For most travelers, a layover feels like a painfully boring delay. It doesn’t have to be, though! Try to think of a layover as an extra travel bonus that allows you to get out and explore, even if you only see the inside of the airport. It can be a positive experience, one that allows you to meet new people and see new things. It may even become a productive part of your business trip or an extension of your vacation. While you may never get excited about layovers, there are lots of ways to make them more bearable.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Planning for Expected Layovers

  1. 1
    Research the layover airport. If you book a flight with a layover, do your homework ahead of time by checking out the airport website for information. Find out if there are restaurants, shops, or other activities to pass the time. Some airports (usually those in larger cities) have theatres, museums, gyms, and even play areas for the kids.[1]
    • If there's a map, print it and mark what you want to see when you get there.
  2. 2
    Look into baggage options. While you're on the airport website, see if there's a service that allows you to deposit your baggage for the duration of your layover. Many airports offer this service, and it's helpful not to have to haul around the rest of the baggage for your trip, especially if you are leaving the airport to check out some of the local sites.
    • Typically, this service isn’t free. Depending on how long your layover is and what you plan to do while there, you may find the price tag more than worth it.
  3. 3
    Join the airline’s VIP club. Most airlines at major airports have VIP clubs or lounges where you can enjoy a relaxing, luxurious environment complete with food and drink. VIP clubs also offer services needed for an "office away from the office,” such as reliable Wi-Fi access and desk-like cubbies where you can set up your laptop and work materials.[2]
    • If you are an infrequent flyer, inquire about a one-day pass.[3]
    • Membership can run as much as several hundred dollars a year, so unless you travel a great deal, it probably isn’t worth it to become a full-fledged club member.
  4. 4
    Carry on what you'll need during the layover. If you plan on getting some work done, bring your computer and other necessary supplies. Pack gym shorts and a t-shirt if your airport has a fitness center. Add a few small toiletries so you can freshen up before boarding your next flight. Being able to wash your face and brush your teeth during a long layover can make a huge difference in how you feel.[4]
    • Stay within airport guidelines by only carrying on liquid toiletries that are under three ounces apiece.
    • If you’re traveling with children, bring along a coloring book or video game that will keep them occupied, too.
  5. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Being Productive

  1. 1
    Work out at the airport gym. Many airports have fitness centers and even yoga areas. If your airport has one, use it! You can get in some cardio, give your limbs a good stretch and get your blood flowing before boarding another cramped flight. If there’s no gym in your airport, you can always bring some workout clothes in your carry-on bag and go for a quick jog around the terminals.[5]
    • If you plan on doing an intense workout, find out if the airport offers shower facilities.
    • Airport Gyms is a useful website where you can search for fitness centers in or around airports in the U.S. and Canada. Visit the site at
  2. 2
    Catch up on email, homework or work tasks. Bring your laptop and take advantage of the free wireless internet access, if your airport offers it (most do). You can finally knock out all those emails you’ve been meaning to send, or put the finishing touches on an important presentation that’s coming up.
    • If you’re a student, get started on that paper that’s due next week, or try to get through a few chapters of your assigned reading.
  3. 3
    Make a to-do list for when you arrive at your destination. Whether you’re traveling for business, pleasure or otherwise, there will be probably be tons of stuff you need to do once you finally arrive. Make a to-list while you’re waiting so you don’t miss a beat!
    • Include errands and other necessary stuff on your list, but don’t forget to block out some time to see the sights and even just to rest.
  4. 4
    Find out if you can bump your flight. Check with one of your airline’s ticket agents at the layover airport to see if you can switch your flight. You might be able to get an earlier or later flight if there are seats available, at no extra cost. If your schedule is flexible and you really want to explore the area or city you’re in, consider giving up your seat and taking a later flight out.[6]
    • This won’t always be a realistic option, but if you have the opportunity, take it!
  5. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Passing the Time

  1. 1
    Bring something to read. If you are expecting a layover, bring a book or magazine with you. If you find yourself book-less, check out one of the airport shops and purchase something there. Choose something you find engrossing; getting lost in the pages will pass the time more quickly. Have a few options on hand so you can switch back and forth when you feel like it.[7]
    • For instance, buy one of your favorite magazines to read when you need breaks from a dense novel. Switching gears occasionally may prevent you from getting bored with even the most thrilling of books.
  2. 2
    Take a nap. Getting some shut-eye is a great way to pass the time, especially during overnight layovers. Even a quick power nap can leave you feeling refreshed. If you’re traveling with other people, ask them to watch your stuff while you sleep. Do this with caution if you’re traveling by yourself, since airport theft does happen.[8]
    • Some airports have designated sleeping areas with comfy chairs where you can secure your belongings.
    • If you’re truly exhausted and facing a long layover, check out the room pricing at the airport hotel. Some airports even offer rooms that you can rent out for a few hours at a time.
  3. 3
    Take a walk. If you are between one long flight and another, walk around the airport and restore circulation to your legs. Many airports include public exhibits. Otherwise, you can window-shop, read regional billboards, watch airplanes, or simply look around and locate your next flight’s gate. Get some fresh air if you can.[9]
  4. 4
    Get a meal, drink or snack. Most airports have restaurants and snack bars, even inside security. A meal will give you energy, and it will taste better and likely cost less on the ground than it would in the air. It's easy to get dehydrated when you're traveling, so grab a bottle of water or another of your favorite beverages.[10]
    • Find out what your airport offers before grabbing something from the closest fast food chain. Some have extremely nice restaurants with gourmet offerings.[11]
  5. 5
    Write in your journal. If you don’t have one with you, pick up a blank journal from one of the bookstores in the airport. You can document your journey, jot down some business concepts, design a building, write down your regrets, write a book, or explain your philosophy on life. Keeping a journal can be very therapeutic, as well as time consuming.[12]
  6. 6
    Do a little people watching. Airports offer a unique opportunity to observe people from all over the world and from all walks of life. Have a seat in a public area and see what other travelers are doing. You will no doubt see some unique characters that you would never have encountered otherwise.[13]
    • Try not to openly stare at people or be obvious about what you’re doing. You could make them uneasy, or even arouse suspicion.
    • If you see someone interesting and it feels natural to do so, walk over and introduce yourself. A good chat will make the time fly.
  7. Advertisement
Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Leaving the Airport

  1. 1
    Find tourist attractions close to the airport. Take in some sightseeing, if time permits. Many airports offer public transportation that will take you straight to the city center. There you can see attractions, go to a museum, have a nice meal and so much more.[14]
  2. 2
    Create and stick to a schedule to avoid missing your flight. Before leaving the airport, create a rough itinerary. Find out how long it will take to see specific attractions (or estimate, if no information is available). Factor in time for meals and travel time from place to place.
    • Don’t forget to factor in unexpected surprises like traffic! Having a layover adventure is awesome, but missing your flight? Not so much.
  3. 3
    Set an alarm on your phone. When you're sightseeing and having fun, it's easy to lose track of time. As a back up, set an alarm on your phone to alert you when you need to start heading back to the airport. Give yourself plenty of time to travel back and go through airport security again.[15]
  4. 4
    Bring your photo ID, passport, visa and other travel documents. A passport is required for all international travel. If you're traveling internationally, you need to have that (and any related travel documents) with you to get back into the airport. If you're not traveling internationally, you still need to show a photo ID or passport, since you'll be going through security again.
    • You may need a travel visa to enter/depart some countries. Research before you leave the airport!
    • You may want to confirm the required documents with an airport attendant before leaving.
  5. 5
    Return to the airport 2-3 hours before your flight. If you're traveling internationally, it's best to be back about 3 hours before departure. If you're not, 2 hours is usually recommended. You will have to go through airport security again, which can be time-consuming. Be sure you're checked in 1 hour prior to your flight.
  6. 6
    Follow flight regulations when going back through security. Keep regulations in mind when you're buying souvenirs. Make sure anything you buy is within regulations so you can pass through security with ease. If you're unsure about a certain item, it's better to err on the side of caution and not purchase it.
    • Depending on what time you're traveling, things may be pretty crowded when you get back. Be sure to factor this in when planning an excursion.
  7. Advertisement

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    What can you do during a 6-hour layover?
    Amy Tan
    Amy Tan
    Travel Planner & Founder, Planet Hoppers
    Amy Tan is a Travel Planner and the Founder of Planet Hoppers, a boutique travel design team founded in 2002. Planet Hoppers specializes in brainstorming and creating itineraries for dream vacations, honeymoons, exotic adventures, family reunions, and group trips. Planet Hoppers is a TRUE accredited travel agency and a member of the Signature Travel Network, the Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), and Travel Leaders. Amy earned a BA in Communications and a BS in Physics from the University of California, Davis in 2000.
    Amy Tan
    Travel Planner & Founder, Planet Hoppers
    Expert Answer
    Six hours may not be enough time to leave the airport, do something interesting, and return on time for your flight, so you probably want to hang out at the airport. Most airports have plenty of things to do, though. Do some shopping, get a massage, or browse a bookstore and poke around. You can also stop by a restaurant or bar to get a drink or a bite to eat. Most airports have work areas where you can get some work done.
  • Question
    What if you are a child?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Make sure to bring along things like an iPad, a book, and even a doodling book. Drawing is a great way to pass time. Also, some business and first class lounges have showers to freshen up. When in doubt though, trying to sleep is the fastest way to pass time.
  • Question
    If a layover is about 20 hours, will the airline put us in a hotel?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Some airlines will put you up in a hotel if you have a layover over seven hours or an unexpected delay. However, you shouldn't count on it, so contact your airline to find out for sure.

About This Article

Amy Tan
Co-authored by:
Travel Planner & Founder, Planet Hoppers
This article was co-authored by Amy Tan and by wikiHow staff writer, Amber Crain. Amy Tan is a Travel Planner and the Founder of Planet Hoppers, a boutique travel design team founded in 2002. Planet Hoppers specializes in brainstorming and creating itineraries for dream vacations, honeymoons, exotic adventures, family reunions, and group trips. Planet Hoppers is a TRUE accredited travel agency and a member of the Signature Travel Network, the Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), and Travel Leaders. Amy earned a BA in Communications and a BS in Physics from the University of California, Davis in 2000. This article has been viewed 454,968 times.
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Co-authors: 62
Updated: January 10, 2022
Views: 454,968