them more receptive to flirtation. If you happen to see this girl at a social event, that would be a good time to try and flirt. Social events at bars and other places that serve alcohol are a particularly good place to flirt. Stick to areas, like around the counter, that are thought of as public zones, where it's appropriate to strike up conversation with someone you don't know well.
    • Learning places, like schools or colleges, are also decent places to flirt. If you see this girl during class, you can try to flirt with her before or after a lesson begins. It can be easy to flirt during class as conversation can be somewhat easy. As you're both enrolled in the same course, you have something in common to discuss right away.
    • If you want to flirt at your office, be careful. Make sure you review your company's policy on work relationships. You should also stick to flirting in areas like the break room or cafeteria, where people are not busy doing their jobs. You can also engage in quick flirting during things like morning greetings or in the minutes before a meeting begins.
  2. 2
    Gesture while you talk. Gesturing while you talk can convey a lot. Certain hand gestures can help keep the girl engaged with you, and you can also use gestures to promote intimacy, understanding, and flirtation.[6]
    • Try to be more lively and animated in conversation, moving your hands as you speak. This can convey that you're invested in the other person and engaged in the conversation.
    • You should also make small, subtle movements to keep the girl's focus on you. Shift your hands slightly at the end of each sentence. Use open palm hand movements to kind of project what you're saying on the girl. If you're trying to make a point, use a downward hand movement, like placing your hand on the table, to better convey that point.
    • Watch the girl's hand movements as well. If she seems animated and lively, and is using a lot of gestures, she's probably engaged in talking to you. If she seems stiff or bored, you may want to switch up the conversation topic. This is a sign she's not interested.
  3. 3
    Nod. You want to make sure you're listening to the girl. If you appear interested in what she's saying, this can come off as flirtatious. A good way to keep the conversation moving, and show that you're paying attention, is periodically nodding.[7]
    • Make small, brief nods as the girl is speaking. This shows you're listening and encourages her to keep the flow of conversation moving.
    • Quick, double nods are best. Single nods or triple nods can come off as confusion or frustration, resulting in the conversation halting.
  4. 4
    Mimic the girl's body language. Mimicry is the highest form of flattery. It's a good idea to try to mirror the girl's body language. In a subtle, somewhat unconscious way, this can convey you're interested and help the girl feel flattered.[8]
    • Try to position your body in the same way she does. Move your arms and legs in a similar manner. If she crosses her legs, for example, you can cross your legs as well.
    • Do not take it too far, however. Mimicking body language exactly can come off as mockery. Try to follow her body language to a degree, but do not imitate her every movement as it's happening.
  5. 5
    Listen. When flirting, you should strive to listen as much as you talk, if not more. People are attracted to those who seem interested and engaged with them. Smile as the girl speaks, ask her questions about what she's saying, and smile, nod, and laugh when appropriate to convey you're paying attention.[9]
  6. 6
    Ask about the other person. If you don't see the girl a lot, any information you can get is valuable. You can convey interest, which is flirtatious, by asking about the other person. Of course, you should not dip into deep personal questions right away. Light questions, however, can be very helpful. Try things like, "How was your day?" and "That's a great color on you. Where did you get that dress?"
  7. 7
    Use a flirtatious tone. Vocal signals can also come off as flirtatious. During the brief moments you have to talk to the girl in question, make sure to use a flirty tone.[10]
    • Try to incorporate variation in pitch. Monotone can come off as disinterest. When giving brief, one word answers, like "Yeah" or "Okay", try to deliver them with enthusiasm. This can show you're engaged with the person and want to continue the conversation.
    • You can use a questioning tone at the end of some sentences, where you emphasize the last syllables. This can be particularly helpful when striking up a conversation, as it invites the girl to share her opinion. There's a big difference between, "Crazy test yesterday" and "Crazy test yesterday, huh?" The latter encourages the girl to share her opinion, giving you an in for conversation.
  8. 8
    Try light touching. Touching can help greatly with flirting. Small, subtle touches can increase feelings of intimacy and convey an interest in the girl. However, be careful with touching. Touching that feels inappropriate or invasive can ruin your chances[11]
    • The arm is generally the safest place to touch, as this is an area that's not too intimate. A brief touch on the girl's arm in conversation can increase feelings of intimacy. You can also try a light touch on the hand.
    • Make sure you pay attention to how a girl is acting around you before trying touching. If she's mimicking your body language, turned towards you, and engaged in conversation, she's probably interested. A light touch is okay. If she seems distant, however, touching can easily feel alienating.
    • You should also keep in mind touching may not be appropriate in all situations. Touching is probably safest at a social gathering, like a party. Touching at work or school could come off as inappropriate, especially if your office or school has rules against touching and flirtation in certain situations.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Relying on Your Personality

  1. 1
    Act natural. When trying to flirt in a short amount of time, it can be easy to get hung up on details and come off as bumbling or nervous. However, try to keep in mind much of flirting is innate. If you're interested in someone, things like flirtatious body language and conversation will probably come naturally. While you should try to keep in mind how to convey interest, relax and go with the flow of the conversation. You probably flirting in subtle ways you're not even completely aware of.[12]
  2. 2
    Use humor. If you have a natural sense of humor, use it to your advantage. People may feel more relaxed when they laugh together. If you're trying to flirt with, say, a barista at a coffee shop, try to think of a funny observation while checking out. If you're at a party, try to make a joke about the decorations, theme, or other aspects of the event.
  3. 3
    Form a genuine connection. Being flirtatious is often thought of as a way to brag about yourself or flatter another person. However, most people are drawn to a genuine connection. Try to stay calm and be yourself. Do not try to show off. Just try to talk to the girl in a way that shows you're interested in her. People are often flattered by flirtation, and genuine interest will get you farther than bragging.[13]
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About This Article

Cher Gopman
Co-authored by:
Dating Coach
This article was co-authored by Cher Gopman. Cher Gopman is the Founder of NYC Wingwoman LLC, a date coaching service based in New York City. 'NYC Wingwoman' offers matchmaking, wingwoman services, 1-on-1 Coaching, and intensive weekend bootcamps. Cher is a Certified Life Coach, a former psychiatric nurse, and her work has been featured on Inside Edition, Fox, ABC, VH1, and The New York Post. This article has been viewed 183,224 times.
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Co-authors: 22
Updated: June 22, 2022
Views: 183,224
Categories: Flirting