Volleyball is a great game on the beach or in the gym. There are many ways to get the ball over the net. Serving and returning a serve or volley both involve specific body movements. Whether it's the first, second, or third hit before sending it over the net, proper technique will ensure you are being the best team player.

Method 1
Method 1 of 5:

Serving Overhand

  1. 1
    Set your body in the correct posture. To hit an overhand serve, you need to stand with your feet about shoulder width apart with the foot opposite your hitting hand slightly forward. You should have your hips squared off to the net.
    • Most of your weight should be on your back foot.
  2. 2
    Toss the ball in front of your hitting arm. An overhand serve requires you to toss the ball with your less dominant arm so you can hit it with your dominant arm. This step takes lots of practice to be able to toss the ball in the best position to be hit. Toss the ball in front of your hitting arm and about two to four feet above your head.[1]
    • Being consistent with your toss is what will make you a good server, so be sure to practice this frequently.
  3. 3
    Hit the ball with the upper part of your palm. Spread your fingers really wide and make contact with the ball with the palm of your hand. Contact the ball in the center and try to hit it when the ball is high enough to go straight over the net.
    • In an upperhand serve, the trajectory of the ball should be straight.
    • Make sure to follow through after hitting the ball so that your arm is extended out straight towards the net.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 5:

Serving Underhand

  1. 1
    Stand with your feet staggered. Having the correct posture when serving is an important step to take. When serving underhand, your feet should be staggered with the opposite foot of your hitting arm forward. This will give you a good solid base as you serve.[2]
    • Most of your body weight should be on your back foot.
    • Your hips should be squared off with the net.
  2. 2
    Position the ball in front of your hitting arm. Your hitting arm is the arm that will actually force the ball to go over the net, and it's usually your dominant arm. Use your other arm to hold the ball in front of your body to the side directly in front of your hitting arm.
  3. 3
    Make contact with the ball. To hit the ball, you can make a fist with your hand and try to make contact with the flat part of your fist where your thumb and pointer finger meet. Swing your arm like a pendulum, backwards first and then forwards to hit the ball. You should make contact with the ball slightly below the center to make the ball travel out and up over the net.
    • Keep your eye on the ball where you want to make contact.
    • Transfer your weight from your back foot to your front foot as you hit the ball.
    • Try to drop your holding hand right before hitting the ball.
    • Let your hitting hand follow the ball as it is hit, making sure you follow through straight forward.
    • You can also hit the ball with the bottom of the palm of your hand.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 5:

Bumping the Volleyball

  1. 1
    Position your body for a bump pass. Make a fist with your nondominant hand, and wrap your dominant hand around it. You should end up with both thumbs next to each other side by side. Stretch your arms out and away from your body creating a sort of platform with your forearms. You should stand with your legs spread apart and your knees bent.
  2. 2
    Hit the ball. The bump is typically the first type of hit after the ball comes over the net to your team's side. To execute a bump, you should let the ball make contact with your forearms and hands rather than swinging them back to hit the ball. This will give you more control when hitting.
    • If the ball comes down above the waist you can bump the ball to a teammate with your forearms and fists.
    • If the ball comes down below the waist, you'll need to do a dig. You can dig by bending your legs and sometimes waist to bump the ball and save it from hitting the court.
  3. 3
    Follow through with your arms. You should continue moving your arms towards the person you are passing to after you make contact with the ball. This will make sure the ball has the desired trajectory after hitting it.
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Method 4
Method 4 of 5:

Setting the Volleyball

  1. 1
    Stand facing the ball with your hands slightly above your forehead waiting for the ball. A set is usually the second hit made after the ball is on your side of the court. This type of hit sets up a teammate to spike the ball onto your opponent's side.
    • Your fingers should be spread out and make a triangle shape with your pointer fingers and thumbs very close together but not touching.
  2. 2
    Contact the ball. When the ball comes to you, move your hands above your head, and rotate your wrists so that the palms of your hands are facing up towards the ceiling.
    • Keep your fingers spread and in the triangle shape, but separate them to put more space in between them as the ball comes to your hands.
  3. 3
    Pass the ball to a teammate. Once the ball has contacted your hands, immediately extend your arms and use your wrists to push the ball upwards and towards a teammate.[3]
    • Straighten your arms completely when you release the ball for the follow through.
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Method 5
Method 5 of 5:

Spiking the Volleyball

  1. 1
    Take steps to set your body up for the spike. The spike hit in volleyball is the hit that sends the ball over the net to the other team. You need to take steps to get your body in the correct position and to get the energy to achieve a good spike. You can take 3 steps or 4 steps to make the spike, but the conventional approach is to take 4 steps.[4]
    • Take a small step with your right foot.
    • Take a bigger, quicker step with your left foot towards where you think the ball is getting set.
    • Take a big step with your right foot to place you at the best take off position to jump.
    • Take a quick small step with your left foot to transfer your momentum to a powerful jump.
  2. 2
    Jump into the air. The point where you jump off the ground is important to ensure you can hit the ball high in the air and in front of your body. You want to jump vertically in the air, and be able to contact the ball at the peak of your jump.
  3. 3
    Spike the ball over the net. Swing your arms back as you're approaching the ball to make contact with the ball at the peak of your jump and your arms stretched out. Swing your arms back as you take your big step with your right foot, and then stretch them out as you jump.
    • With both arms stretched up, bring your hitting hand back by bending your arm at the elbow. Your hand should be open and relaxed. This should create a bow shape with your arms.
    • Your hitting arm swings over the top of the ball and makes contact with the ball high up on it.
    • When you make contact with the ball, snap your wrist down to get the ball to move in a downward motion over the net.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    My hitting is not bad, but I think my jumping and action are not correct. How do I improve?
    Emily Newton
    Emily Newton
    Community Answer
    First, without a ball, just work on the footwork then jumping, trying not to get in the net. Once you’ve perfecting your footwork, then your hitting will start to improve.
  • Question
    Can I hit the volleyball with the back of my hand?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It is technically a legal hit, but you will not have any control over it if you hit it with the back of your hand.
  • Question
    How do I set the volleyball?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Put your hands on your hips with your 4 fingers in front. Then, keep your hands in that same shape and bring them above your head. Keep your thumbs as far away as your eyes are apart, and push the volleyball with the pads of your fingers and not your palms.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 23 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 304,959 times.
73 votes - 88%
Co-authors: 23
Updated: December 22, 2022
Views: 304,959
Categories: Volleyball
Article SummaryX

To hit a volleyball that is served to you, make a fist with your non-dominant hand and wrap your dominant hand around it so that your thumbs are side by side. Then, stretch your arms in front of you to hit the ball with your forearms. If someone bumps the ball to you, hold your hands in front of your forehead with your palms facing out and your thumbs and index fingers making a triangle. Extend your arms to hit it to a teammate or over the net. For tips on serving overhand or underhand, read on!

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