If you want to change the world and make a difference, the good news is it's totally possible. There are all kinds of things you can do, some big and some small, that can help make the world a better place. From donating to charities to advocating for important causes to taking steps to protect the planet, the possible ways you can get involved and make a difference are endless. Not sure where to start? Don't worry—we've put together some ideas to help you out.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Helping Humanity

  1. 1
    Volunteer or donate to charity. It's not just about working in a soup kitchen or visiting the old folks' home. Today anyone can volunteer to do anything! Contact the local volunteer organizations in your area and discover a cause that you feel passionate about.[1] Start a petition, donate money, support a charity, fundraise, or be an advocate.[2]
    • Don't donate to the first charity you come across. There are huge differences in efficiency. If you want to make sure that your money is used to save as many lives as possible, do check out givewell.org. Picking one of their most recommended charities is quick and easy, but you can also read up on why they chose those if you're interested. Other possible sites are BBB Start with Trust or Charity Navigator.
    • Buy a wristband. They are all the rage in Hollywood, with lots of celebrities sporting the most recent fashion accessory—a charity wristband. Not only do they look cool, they're cheap and a great way to do your bit for your favorite cause.
    • If you want to help the developing world, the best charities are ones which help people to help themselves. These do the most good by enabling communities to strengthen and improve themselves. Examples of charities that do work like this are Heifer International, Kiva, or Free the Children. Education charities, like One Laptop Per Child, are also good.
  2. 2
    Shop carefully. Businesses are some of the most important and influential organizations in the world today. They are involved with, or in some way influence, almost any issue you can think of and can sometimes be even more influential than governments in those issues. Luckily, you have opportunities every day to encourage businesses to do the right thing. Every time you buy something, you are giving your approval for whatever process was involved in its production. The next time you're in the grocery store, take an extra look at the labels.
    • Take a close look at your options. Ask yourself questions: "Do I want to support this type of business?" "Are the farmers or factory workers that made this treated well?" "Is this product traded fairly?" "Is it healthy?" "Is it good for the environment?" "Does the sale of this product help support an oppressive political regime?"
  3. 3
    Take part in blood donations. Many countries (especially Australia, Britain, Canada, and the United States) frequently experience record lows of blood stores and desperately need more people to donate. It only takes about half an hour and doesn't hurt (much!).[3] Visit Red Cross or United Blood Services for more information.[4]
  4. 4
    Become an advocate. Speak up about injustices in the world and get your friends involved, too. Organize fundraisers to help raise money for your chosen charity or cause. If you can't raise money, add your voice to those already campaigning to end poverty, war, injustice, sexism, racism, or corruption in the world. Activism can start at any age. Craig Kielburger was twelve years old when he became an activist for child labor rights. He went on, with his brother, to start Free the Children and Me to We.
  5. 5
    Become an organ donor. You won't need your organs when you are dead, so why not give them to someone who can use them? Save the lives of up to eight people by placing yourself on the organ donors' register in your country.[5] Talk about the decision with your family and let them know your wishes.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Helping Protect and Preserve Your Planet

  1. 1
    Recycle. It's not something only hippies do! Anyone can recycle, and these days just about anything can be recycled—from newspapers and plastic, to computers and old mobile (cell) phones. Encourage your school or workplace to recycle and to use recycled products.[6]
  2. 2
    Stop driving everywhere! You probably already know that vehicle emissions are bad for the planet. What you may not know is how you can reduce your emissions: Start walking to nearby places. Use public transportation whenever possible. You can also do things like riding a bike to work instead of taking a car. If you need to use a car, consider purchasing one which uses a mix of electricity (a renewable energy source) and gas or only electricity.[7]
  3. 3
    Reduce your impact on the planet. Reduce your harmful impact on the planet by reusing items and materials when you can, using green products, buying local food and items (supporting your local economy), and conserving resources such as water.[8] This will help protect the planet and provide a healthy environment for all people who will live on after us.[9]
    • Help others to do the same by educating them about how they can reduce their impact on the planet. Remember: don't be preachy or self-righteous. You're doing this to help the planet, not so you can be smarter or better than your neighbour.
  4. 4
    Minimize your water usage. Did you know that there will probably be a major water crisis in our lifetimes? The problem is that we consume and use water faster than we can clean old and new water. Help alleviate this problem by taking shorter showers, being careful when washing dishes, not leaving the water running when you brush your teeth, and generally paying attention to how you use water.[10]
    • Another thing to avoid is watering your lawn in the summer. Collect and use gray water for this purpose, as using clean drinking water to water grass is very wasteful.
  5. 5
    Support animal welfare. All life should be appreciated if humanity is to step forward in our pursuit for a better society. Spend time supporting animal rights, volunteer at your local shelter, or donate to an organization for animal welfare. Keep in mind that most animal suffering happens to farm animals, not pets. Most people forget this, since they can't see the animals they eat. Consider going vegetarian - it's healthier, helps the environment, reduces animal suffering and might actually be cheaper! If you can't imagine being vegetarian, eating less meat also works. Remember, it doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing decision.[11]
    • However, do your research before donating to organizations such as the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS for short), PETA, or other big-name corporations; sometimes a large percentage of the money will not go to the animals. A great site for comparing charities is http://www.animalcharityevaluators.org/
    • Don't buy animal food for donations. Donating your money directly to the shelter is much better, because the shelter can get food cheaper in bulk and it's hard to plan for donated goods. Fostering an animal for a short period of time is another great way to show your support of animals, and it costs little to no money to do!
  6. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Helping the People In Your Life

  1. 1
    Pay it forward.[12] Seen the movie? Well, just like Haley Joel Osment, you can help others by "paying it forward." Simply do something nice for 3 people (or, preferably, more and with no limit) without being asked, and in return, tell them to do the same to 3 more people. And so on and so on. Imagine if everyone followed through with this and what kind of world it would be![13]
  2. 2
    Don’t intentionally hurt others. Imagine a society where every single person did not look to harm another individual. You wouldn't have to lock your doors at night and self-defense would be a thing of the past. You may think one person cannot make a difference. The whole world is just seven billion individuals. Just think, you may inspire someone to be like you and start a chain reaction!
  3. 3
    Laugh and smile! Many believe that laughter is the best medicine you can have.[14] Not only that, but people who are happy are often more healthy and are lots more fun to be around![15] Sharing a smile and a laugh with someone is easy, completely free, and may just make someone's day! When your happiness is contributing to the happiness and well-being of other people and the planet, that's called sustainable happiness!
  4. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    How can I help change the world if I am a young teen?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Use your creativity! You can make crafts, food, drink, anything you want! Sell these things and donate the proceeds to charity. Also, raise awareness. I shaved my head to raise awareness for children with cancer, and I got $3,500 dollars! Inspire people to do good things for the world. Spread goodness.
  • Question
    I am interested in helping the wildlife and the rest of the world. Where do I start?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Find an organization in your area that is dedicated to causes that interest you and sign up to volunteer.
  • Question
    How do I make sure that I cause a good chain reaction?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    One person can only do so much. For a chain reaction, you must inspire people who go on to inspire others, etc. You'll have to live so that people see that you are serious about your cause.



About This Article

Archana Ramamoorthy, MS
Co-authored by:
Chief Technology Officer, Workday
This article was co-authored by Archana Ramamoorthy, MS. Archana Ramamoorthy is the Chief Technology Officer, North America at Workday She is a product ninja, security advocate, and on a quest to enable more inclusion in the tech industry. Archana received her BS from SRM University and MS from Duke University and has been working in product management for over 8 years. This article has been viewed 301,898 times.
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Co-authors: 96
Updated: November 29, 2022
Views: 301,898
Article SummaryX

If you want to help change the world, look into volunteer opportunities in your area. Search online to find something that interests you where you feel you'd be making a difference. You can also take part in blood donations or sign up to become an organ donor, which can save people's lives. If you want to change your environmental impact, start recycling and encourage your workplace or apartment complex to do it too. You could also take public transportation or ride a bike, instead of driving. To learn how to help the people in your life, keep reading.

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