In the state of Texas, there are no specific state laws that require you to obtain a state permit or license for selling firearms; however, federal law requires you to obtain a Federal Firearms License (FFL). An FFL license can be obtained from the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) by filling out an application, paying the required application fee, and obtaining fingerprint cards and photographs of yourself to include with the application. After you have mailed your FFL application to the ATF, you can be considered for an FFL license, which you are required to have in order to become a firearms dealer in the state of Texas.


  1. 1
    Meet the federal requirements for an FFL license. The ATF requires you to be 21 years of age, have a business venue for selling firearms, and to not have a history of criminal actions, mental illness, and dishonorable military discharge.[1]
  2. 2
    Acquire the FFL license application. You can obtain the application online from the ATF website or from an ATF regional office from either the Dallas or Houston areas.
    • Click on the ATF website link shown in the Sources section of this article and locate the "Necessary Materials" section on the right. You will need to print both the FFL application and Certificate of Compliance forms from this section.
    • If you live near Dallas and do not have access to the Internet, obtain the required forms from the ATF regional office located at 1114 Commerce Street, Room 303, Dallas, Texas, 75242. You can also call the office at 469-227-4300 or send an email to
    • Applicants who live near the Houston area can acquire the forms from the ATF regional office at 5825 North Sam Houston Parkway, Suite 300, Houston, Texas, 77086. The office's phone number is 281-716-8200 and the email address is
  3. 3
    Collect 2 personal photographs of yourself. The ATF will place your photographs on file with your application and licensing information.[2]
    • The photographs must display your face and measure at least 2 inches (5.08 cm) in both height and width.
  4. 4
    Acquire fingerprint identification cards. The ATF will require you to obtain 2 fingerprint cards so they can keep your fingerprints on file and use them for the background check.[3]
    • Visit your local law enforcement office to obtain the fingerprint cards. If you need help locating the nearest police station or law enforcement office, call the Texas Department of Public Safety headquarters at 512-424-2000.
  5. 5
    Gather the application fee for the FFL license. You will be required to include an application fee with the package you send to the ATF.[4]
    • Pay 3,000 dollars (2,119 euros) if you are going to sell destructive devices such as explosives, grenades, mines, and poison gas; otherwise, pay 200 dollars (141 euros) for the application fee.
    • Pay the application fee by check or money order, or print your credit card information on the FFL application form.
  6. 6
    Fill out the FFL license application. You will be required to enter a variety of information about yourself and your firearms business; such as the business' address, contact information, and hours of operation, the types of firearm devices you will carry in stock, and your personal history regarding past convictions or crimes, if applicable.[5]
  7. 7
    Fill out the Certificate of Compliance. This form will require you to certify that you will abide by federal firearms dealers' laws and certify that you are a citizen of the United States.
  8. 8
    Send your FFL license application to the ATF. After your application package is received by the ATF, they will perform a background check on you and review your application. They will then send your information over to the ATF field office in your region for further action.[6]
    • Place your fingerprint cards, personal photographs, the Certificate of Compliance, the FFL license application, and your check or money order for the application fees in the envelope.
    • Send your FFL licensing package to the headquarters of the ATF at: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, P.O. Box 409567, Atlanta, Georgia, 30384-9567.
  9. 9
    Have an interview with a representative from the ATF regional office. After the ATF regional office receives your information, they will contact you to schedule an interview. The representative will verify that you understand the federal laws regarding being a Texas firearms dealer and will inspect your physical business location.[7]
  10. 10
    Receive your FFL license from the ATF. After your interview with the ATF representative and after you have been approved for an FFL license, you will receive the FFL license in the mail within 60 days of turning in the application.[8]
  11. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    What if I don't have a shop yet?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    The business address can be your home, as long as you are legally allowed to run a business of that type in your locality from your home. There may be zoning issues, so check with your city's Planning and Development department.
  • Question
    I am not a dealer. I simply want to ship my rifles to my sister. Do I need a FFL?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You will need to ship it FedEx Ground to an FFL holder. You ship to the gun store in her area and she pays a fee. You will need to get a copy of their FFL license and show it to the shipper(FedEx Ground). Also, place a copy of the FFL inside the box. Insure them for what you can prove the value to be. Go to and find your guns and insure them for the going rate. One more thing - get an "Adult Signature Required" for the other end so they are not dumped on the front porch.
  • Question
    What if I have a felony from over 30 years ago?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You still have a felony, it doesn't go away until it's expunged, so find a lawyer and be prepared to pay $5-10K per felony.


  • If you run a pawn shop, the state of Texas considers it unlawful to place pistols for sale in windows where they can be visible to others on the street, and signs that advertise pistols that are also visible to the street.

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 105,331 times.
169 votes - 96%
Co-authors: 8
Updated: October 7, 2020
Views: 105,331
Categories: Business Licenses