Angry Birds 2 brings the gameplay you enjoyed in the original Angry Birds into a whole new level. You will still fling different birds with various powers to weirdly-built structures housing several bad piggies. However, there are a few new elements, like the environments, birds, and spells. You have to use whatever skills you’ve gotten in playing the other Angry Birds games and combine them with these new elements in order to beat the game and get high scores. Angry Birds 2 is available in both iOS and Android.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Shooting the Right Bird

  1. 1
    View your available birds. Unlike in the original Angry Birds, where the sequence of the birds to be used was predefined, you can sort and use the different birds your own way. The three different birds available to you for the level are shown in the bottom left corner.
  2. 2
    Tap the card for the bird you want to use. Using the right bird for the job can make a lot of difference in destroying the structures and the piggies, which in turn will bring your scores up. The more damage you cause, the more points you get. The selected bird will be placed on the slingshot, ready to be flung.
    • Red—Red is the most common bird in the game. It’s the red bird that can knock most structures down.
    • Blues—Blues are three birds in one. You only shoot one blue bird and tapping on the screen will split it to three identical blue birds. You can knock down three different places in one go.
    • Chuck—Chuck is the triangular yellow bird. It can zip through most structures, like wood, by tapping on the screen while it’s in flight.
    • Matilda—Matilda is the white egg-shaped bird. It will poop out eggs when you tap on the screen while it’s in flight. Matilda and its eggs will knock structures that they hit.
    • Silver—Silver is a new bird in Angry Birds. Tapping the screen while it’s in flight will make it do a loop-de-loop then nosedive. It can be used to hit those hard-to-reach parts of the structures.
    • Bomb—Bomb is the black bird shaped like a bomb. Throwing it on structures will trigger an explosion that will cause more damage.
    • Terence—Terence is Red’s giant brother. You can knock down anything with it.
  3. 3
    Fling the selected bird. Pull back the bird and align your aim. Release and watch the bird hit your targets.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Knowing the Elements in the Game

  1. 1
    Know the environment. It can be a good idea to view the whole picture before even putting a bird on the slingshot. Get an idea what elements are in play and what structures and piggies you need to hit. Focus your shots on the parts of the structures that will cause the most damage and take out the most piggies to get more points.
  2. 2
    Cast spells. Spells are like power-ups or boosters that you can use to boost your shots and increase your scores. Spells are equipped on the pre-game screen. Tap the spells you want to use before hitting the “Play” button. You can use them by placing them on the slingshot just like the other birds.
    • Golden Duck—Use this to shower the whole environment with golden ducks that will drop on and destroy the structures in the level. One use of this spell can take out everything and complete the level for you.
    • Frost—Use this to turn all the blocks to ice. Ice structures can easily be broken compared to ones built with stones.
    • Hot Chili—Use this to turn a random piggy into a time bomb that can take out other piggies and some structures.
    • Pig Inflater—Use this to bloat all the piggies until they burst. Once they do, they can take out items and structures around them.
    • Mighty Eagle—Use this to launch the Mighty Eagle across the whole screen. It will bring a huge wind with it, taking down almost everything.
  3. 3
    Don’t quit. You only have a maximum of five lives at a time. If you don’t think you can’t complete the level, don’t just quit. Try and finish it still. Even if you don’t, you will still get an idea what the level holds so you can prepare your strategy the next time you play it. Some levels have multiple environments, and playing it through can get you a glimpse of all the structures you need to destroy in the level. Think of the right birds and the right spells you need to use to boost your scores.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    How do I buy hats with my black pearls?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Click on a bird on the main screen and tap the hat you want to buy. Once you tap the hat, click the black pearl amount. Your bird will now have a hat. Collect the same hat group for all your birds for a slingshot level up.

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Updated: March 4, 2021
Views: 20,741