A structured interview or survey that is based upon a pre-decided questionnaire is one of the best and most effective means of collecting data directly from the outside world or the public. It is a strong tool used for sociological and psychological research as well as by business studies determining various trends and behavior patterns of humans. Unlike other human behaviors determining tools such as observations and experimentation, questionnaire based surveys and interviews have a higher statistically reproducibility value. Here are steps to help you frame a perfect questionnaire for data collection.


  1. 1
    Identify the variables and the exact information that you seek from the questionnaire. In order to get usable data from a questionnaire, the research must first be clear about the information that he seeks to gain. Based upon the research question, determine the variables of the study and define the exact information needed to answer the research question.
    • Make sure that you're conducting your research ethically. For instance, at the university level, you'll need to consult with the Institutional Review Board before getting your study underway.
  2. 2
    Write down all the questions that help you get the information you require. Breakdown the research question and variables into several short lose ended questions. Put them down on a paper for easy reference. Since this would be the first draft, create as many valid questions as you can.
    • Make sure that you understand your target group. Are you trying to conduct research on the group, or from within the group? Your questions will ultimately depend on your role as a researcher.
    • Try to think about your survey from different perspectives, too. Are they technology, time, or socio-economic barriers that could interfere with your potential results?
  3. 3
    Go through each questionnaire and filter them out. Once you are done with the 1st draft, read each of the question carefully and group them based upon similarity of ideas. Remove duplicates. In case of two similar questions, choose the one that conveys the message better to the target audience.
  4. 4
    Order the questions in a logical manner. Based upon the groups, order the questions in a logical flow. Ideally start the questionnaire with easy to answer questions and slowly proceed to the tougher ones.
  5. 5
    Match the language to the target group. It is essential to have clarity about the language used by the target respondents. In case, the respondents speak a foreign language, it is better to get the questionnaire translated in the local language. You may choose to have 2 sets of questionnaires – one in English and other in the local Language, or incorporate both in the same questionnaire. This decision will depend upon the comfort level of your target respondents.
  6. 6
    Review and edit each question for grammar and spelling errors. Ensure that each question clearly conveys the idea and does not leave a gap for different interpretations. Especially in case of translated questionnaires.
  7. 7
    Add an introductory note to the questionnaire. This will make the respondents more comfortable and give an idea about what they can expect in the questionnaire.
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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 29,044 times.
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Co-authors: 6
Updated: May 10, 2022
Views: 29,044
Categories: Research